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You and Anakin stood next to Obi-Wan as Padmé, dressed in her queen attire addressed the captured viceroy. There was no need for you to dress up as a princess any longer. Your mission was complete and you were stepping back from that position now. You had also announced this to the council of Naboo and the word spread very quickly, even in the midst of the aftermath of the battle. The senate had sent a ship to take the captured viceroy to question them about their crimes. 

You looked down at your feet as sadness filled your heart. Obi-Wan had just briefly told you and Anakin that Qui-Gon had died in battle by the hands of a Sith named Darth Maul, whom was defeated by Obi-Wan. 

Anakin looked over at you and discreetly grabbed your hand and gave it a squeeze. It was a new form of comforting you and it always helped you. You turned to him and smiled gratefully. 

"Now viceroy." Padmé spoke. "You're going to have to go back to the senate and explained all this." 

Captain Panaka walked forward as he told them that they could kiss their trade franchise goodbye. He turned them around and walked them to the ship. Letting go of Anakin's hand, you, Anakin, and Obi-Wan followed behind them. You three walked up to Chancellor Palpatine, as he exited the ship, and bowed respectfully to him. 

"We are indebted to you for your bravery, Obi-Wan." Palpatine said to him before turning to you and Anakin. "And you, young Skywalker and Amidala. We will watch both of your careers with great interest."

He patted both of your shoulders before walking to meet with your sister. All three of you turned back around to return to the group. Obi-Wan gently pushed you and Anakin in front of him. 

"Congratulations on your election, Chancellor." Padmé greeted Palpatine. 

"Your boldness has saved our people, Your Majesty." Palpatine replied. "It's you who should be congratulated. Together we shall bring peace and prosperity to the Republic." 


You knelt down beside Obi-Wan as Master Yoda paced back and forth in front of you both. You weren't quite sure why you had to join this meeting, but not Anakin. 

"Confer on you the level of Jedi Knight the council does." Yoda spoke. "But agree with your taking this boy or this girl as your Padawan learner I do not." 

"Qui-Gon believed in them." Obi-Wan spoke confidently. You felt a little awkward silently listening to their conversation when it felt like you shouldn't even be there in the first place. Yoda glanced at you before sighing and started to pace again. 

"The chosen one the boy may be. The Force chosen the girl may be. Nevertheless, grave danger I fear in their training. Especially the boy." 

"Master Yoda," Obi-Wan said calmly. "I gave Qui-Gon my word. I will train Anakin and ___." 

Yoda grunted in response as you watched the conversation unfold in from of you. Your eyes never leaving Yoda's pacing form. 

"Without approval of the council, if I must." Obi-Wan added. 

"Qui-Gon's defiance I sense in you. Need that you do not." Yoda said before taking a deep breath. "Agree with you the council does. Your apprentice Skywalker will be." 

"And young Amidala?" Obi-Wan asked as he glanced down at you. You looked up at him, worried that you may not be trained. 

"Child." Yoda said getting your attention. "Strong in the Force you are. Very clear that is. Trained you will be." 

"No test?" Obi-Wan asked as Yoda shook his head. 

You let out a small gasped and looked up at Obi-Wan with a huge smile. He looked down at you with a proud smile of this own

"But," Yoda said, regaining yours and Obi's attention. "trained by Master Kenobi you will not be. Masters may only have one apprentice. Another master you will have." 

"I can train them both." Obi-Wan tried to argue, but Yoda raised a hand and immediately Obi-Wan silenced himself. 

"Decide later council will. More pressing matters there is." Yoda said, referring to Qui-Gon's funeral that you all needed to get to. Obi-Wan sadly nodded and you both bowed at Yoda. 


Anakin stood between you and Obi-Wan as you all watched Qui-Gon's fire burial. You heard whimpers and beeps from R2 as you glazed sadly as Qui-Gon's body, which will soon be ash. Obi-Wan turned to you and Anakin. He had his hood up. The orange hue of the fire glowed on his face. 

"What will happen to us now?" Anakin asked, you and Obi-Wan did not have the chance to fill him in yet. 

"The council have granted me permission to train you. The council also has granted permission for ___ to be trained by another. You both will be a Jedi, I promise." Obi-Wan said as he looked at Anakin and then you. Anakin nodded his head and he turned to you. 

Obi-Wan will not train you? 

He asked you through the Force and you gave him a sad smile. 

He can only have one apprentice. But the council will decide who will train me later. Don't you worry, Ani, we will become Jedi still. Together.

Anakin nodded his head and turned back to the fire. Still feeling the sadness from him, you quietly reached over and placed your hand on top of his. 

On the other side of the room, Yoda and Windu stood next to each other. 

"There's no doubt the mysterious warrior was a Sith." Windu said as Yoda turned to him. 

"Mmm. Always two there are. No more, no less. A master and an apprentice." Yoda replied. 

"But which was destroyed?" Windu questioned as both Jedi turned their glazes back to the fire. "The master or the apprentice?"


The crowd roared with cheering and there was music blasting from the parade. The people of Naboo and the Gungans were celebrating, not only a victory, but peace among their species. 

You stood proudly between R2 and Anakin and you all stood in a line with Obi-wan, Governor Sio, Padmé, Palpatine, and Captain Panaka, in that order. Obi-Wan glanced down to check on you and Anakin, smiling just as proudly as he did before in the meeting with Yoda. 

Anakin had cut is hair to a significantly shorter cut. Your hair was pulled back into a high ponytail. Both of you donning a Padawan braid on the right side of your heads. You and Anakin smiled happily at each other. You leaned over and looked over at your sister, who turned to meet your glance. She too smiled so proudly at you, heart full to see her little sister look so grown now. 

Confetti was thrown as Boss Nass walked up the steps to you all. Padmé walked forward to meet him as Governor Sio handed her the bright orb he was holding. Padmé held it out to Boss Nass and he accepted it. It turned to the crowd and raised it above his head. 

"Peace!!" he shouted happily as the crowd roared again. 

Padmé turned and smiled again at you and Anakin, which both you and Anakin returned. 


I Live to Make You Free (Anakin x Reader) BOOK ONE *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now