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I watched the Clone Wars movie for the first time tonight and I'm obsess and starting the series too! It made me want to write something Anakin, so another update it is 😂

Would you guys be interested if I include the Clone Wars movie and series in my Anakin series?

I'm just curious and it's NOT for sure yet. I want to watch the whole series first before I go out and say I am writing a book on it. I also want to finish the second book based on Episode II: Attack of the Clones first as well. But definitely already have some ideas going from seeing the movie!


"As soon as we land, the Federation will arrest you both and force you to sign the treaty." Captain Panaka said to you and Padmé as you both sat in your seats in the ship. Captain, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and Jar Jar all stood in front of you both while guards and your maids were around the outside of the room. 

"I agree. I'm not sure what you wish to accomplish by this." Qui-Gon chimed in.

"We will take back what's ours." Padmé said as if it was the most simple thing in the galaxy. 

"We must take matters into our own hands." you added. 

"There are too few of us, Your Highnesses. We have no army." Captain Panaka argued. You knew he was very worried about the situation at hand. 

"And I can only protect you both. I can't fight a war for you." Qui-Gon said. 

"Jar Jar Binks." both Amidala sisters said together. 

"Mesa, Your Highnesses?" Jar Jar questioned, surprised to be called on. 

"Yes. We need your help." Padmé answered. 


Padmé and you had switched places with Sabe and Xira. Of course, no one else knew of the switch. You gladly look off your makeup and switched your tight updo to a simpler style of loose buns on the back of your head. As much as you love the lovely dresses and gowns you get to wear, it was nice to see a nice dark burgundy robe that had a gold color straps on the shoulder, a pair of dark leggings, and boots hang in your changing room. You took out your necklace that was hidden under your dress and smiled down at it. 

It also meant you get to unblock Anakin from your connection and be able to talk to him again. It was so exhausting and saddening to do that to him, but it had to be done in order to protect him, you, and your sister. 

You quickly changed since the ship was going to land any moment now. You had to meet with Padmé after changing and then meet back up with Sabe and Xira. You let out a breath as you unblocked the connection from Anakin. Immediately you felt his surprise from being able to feel you again through the Force. His surprise was quickly followed by a longing to see you and worry. You made sure he felt that you wanted to see him just as badly as you exited the room and closed the door behind you. You quickly turned to your right, with a smile on your face. 

There at the end of the hall was Anakin, who was looking around before his eyes fell on you. A huge smile appeared on his face as you and Ani rushed towards each other. 

"____!" Anakin exclaimed as he crushed you in a hug. "I was so worried." 

"I know. I'm so sorry, Ani." you apologized as you both pulled away. "Padmé and I were sent on a very important errand that I needed to block our connection." 

"It's okay, ___. As long as you are okay, that's all that matters. You're my friend and I want you to be okay and safe." Anakin smiled at you. You smiled back at him as he looked down and his smile disappeared. 

"What is it?" you questioned as you felt his shock. 

"You're still wearing it!" Anakin said as a smile reappeared. You looked down and realized you didn't tuck your necklace back underneath your clothing. 

"Of course I am! I haven't taken it off since you have given it to me. It means the entire galaxy to me." you explained as you took the necklace in your hand. You tucked it back underneath your robe. Happinesses radiated off of Anakin. "I tucked it underneath my clothes for safe keeping. I don't want anything to happen to it." 

"It means the galaxy to me that you always wear it." Anakin said. He was going to say something else when Padmé walked in from the other end of the hallway. 

"Queen Amidala and Princess Amidala have summoned us." Padmé said as she spotted you. You turned around and revealed Anakin to her. "Oh! Ani, it's so good to see you again!" 

"It's good to see you too." Anakin replied kindly. You smiled to yourself as you knew Anakin was still over the moon to see you again. You would be lying if you said you weren't over the moon too. 

"I see you are very happy to be with my dear sister again." Padmé gushed as you and Anakin smiled at each other. "But I'm afraid your time together has to be short. We must go, ___." 

"Sadly, you are right." you said as you turned to your friend. "I'll see you later, Anakin." 

"I'll see you in a little bit." Anakin replied as you walked away with Padmé. But there was still something Anakin wanted to tell you. 

I missed you, ___.

You looked down and smiled to yourself as Anakin's voice echoed in your mind. You turned the corner, unable to look back at Anakin. But you knew he was still smiling too. 

I missed you too, Ani. 


The ship landed in a flourish forest on the planet of Naboo. Qui-Gon exited the ship and took a look around as everyone started to unload the ship. He stopped and looked at the lake in front of him. Obi-Wan walked off the ship and to his Master. 

"Jar Jar is on his way to the Gungan city, Master." Obi-Wan informed as Qui-Gon nodded his head.


"Do you think the queen's and princess's idea will work?" 

"The Gungan will not be easily swayed." Qui-Gon sighed. "And we cannot use our power to help them." 

"I'm-" Obi-Wan began, "I'm sorry for my behavior, Master. It's not my place to disagree with you about the boy and girl. And I am grateful you think I'm ready to take the trials." 

"You've been a good apprentice, Obi-Wan." Qui-Gon said, accepting his apology. Qui-Gon smiled at his Padawan. "And you're a much wiser man than I am. I force you will become a great Jedi Knight." 

Jar Jar emerged from the lake and shook off the water. "Desa nobody dare. The Gungan city is deserted. Some kind of fight, mesa tinks." 

You stood next to Anakin as you and him stood in a group with Padmé, Sabe, and Xira. 

"Do you think they have been taken to the camps?" Obi-Wan asked Qui-Gon. 

"More likely they were wiped out." Captain Panaka answered. 

"Mesa no tink so." Jar Jar said. 

"Do you know where they are, Jar Jar?" Qui-Gon asked the Gungan. 

"When in trouble, Gungan go to sacred place. Mesa show you. Come on! Mesa show you!" Jar Jar exclaimed as he started to lead the way to a place only known to him and the other Gungans. 

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan shared a look before following Jar Jar. Qui-Gon turned around and motioned for everyone else to follow as well. He looked over and smiled when he saw you and Anakin. You and Anakin returned the smile. Qui-Gon knew that everything was happening for a reason through the Force and seeing you and Anakin together and feeling the strong Force Connection between you two further confirm his thoughts of you and Anakin being the Force Chosen and the Chosen One from the prophecies. 

You walked next to Anakin as the group followed Jar Jar, both you and him still happy to be reunited again. 

I Live to Make You Free (Anakin x Reader) BOOK ONE *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now