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Padmé led the group down the side of the palace as you and Anakin held hands and were between Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan for protection. The Gungans were leading a battle outside the capital and drawing out most of the battle droids. 

You all stopped behind a corner of the wall as Padmé peeked over with a blaster in hand. She lifted her other hand and pointed her laser pointer and flashed it a few times. In the court yard just ahead of you all, Captain Panaka and his group were hiding behind a corner and flashed their blue laser pointer back and waved his arm, giving the all clear. Qui-Gon turned around and kneeled down to yours and Anakin's height. He placed a hand on your shoulder and the other on Anakin's. 

"Once we get inside, both of you find a safe place to hide and stay there." He said in a serious, yet gentle tone. 

"Sure." Anakin said quickly as you nodded your head. 

"Stay there." Qui-Gon reminded you both as he got up and turned back around. Captain Panaka's group jumped out in front of a group of battle droids and started to attack them. There was a loud explosion as you all ran to the entrance of the palace. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan ignited their lightsabers and defected blaster beams being shot your way. Anakin gripped your hand tighter before pushing you in front of him and directly behind Qui-Gon, protecting you from anything that might hit you or him. Padmé opened the doors and her and Qui-Gon ushered you and Anakin to go through first. Captain Panaka and his group quickly followed in after you guys. You guys were met with more battle droids, who were guarding the captured pilots and ships. 

"Ani, ___, find cover!" Qui-Gon said quickly to you and Anakin. "Quick!" 

Both you and Anakin were slightly scared, but an adrenaline rush from the heat of the battle. All while you and Anakin felt each other's worry for each other. Both of you didn't want the other to get hurt. 

"Get to your ships!" Padmé ordered the pilots as she shot down a few droids. You've never seen your sister look more fierce than now. She truly looked like a queen, even in the middle of a battle. 

Never letting go of your hand, Anakin lead you to a corner behind a cargo cart. Both of you ducked behind it as R2 joined you both. You watched as pilots hurried to their ships and took off for battle. Your hiding spot was becoming dangerous again, so this time you lead Anakin to another spot to hide. 

R2 was about to follow you when a claw grabbed him and loaded him into a ship. R2 let out a yelp as he was loaded, grabbing you and Ani's attention. 

"R2!" you exclaimed as you and Anakin rushed to the ship he was in. Anakin made you climb up the ladder to the ship first and he followed behind. It was a duel pilot ship and you quickly sat in the farthest seat to the left as Anakin took the seat right next to you on your right side. R2 whistled and beeped from behind you as you and Anakin watched the battle unfold. 

Padmé and the Jedi took out droid after droid. But just sitting there watching your sister fight, made your worry for her grow. Feeling your worry, Anakin placed his other hand on top of the one he was already holding. 

"It'll be okay, ___. No need to worry, Padmé has two Jedi protecting her." Anakin reassured as you both ducked down to dodge a stray blast. 

"Thank you, Ani. You always know how to calm me." you smiled at him as the battle suddenly grew quiet. 

"My guess is the viceroy's in the throne room." Padmé said as you and Anakin peeked back up. 

"Red group! Blue group! Everybody, this way!" Captain Panaka ordered. 

"Hey, wait for us!" you and Anakin both said as you guys stood up. 

"Anakin and ____, stay where you are. You both will be safe there." Qui-Gon said to you both as everyone proceeded with their mission. 

"But we-" Anakin started to say. 

"Stay in that cockpit." Qui-Gon ordered. 

"You promise, ___." Padmé said to you. "Listen and stay there." 

You and Anakin huffed as you both sat back down. The doors opened and revealed the same mysterious man who attacked you, Anakin, and Qui-Gon on Tatooine. 

"We'll handle this." Qui-Gon said as him and Obi-Wan stepped forward in front of the group. 

"We'll take the long way." Padmé ordered to the rest of the group. They quickly moved out of the way of the Jedi and continued on their mission. The man took off his hood and reveal his horns and black and red marks all over his face. R2 let out a beep in the opposite direction as the Jedi and the man took off their hooded robes. Anakin and you looked over to the entrance and exit of the landing pad and saw destroyer droids rolled onto the scene. The started to shoot at everyone and everything and you saw Padmé nearly dodge a beam. 

"We gotta do something!" you said to Anakin as he nodded in agreement. 

"You hear that, R2? We gotta figure out how to help!" Anakin said to the droid, who whistled in response. You and Anakin looked at ways you can help through the ship as Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan started to fight the man. Their blue and green lightsabers clashed with the man's red one. Padmé and everyone else were shooting at the droids, but the droids' shields were protecting them from any attacks. 

R2 beeps wildly at you and Anakin. 

"We're trying to, R2!" Anakin exclaimed. "We don't know where the trigger is!" 

"Maybe this one?" you said to Anakin as you pushed a silver button. The ship turned on and started to move. "Uh, maybe not that one!" 

"Maybe it's this one." Anakin said as he pulled a lever. The canopy of the fighter ship closed, sealing you and Anakin in. The ship started to pull away and turn towards the droids. 

"Wait, this might be it." you said as you pulled out the handle on your side, then pushed the button. Your side of the ship started to shoot at the droids. "It works! Pull that handle out and press the button!" 

Anakin did as you said and his side started to shoot at the droids as well. You guys easily took out the droids with a few shots as the ship headed towards the exit and took off. 

"It's on automatic pilot." Anakin explained as he tried to take control of the ship. You didn't really know too much about ships like him and left him to pilot the ship. The ship took off to the atmosphere, most likely to where the rest of the pilots went. 

I Live to Make You Free (Anakin x Reader) BOOK ONE *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now