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Sorry for the spam of updates to previous chapters!! I finally figured out how to type Padmé's name with the accent on the 'e' and it was bugging me for the longest time that I wasn't properly spelling her name. Once I figured it out, I went back and fixed her name to the proper spelling. 

Thank you for bearing with me! I hope you all enjoy this next chapter!


The sun shined brightly on the day of the pod race. You held to Anakin tightly as you rode with him to the arena that the race was being held. Padmé had rode with Shmi and the nice boy from the other day, whose name you learned was Kitster. 

You smiled widely as you had enjoyed the ride and Anakin turned back to you and smiled as the creature lowered to the ground so everyone could get off. 

Suddenly, Watto came flying up to you and Anakin and immediately you felt Anakin's annoyance. You couldn't understand what he was saying, but judging from Anakin's growing frustration, you knew it was bad. You both glared at him as he flew away and Qui-Gon walked up to the group. 

"What'd he mean by that?" Anakin asked Qui-Gon, related to whatever Watto said. 

"I'll tell you later." Qui-Gon simply answered. Anakin hopped off of the creature before turning to you and helping you off. 

"This is so wizard, Ani." Kitster said as he, Anakin, Padmé, and you all went to Anakin's pod. "I'm sure you'll do it this time." 

"Do what?" Padmé asked. 

"Finish the race, of course!" Kitster answered as you and Ani shared a look. 

"You've never won a race?" Padmé questioned, you could feel and hear her worry from learning this. 

"Well, not exactly..." Anakin said sheepishly. 

"Not even finished..?" Padmé further grilled. 

"Kitster's right. I will this time!" Anakin said as he gave Kitster a side hug. Padmé looked at you worriedly and you grabbed her arm  and gave her a reassuring squeeze. 

"Anakin will definitely win this time." you reassured her as Qui-Gon walked up to you all. 

"Of course you will." Qui-Gon said as he gave Anakin a reassuring squeeze on the shoulders. He eyed you and Padmé and give you both a look telling you not to worry. 

Padmé just looked at you and Qui-Gon, still unsure about this race. 


You all followed out onto the track as the crowd roared with cheer. The announcers was introducing all of the racers. You looked up at all at the crowd. You were use to being in front of crowds of people like this, because of your royal duties. But it was a little different to be in front of a crowd that wasn't meant for you. 

You walked beside Anakin as he guided the pod that was being pulling by one of the creature you all rode before. You felt his nervousness grow from the anticipation of the race. You gave Ani a reassuring side hug as you both continued to walk to Anakin's designated starting position. 

"You got this, Anakin! I believe in you." you said with a smile. Anakin returned the smile as he felt your confidence in him. 

"Thank you, ___." Anakin said. "I know I can always count on you." 

You and Kitster helped Anakin set up as Shmi walked up to her son. She squatted down so she was Ani's height. 

"Be safe." she said as she held Anakin's arms in her hands. You could tell she was very worried about Anakin. You were too, but you didn't let that take over your confidence in Anakin. You didn't want him to know or feel your worry too. 

"I will, Mom. I promise." Anakin said reassuringly to her. She smiled at him before taking her leave. 

Selbulba came up to Anakin and started to speak to him. From what you could tell, he was most likely talking crap to Anakin. But you felt proud when Anakin stood up for himself against the arrogant alien. 

"You all set, Ani?" Qui-Gon asked as he walked up to you and Anakin. 


Qui-Gon helped Anakin into the pod. You giggled as Anakin said whoa as he was being lifted in. Qui-Gon took Anakin's helmet into his hands as he leaned down to speak to Anakin. 

"Remember, concentrate on the moment. Feel, don't think. Use your instincts." Qui-Gon said to Anakin, but he also looked at you. You nodded your head as he was also speaking to you. 

"I will." Anakin said. 

"May the Force be with you." Qui-Gon finished as he handed Anakin his helmet. Qui-Gon stepped away from the pod as Anakin turned to you. 

"Show everyone what you are made of, Ani! I'll be cheering you on in the stands!" you encouraged him. "But come back in one piece." 

Anakin laughed at your words. "I promise to." 

You gave Anakin one last smile before walking away to stand next to Qui-Gon, who smiled at yours and Anakin's interactions. 

The announcers introduced someone named Jabba the Hutt, who you assumed was someone important given that he had a whole balcony to himself for this race. From what you could make out, he most likely said the race can begin, because the racers started to turn on their pods. 

"Come, young ___." Qui-Gon said to you as you followed him to the little area that was set aside for Anakin's family and friends to watch the race. Padmé and Shmi were already waiting for you all and Jar Jar joined after you and Qui-Gon. 

"Is he nervous?" Shmi asked Qui-Gon.

"He's fine." Qui-Gon answered as your sister quickly turned to the Jedi. 

"You Jedi are far too reckless. The queen is not-" Padmé started to scold. 

"The queen trusts my judgment, young handmaiden." Qui-Gon cut her off. "You should too." he finished before walking to the other side of the area to watch the race. 

"You assume too much." Padmé huffed as she looked at you. 

"You just have to trust this, sister." you said calmly to her. "The Jedi knows what they are doing and it's for our best interest." 

Padmé just nodded at your words as you both walked to the other side before the race began. You grew a little nervous as the area rose so you all could get a better view of the race. You had to admit it was nice being high in the sky and away from the crowd. 

You watched as Anakin started his pod and you prayed that it would work properly in this race. Not because you wanted to win, but because you wanted Anakin to return to you all safely. 

"Oh, dissen gonna be messy!! Me no watch'n" Jar Jar exclaimed as he hopped nervously in place. Shmi held a device that would allow you all to watch the race when the racers were out of your view. 

Jabba sounded the bell and the racers took off. But Anakin's pod stalled and you heard the engine wind down. 

"Wait. Little Skywalker has stalled." one of the announcers chuckled. The crowd laughed at this as another racer named Quadinaros was also stalled. 

"Come on, Ani!" Jar Jar cheered. 

"Come on.. Please, Ani.." you said nervously as you watch Anakin press some buttons and flipped a switch. Suddenly, his engines turned on and Anakin quickly took off to catch up with the other racers. 

"And there goes Skywalker!" the announcer said as you watched Anakin turn the corner. 

"Go, Ani, go!!" Jar Jar cheered as you, Shmi, Qui-Gon, and Padmé turned to Shmi's device. 

"You got this, Ani." you thought out loud as Anakin rushed to catch up. 

This was going to be one tough race. 

I Live to Make You Free (Anakin x Reader) BOOK ONE *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now