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Thank you for all of your support on this story!! I truly didn't expect it to get as popular as it is! It truly means a lot to me and I just want to thank you all for supporting me and my story! I truly didn't expect it to get as popular as it is! Thank you all!!

I hope you all enjoy this next installment of I Live to Make You Free, it is shorter than usual. But I had come up with this moment while writing the next part of the movie and thought it should be it's own part ♥️


"Goodnight, Ani." you said as you and Anakin approached your separate rooms. Anakin was staying with his mom in her room, while you and Padmé slept in Anakin's room while you all stayed with them. You turned to walk into your room when Anakin grab your wrist.

"____, what did you mean earlier?" he asked you. You gave him a confused look. He felt your confusion and continued to speak. "When you said, 'If the Force allows it'."

"Oh." you sighed as you turned your body to fully face him. He let go of your wrist as he looked at you, waiting for your answer. You felt his curiosity and worry for your answer.

"Ani, my faith and destiny was already decide for me." you told him, being careful with your words so you wouldn't expose your true identity to him. "My path is set and I have to follow it." you said as you looked down at your feet. You were destined to rule after Padmé. It was always your path.

But deep down, you longed for a different one. You knew you were meant for a different path than the one you were given.

"You're trap like how I am here." Anakin simply stated. "It may not be exactly the same, but you feel trap in your situation. But surely, you can do something about it."

You looked at the boy who you shared a special bond with. You still didn't know why you and Anakin shared the bond that you and him share. It was only growing stronger the longer you two were together. You both were starting to feel each other's feelings more and more. Anakin quickly became someone important to you. He was right next to Padmé in your life. And you knew that he felt the exact same way about you.

All you knew was that you enjoyed the bond you shared with Ani and you knew he did too. And you did not ever want to lose this bond with him and your friendship with him.

"It is not one I can break free from so easily." you said sadly as you came back from your thoughts. Even at the young age of nine, you knew and understood the importance of it and it was one that you can't just get up and leave from. Anakin frowned at your words.

"I'll break you free from it." Anakin said with determination in his voice. "I won't stop until I have, ___. From this day forward, I live to make you free!"

You couldn't help but smile at your dear friend. Without fully knowing of your situation, Anakin would do anything to help you and be there for you.

"Thank you, Anakin." you said gratefully to him as you realized something. With Padmé's help, you could work on freeing all of the slaves here on Tatooine. "I promise to live to make you free as well."

Anakin gave you a big smile, before his smile falter at the realization that one day soon, you'll be leaving him.

"___?" he asked.


"No matter what, we will always be friends?"

You felt Anakin's determination be replaced with worry at the thought that your friendship and bond would end the minute you leave Tatooine.

"I promise." you answered, giving him a soft smile. "I don't think anything can break this odd bond we share, Ani. We will always be friends"

Anakin returned the smile as you both heard Shmi call for Anakin.

"Goodnight, ___."

"Goodnight, Anakin."

I Live to Make You Free (Anakin x Reader) BOOK ONE *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now