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"Try to override it, R2." Anakin asked the droid as he leaned over and picked up two brown pilot helmets with goggles attached to them. "Put this on and the goggles too." Anakin said to you as he handed you one. You did as he told and adjusted the goggles to fit better. 

The ship suddenly pulled upward and sped up to break through the atmosphere. You clenched your fists from the sudden movement, uneasy from it being your first time in a fighter ship. It was so much different than the other ships you have been on.

"Nervous?" Anakin asked you as the ship almost reached space. You nodded your head in response. 

"Aren't you?" 

"No, I'm kind of thinking of it like podracing." Anakin answered honestly. "You can hold my hand if you want as we break through the final layer of atmosphere." 

Anakin held out his hand for you to hold again and you gratefully did as the ship shook a little as you reached space. Through the Force, Anakin sent a wave of calmness to you just like how he did during the podrace on Tatooine. You immediately calmed down as R2 beeped happily that you all made it to space safely. 

"Thank you, Ani." you smiled at him as he smiled back at you. 

"You're welcome, Princess." 

You were about to say something when you noticed the other fighter ships. They were attacking a huge space station. You let go of Anakin's hand and pointed. "Look! There they are!" 

"That's where the autopilot's taking us!" Anakin concluded. The ship sped off to the fight and immediately, you and Anakin were met with more explosions and attacks. "This is intense!" 

The ship nearly dodged an attack as enemy ships and fellow pilot ships flew by. "R2, please get us off this autopilot! It's gotta get us all killed" you asked. R2 beeped in response as suddenly the ship's controls turned from red to blue. 

"You did it, R2!" Anakin exclaimed as he took control of the ship. "It seems like I can switch over complete control of the guns to you. You handle the guns and I'll pilot the ship." Anakin said to you as you nodded. 

"You can leave it to me!" you declared as you readied to fight. Anakin pressed a few buttons and you had complete control of the ship's guns on your side of the control panel and Anakin successfully had complete control of the piloting. 

"Okay, let's go left!" Anakin said as he turned the ship left. Anakin dodged a few attacks as you shot towards the ones attacking you. R2 beeped worriedly. "Go back? Qui-Gon told us to stay in this cockpit, so that's what we're gonna do." Anakin answered. 

Anakin flew around a fin of the station as he dodged another attack. You turned behind you and saw three enemy ships tailing you guys. 

"We got three on our tail, Ani!" you exclaimed. 

"Heard!" Anakin replied as he hit a button. "I'll try spinning, that's a good trick!" 

The ship suddenly started to spin around really fast as you and Anakin let out a scream. "Some trick, Anakin! I think I'm going to be sick." you said as R2 whistled. 

"I know we're in trouble. Just hang on!" Anakin replied to both you and R2 as he steadied the ship again. He did a quick flip with the ship and got you guys behind the three that were chasing you. "Now, ___!" 

"Right!" you responded as you shot down the three ships. 

"Yipee!!" you and Anakin exclaimed as he took off again. Whether it was because Anakin was loving the piloting and you were feeling that from him or you were overcoming your nervousness, you did start to lighten up and started to feel like a true fighter in this battle. 

Two more enemy ships started tailing you guys. R2 let out a shriek as one of the ships successfully hit you guys. 

"We're hit!" Anakin exclaimed as the ship started to spin out again and headed towards one of the giant enemy space station's landing docks. Anakin did his best to steady the ship as he dodged the grounded fighter ships. "The deflector shield is too strong."

You all shrieked as you flew deeper and deeper into enemy territory. You subconsciously grabbed Anakin's arm as he tried to stop the ship. "I'm trying to stop it!" Anakin shouted as the ship started to lose momentum and hit the ground. It hit the ground once more before stopping completely. 

"Everything is overheated, Ani!" you said to him as all the dials and controls signaled overheating. 

"This is not good.." Anakin said as battle droids rushed to your ship. You and Anakin randomly pushed a bunch of buttons and knobs, desperately trying to get the ship to start again before the droids get you all. R2 beeped as he messed with the controls again and the ship turned back on. 

"Yes! We have power." Anakin said as he pressed a few more buttons. "Shields up." 

"Ready, R2?" you asked as you and R2 activated the shields at the same time. The shield deflected any blaster bullets shot at the ship. "Take this, droids!" you shouted as you started to take them out one by one. "And this!" you said as you switched what you were shooting and shot two powerful bombs at the droids. The ship swayed from the power of shooting out the bombs. The bombs completely missed the droids and took out what looks like to be a power generator for the ship.

"Oops.." you said sheepishly to Anakin. "I think we better get out of here!" 

"You can say that again! Let's get out of here." Anakin laughed as he turned the ship around and flew back to where you guys came from. You turned behind you and saw the enemy space station start to exploded from all over inside. 

"Now, this is podracing!" Anakin shouted as he made the ship go faster. You laughed as you remember what he said earlier. 

"Whooo!!" you shouted as Anakin got you guys out of the station before it completely exploded. All of the remaining pilots cheered as they saw you and Anakin's ship. 

"You did it, Ani!" you said happily as you wrapped grabbed ahold of his hand closest to you. 

"No, ____, you did it" Anakin smiled at you. 

"We did it, Anakin. Together." you compromised with him. Anakin's smiled just grew as you look over at your home planet. "Let's go home." you said as Anakin followed the rest of the pilots back to Naboo.


I hope you all enjoyed the double update!! Next chapter will sadly be the last one of this book, then we will be on to book two! 😭♥️

I Live to Make You Free (Anakin x Reader) BOOK ONE *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now