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Sorry for not updating! My family and I moved houses and I was swamped with school. There was a lot of group projects for it being a distant, online learning. But I am officially done with school and moving! So updates will be weekly again!

Enjoy this chapter!


You hadn't seen Anakin since the night you all left Tatooine.  But, it was still comforting to feel him and his feelings through the Force Bond you shared with him. While you haven't been able to hear his thoughts either, you knew he was a little nervous and excited about going to a new planet and becoming a Jedi. Anakin was mostly sad still about missing Shmi and being separated from you. 

As much as you wanted to go back to your dear friend, you had to handle the situation at hand first. 

But you never had taken off the necklace he had given you since you put it on. You had tucked it underneath your clothing. It was very reassuring and comforting to have it on. 

The ship had landed on Coruscant, where Senator Palpatine was waiting for you all. You exited the ship behind Sabe and Xira and next to Padmé. You smile a little when you spotted Anakin not to far ahead of you. He was walking behind Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. Through the Force, you sent the feeling of calmness to Anakin, to help ease the nervousness you felt from him. Anakin felt this and swiftly turned around. He gave you a huge smile. 

 "It is a great gift to see you alive, Your Majesties." Palpatine said to Sabe and Xira as they walked towards him and you and Padmé stood next to them. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan stepped aside to get out of the way and Qui-Gon pulled Anakin in front of him and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

You tuned out what Palpatine was saying as you and Anakin looked at each other. You both shared a smile, just happy to see each other. You returned your attention to Palpatine. 

"May I present you Supreme Chancellor Valorum." Palpatine introduced the man next to him. 

"Welcome, Your Highnesses. It's an honor to finally meet you in person." Valorum greeted. 

"Thank you, Supreme Chancellor." Sabe thanked for the both of them. The Chancellors led the way and you all followed behind them. Anakin took this chance to walk next to you. 

"I must relay to you how distressed everyone is over the current situation. I've called for a special session of the senate to hear your position." Valorum filled in. Sabe stopped walking, which caused everyone to. 

"I'm grateful for your concern, Chancellor." Sabe said carefully before walking again. Valorum stood in his place as Palpatine continued to follow him. 

"There is a question of procedure." Palpatine explained. "But, I'm confident we can overcome it." 

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan stopped following Palpatine and Sabe as they got closer to Valorum. "I must speak with the Jedi Council immediately." Qui-Gon said to Valorum. "The situation has become much more complicated. 

Both you and Anakin heard this and turned around quickly. You both knew he was talking about you guys. You both stopped walking and looked at each other. You and Anakin looked at the two Jedi and Chancellor and they looked at you both. 

You subconsciously grabbed Anakin's hand and he held your hand tightly, fearing what they were talking about. 

"Ani, ___, come on." Padmé called out to you both as she noticed you and Anakin stopped following. She continued to walk and you and Anakin looked over at Qui-Gon, who gestured you both to follow. You and Anakin turned around and followed everyone to a space cruiser. You reluctantly let go of Anakin's hand as he had to sit in the front of the cruiser with Jar Jar. You felt Anakin comfort you through the Force as the cruiser started. 


Sabe had asked Chancellor Palpatine if she and Xira could refresh and change before they meet, which he agreed to. This was a meeting that you and Padmé needed to do, not Sabe and Xira. 

As soon as you four got into the room, the maids got to work on changing you and Padmé into Queen and Princess Amidala. They painted your faces the usual white and red markings. You and Padmé were dressed into a pale brown kimono with gold designs on it. You both had a white band wrapped around your torsos. 

Padmé had a glamorous headpiece that hid her hair. It was a delicate, lacy white material that had beads through it. It also had a huge gold circle and fan shape piece on top of her head. 

Your headpieces was smaller version of hers. You had the same white material with beads, but with a smaller gold shape fan and no circle. You sighed as you looked at yourself in the mirror. You liked how having to wear all this makeup and flashy clothing. You liked dressing in normal, comfortable clothing. You liked being free from the pressures and worries of being Princess Amidala. 

Most of all, you liked spending time with Anakin and wanted to learn how to become a Jedi Knight with him. 

"What is it, ___?" Padmé asked, concerned. 

"There is something I must tell you, sister." you answered as you turned around from the mirror. Padmé politely asked the maids to give you both a minute alone to talk. She grabbed your hands and tenderly rubbed her thumb on the back of your hands. It was moments like this that you were grateful to have such a caring big sister. 

"You can tell me anything, I'm right here for you." Padmé reassured you. You took a deep breath before speaking. 

"Qui-Gon said I am strong in the Force and I can become a Jedi Knight if I wanted to." 

You couldn't look your sister in the eyes as you heard her let out a small gasp. 

"Does that explain your abilities you've always had?" Padmé asked as you nodded your head. "And your connection with Anakin?" 

"He explained it was a connection forged through the Force." you explained. 

Padmé didn't say anything and you looked up at her. She was deep in thought. "Do you wish to join the Jedi Academy?" 

"I do.."


"I have my responsibilities as Princess Amidala that I cannot abandon. Plus, I was suppose to take over after you." you said sadly, but Padmé let out a small chuckle. 

"___," she said to you, "taking over after me may have been the path set for you. But this is a new path you can take. This is your choice. If you want to become a Jedi, then you have my support. You also have my support if you choose to continue to be Princess Amidala. Whatever you choose, you will always be my little sister and will always have me by your side." 

You gave Padmé a teary eyed smile as she pulled you in for a hug. 

"Thank you, Padmé." you said as you both pulled away from the hug. 

"No need at all. Take your time and think about it, okay? I love you, little sister." 

"Okay. I love you too." 

The maids came back in and said it was time to go to meet with Palpatine. Padmé gave you one last reassuring smile before gesturing you to follow out. 

It was a lot to think about and consider. But the first thing you must handle is saving your home and your people. After that you will decide on the path you will follow. You knew it wouldn't be easy to choice, but you had the love and support of your sister. You also had the support from Anakin. 

You took a deep breath as you saw Anakin waiting outside of the meeting room. He looked up, feeling your presence and pull from you. But confusion was written on his face when he didn't see you in your maid outfit. He didn't recognize you with all of your makeup on and flashy clothing. His eyes kept scanning the room for you and when they landed on you, you put up a block so he would stop feeling you through the force. Anakin blinked and then looked away, still looking for you. 

You looked away as you and Padmé sat on the couch in the room and Palpatine walked into the room. 

I Live to Make You Free (Anakin x Reader) BOOK ONE *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now