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"Again, you come before us, Your Highness." Viceroy greeted Padmé, your older sister and the queen. As the princess, you sat next to her as she talked to Viceroy.

Padmé wasn't your biological sister. You never knew your biological family. Padmé's parents had took you in and raised you as their own when you were found. You were just a small baby wrapped in a few blankets.

Despite being adopted and the five year age gap, you and Padmé were extremely close and never left each other's side. Your past never bothered you or your family.

Although at times, you did feel different from your sister and family.

But you often pushed that feeling aside and focused on your role. You were suppose to take over as queen after Padmé.

"You will not be so pleased when you hear what I have to say, Viceroy." Padmé said sternly. "Your trade boycott of our planet has ended."

"I was not aware of such failure." Viceroy replied.

You shifted uncomfortably in your seat. You could sense something wrong with him, but you couldn't put your finger on it. Ever since you could remember, you always were able to sense and feel the emotions of others. Padmé sometimes called you her good luck charm. You had good luck and were always made lucky guesses and correct decisions.

"I have word that the chancellor's ambassadors are with you now and that you have been commanded to reach settlement." Padmé said, her sternness remaining the same.

"I know nothing of any ambassadors. You must be mistaken."

You rolled your eyes at Viceroy. He was playing dumb. Your sister was never wrong when it came to politics like this. Plus, she always had your help.

"Beware, Viceroy. The Federation has gone too far this time." Padmé replied.

"We would never do anything without the approval of the senate. You assume too much." Viceroy said innocently.

"We'll see." your sister said before ending the transmission. You relaxed a little and let out a sigh.

"Viceroy is being difficult as ever." You said to Padmé as she nodded her in agreement.

"Contact Senator Palpatine." Padmé ordered an officer.


"Negotiations haven't started because the ambassadors aren't there? How could that be true?" Senator Palpatine said through the transmission. His hologram sat in the middle of the circle of the advisory council and in front of you and your sister. "I have assurances from the chancellor his ambassadors did arrive."

You watched his hologram began to distort along with his voice. You could make out the words handiwork, negotiate, and ambassadors before the transmission was cut off.

"Senator Palpatine?" Padmé called out. "What's happening?" she asked the same officer from before.

"Check the transmission generator." he ordered another officer.

"A communications disruption can mean only one thing. Invasion." Governor Sio Bibble said to you and Padmé.

"The Federation would not dare go that far." Padmé countered as you processed the information.

"The senate would revoke their trade franchise and they would be finished." you added. "We will have to rely on negotiation."

You looked at Padmé as she nodded her head in agreement with you.

"Negotiation? We've lost all communications." said Governor Sio. "And where are the chancellor's ambassadors?"

"This is a dangerous situation, Your Highness. For you and the princess. Our One security volunteers will be no match against a battle-hardened the Federation Army. "

"I will not condone a course of action that will lead us to war." Padmé said as she looked at all of the council. "My sister and I have been working on a plan. We will allow the invasion."

"But what about you and the princess? Your safety?" the governor asked.

"We will switch roles with Sabe and Xira, our most loyal handmaidens." Padmé explained as Sabe and Xira stood up from their seats and walked to you and Padmé. Sabe stood behind your sister and Xira stood behind you.

Xira looked very similar to you. She had the same height, hair color, skin color, and eye color as you. Sabe looked similar to your sister. With the right clothes and the amount of makeup you and Padmé had to wear, they could pass off as you.

"We will be dressed as handmaidens and go by our first names. The only ones that know our first names are in this room." you added. "It isn't the safest plan, but it will be the best if we want to avoid war."

The council was quiet before they all nodded their heads in agreement. With that, Padmé dismissed the council and ordered the other handmaidens to get Sabe and Xira ready for their roles.


You and Padmé watched from a window of the palace as the Federal Army marched into Naboo and towards the palace. You grabbed your sister's hand and she squeezed your hand in return.

"Are you sure about this?" you asked her.

"I am sure, this is what we have to do to protect Naboo." she replied. "Whatever happens, I love you, ___. Thank you for being my sister."

Padmé looked at you and smiled as you returned the smile. " I love you too and thank you for being mine."

"Your Highness." one of the handmaidens said as she approached you and Padmé. "It's time."

You and Padmé shared one last look before following the handmaiden.

I Live to Make You Free (Anakin x Reader) BOOK ONE *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now