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"Moisture farms for the most part." Qui-Gon said as you all walked into the town. You glanced around, it was so different from home. Some indigenous tribes and scavengers. The few spaceports like this one are havens for those that don't wish to be found."

"Like us." you said as you and Padmé looked at each other.

"Dissen berry berry bad." Jar Jar  said as you all continued to follow Qui-Gon. You guys found the shopping market part of the spaceport. You looked around when you felt a pull to a particular shop. Qui-Gon noticed your glaze at the shop.

"We'll try one of the smaller dealers." Qui-Gon said to you and Padmé as he headed to the shop that caught your eye.


A Toydarian greeted you all as you walked into the shop. He was speaking a language you did not know. The pulling feeling intensified as you walked into the shop.

"I need parts for a J-type 327 Nubian." Qui-Gon said as you looked around at all of the various parts around the shop.

"Ah, yes!! Nubian. We have lots of that." the Toydarian replied before turning around and shouting for someone in the other language.

"My droid has a readout of what I need." Qui-Gon continued to speak.

A boy, your age, ran into the shop from the back. It was the boy that you felt that pulling feeling from. You were drawn to him for some reason. You frown when the shop owner scolded the boy. The boy replied in the same language as he sat on the countertop. It was then when the boy noticed you and only you. Your eyes met and you were sure he felt the same feeling you were feeling. You and the boy just looked at each other as Jar Jar and Padmé started looking around.

"So.. let me take thee out back, huh?" the shop owner said as he led Qui-Gon out. You broke your glaze with the boy and looked at Qui-Gon as he walked away. "Ni, you'll find what you need!"

"Don't touch anything." Qui-Gon told Jar Jar as he took a part from him. Jar Jar made a mocking face at Qui-Gon as he walked away and Jar Jar went to the other side of the shop. R2 followed Qui-Gon to the back. You watched Qui-Gon's figure get smaller when the boy spoke to you.

"Are you an angel?" he asked you.

"What?" you asked confused. This caught Padmé's attention and she grinned at the interaction between you and the boy.

"An angel." the boy replied as you stepped closer to him. "I heard the deep space pilots talk about them. They're the most beautiful creatures in the universe. They live on the moons of Iego, I think."

"You're a funny little boy." Padmé said to him. He didn't pay any attention to your sister though, his focus remained on you.

"How do you know so much?" you asked, still intrigued.

"I listen to all the traders and star pilots who come through here." he replied to you as he started to wipe down a part that was near him. "I'm a pilot, you know, and someday I'm gonna fly away from this place.

"You're a pilot?" you asked with a smile on your face.

"Mm-hmmm. All my life." he replied.

"How long have you been here?" Padmé asked this time.

"Since I was very little. Three, I think. My mom and I were sold to Gardulla the Hutt, but she lost us betting on the Podraces."

"You're a slave?" you asked sadly.

"I'm a person and my name is Anakin." he said sternly.

"I'm sorry. I don't fully understand. This is a strange place to me and my sister." you apologized.

You guys were then distracted by Jar Jar, who touched something that jumped out of place and scared him. It was a droid and it started to run around. Jar Jar caught it and tried to shut the droid down.

"Hey! Hit the nose!" Anakin said as you shook your head at Jar Jar.  Jar Jar successfully turn off the droid as Anakin continued to speak, mainly to you. "Wouldn't have lasted long anyways if I wasn't so good at building things." Anakin continued to explain.

Qui-Gon came back without the shop owner. "We are leaving." he said to you and Padmé as he called for Jar Jar. Padmé said a quick goodbye to Anakin before following Qui-Gon. You stood for a second before slowly walking backwards, your eyes not leaving Anakin's. You swore you felt sadness from Anakin and you wouldn't lie, you were sad too. There was just something about Anakin. That pulling feeling never left the whole time you talked to him.

"You feel that pull feeling too, right?" Anakin suddenly asked as if he read your thoughts. You nodded your head yes as you heard Padmé call for you.

"I have to go.. I'm glad to have met you, Anakin." you said with a small, sad smile. You turned around and hurried out the shop, but you still heard Anakin's goodbye to you.

"I was glad to meet you too!!"

I Live to Make You Free (Anakin x Reader) BOOK ONE *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now