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Sorry for not updating! I got busy with school and in my personal life! I've only had time to update chapters that I had already written out on my other stories!

I tried to make this one a little longer than usual to make up for it!


"I'll watch after him." Qui-Gon said to Shmi as they moved towards the dining table. You followed behind them. "You have my word. Will you be alright?" he asked as he placed a comforting hand on Shmi's shoulder. Shmi turned around and gave Qui-Gon a sad smile as she whispered a yeah. Her eyes fell on you and she turned around to face you. 

"Come here, young ___." Shmi said in a comforting, motherly voice. You walked up to her and she kneeled down to your height. 

"It might be too much to ask of you..." Shmi started. "But, please look after Ani for me as well. You two share a bond even stronger than the one I share with him. I know my son and I know that you are someone very important and special to him. Please continue to be there for him and be his friend like you already are." 

"I promise. I'll always be there for Anakin." you replied as Shmi smiled from your answer. She hugged you tightly. 


You and Anakin walked behind Qui-Gon as you were all heading back to the ship. You glanced at Anakin as you felt his excitement of leaving turn to sadness. You gave Ani a sad smile, knowing that his sadness was from leaving his mom. 

Anakin stopped in his tracks and looked between his mom and you and Qui-Gon. He ran back to Shmi and gave her a huge hug. Shmi kissed him on his cheek as they pulled away. Your heart broke at Anakin's hurt and sadness. 

"I can't do it, Mom. I just can't do it." Anakin said as his bag fell off of his shoulders. 

"Ani.." Shmi said. 

"Will I ever see you again?" Anakin asked, his voice breaking. 

"What does your heart tell you?" Shmi replied. 

"I hope so... Yes." Anakin answered. "I guess." 

"Then we will see each other again." Shmi smiled. 

"I will come back and free you, Mom." Anakin declared. "I promise." 

Shmi only smiled at her son and placed a hand on his cheek. She took in his features as she tried not to cry. 

"Now, be brave.." Shmi said to him. "And don't look back. Don't look back." 

Shmi got up and watched as Anakin put his bag back on his shoulders. He walked back over to you and Qui-Gon. You held out your hand to him and Ani gladly took it. You gave him a reassuring squeeze as you both followed behind Qui-Gon. You looked back and gave Shmi a sad smile as she waved. 


"You know, ____, you are to become a Jedi as well." Qui-Gon said to you as all three of you were walking closer to the outskirts of town. 

"I am?" you asked, shocked. All your life, you have devoted it to being a princess and preparing to take over Padmé's place. Now to hear that you can become a Jedi, with Anakin, was shocking. 

"Yes, both you and Ani. You two are very strong with the Force and share a Force Bond or Force Connection of some sort." Qui-Gon explained as he looked at you and Anakin, who's hand you were still holding. 

"What is that?" you asked, referring to the Force Bond/Connection. 

"In simple terms, you and Anakin's bond is something forged by the Force. You both are able to communicate through the Force. And from what I can tell, it is only getting stronger between you two. It would be best if you both join the Jedi Academy and become Jedi Knights one day." Qui-Gon explained. 

I Live to Make You Free (Anakin x Reader) BOOK ONE *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now