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"An extremely well-put-together little droid, Your Highness." the Commander said to Sabe and Xira as they sat in throne like chairs. You, Padmé, and two other handmaidens stood behind them. The two Jedi stood a few steps away from the droid and Commander. 

"Without a doubt, it saved the ship, as well as our lives." the Commander continued. 

"It is to be commended. What is its number?" Sabe asked. 

"R2-D2, Your Highness." the Commander said as he stepped forward. 

"Thank you, R2-D2." Sabe said to the little droid, who chipped happily. "Padmé. ____. Clean this droid up as best as you can." 

You and Padmé stepped forward and stood next to R2-D2. "It deserves our gratitude." Sabe continued. "Continue, Captain."

The Captain looked towards the Jedi, whose names you learned were Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Qui-Gon stepped forward as he spoke to Sabe. "Your Highness, with your permission, we're heading for a remote planet called Tatooine. It's in a system far beyond the reach of the Trade Federation." 

"I do not agree with the Jedi on this." the Captain spoke up. You and Padmé shared a look as the conversation continued to unfold. 

"You must trust my judgment, Your Highness." Qui-Gon said as he looked at Sabe and Xira. 


Padmé was wiping down the front of R2 as you wiped off the side of the droid. R2 chirped and beeped as you and Padmé worked. You were lost in your thoughts. You could not get your mind off of this planet. There was a pull, a need to go and explore. You felt like you would find the answers you were looking for. Why you had these feelings and heightened senses. You always felt so different from your family, from Padmé. You always felt so torn, but you were here for a reason, your life and abilities were this way for a reason. You could find  out the reason why you were born if you go to Tatooine with the Jedi. 

"Hello!" someone said, causing you and Padmé to look up and saw the Gungan from earlier. 

"Sorry. Husa are yousas?" he asked you guys, he was peering in from the doorway. 

"I'm Padmé. This is my little sister, ____." Padmé replied kindly. 

"Hello." you greeted with a smile as you poked your head from behind R2. You didn't feel anything bad from this Gungan, he was just trying to make friends and be nice. 

"Mesa Jar Jar Binks." Jar Jar said as he stepped out from the side and waved. 

"You're a Gungan, aren't you?" Padmé asked him. 

"Uh-huh." He nodded with a smile. 

"How'd you end up here with us?" you asked. 

"My no know." Jar Jar stated as he shook his head. "Mesa day starten pitty okeyday witda brisky morning munchen. Den boom! Getten berry scared and grabben dat Jedi, and pow- mesa here." Jar Jar explained as he walked behind Padmé and then was between you and her. R2 beeped as Jar Jar continued to speak. "Huh. Mesa getten berry, berry scared." 

You and Padmé smiled at the Gungan as you two continued to work. 


You and Padmé were sitting across Sabe and Xira in a private room in the ship. 

"I don't think it is safe." Xira told you and Padmé. You two had inform her that you and Padmé wanted to go explore Tatooine with the Jedi. You had convince Padmé that you had to go there, she understood your reason why to go. 

"___ has never been wrong with her feelings and decisions before. We must trust her with this, Sabe." Padmé argued. "It may lead us to a way to save our home." 

Sabe and Xira looked at you and Padmé. "Are you positive, ___?" Sabe asked you. 

"I've never been more certain." you answered confidently. "At least one of the Jedi will be with us too, we will have protection." 

"Very well, I trust you two." Sabe agreed. "Please be careful, Your Highnesses." 

"The same goes for you two." Padmé said as you guys felt the ship land. 


"This sun doen murder to mesa skin." You heard Jar Jar say as he walked along side Qui-Gon and R2 trailing behind them. You, Padmé, and the Captain ran out and hurried over to them. You and Padmé had change matching outfits. You both wore baggy pants that were only fitted just above the ankle to the bottom of the pant legs, a slightly baggy long sleeve shirt, a gray smock, and matching gray cuffs around your wrists. Padmé's shirt was a dark blue while yours was red. Padmé also wore her hair in a nicer, braided updo while you chose to wear yours in a simple side braid. Strands of your hair framed your face and blew slightly from the desert wind. 

"Wait!" the Captain called out. "Their Highnesses commands you to take their handmaidens with you." 

"No more commands from Their Highnesses today, Captain." Qui-Gon replied dryly. "The spaceport is not going to be pleasant." 

"The queen and princess wishes it." the Captain said sternly. "They are curious about the planet."

"This is not a good idea." sighed Qui-Gon, not convinced to let you and Padmé go.  You focused on him and begged him through your mind to let you and Padmé go. Sometimes if you try hard enough and thought about it hard enough, it was almost like you could control someone to do what you want. 

Qui-Gon blinked back in surprise before looking at you. He eyed you carefully as you tried not to break your focus. There was a moment of silence before Qui-Gon spoke. 

"Stay close to me." Qui-Gon said, giving in. You smiled happily as you and Padmé followed the Jedi and Gungan into the town ahead. 

I Live to Make You Free (Anakin x Reader) BOOK ONE *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now