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I feel like I haven't used enough Anakin gifs throughout the story, but I like to put a gif of the movie scene that takes place in each chapter and I have a hard time finding good gifs of Anakin from Phantom of the Menace. 

So another gif of our queen Padmé ♥️

She is one of my favorite characters and I would die if she was my sister in real life 🥺😂

Anyways, enjoy this next chapter!! 


"Your Honor, Queen Amidala and Princess Amidala of the Naboo." the Gungan, who found you all, announced. You all gathered behind Sabe and Xira as they walked forward with Jar Jar. 

"Uh, h-heyo," Jar Jar greeted, " Big Boss Nass, Your Honor." 

"Jar Jar Binks." Boss Nass said in a mighty voice. "Who's da uss-en uthers?" 

"I am Queen Amidala of the Naboo." Sabe introduced herself.  

"And I am Princess Amidala of the Naboo." Xira introduced herself too. 

"We come before you in peace." Sabe added. 

"Ah, Naboo biggen." Boss Nass replied as more Gungan gathered around. "Yousa bringen da Mackineeks. Yousa all bombad."

You felt Padmé get fidgety and you glanced over at her. She was already looking at you with a look you knew all too well. She nodded her head and you nodded back. 

"We have searched you out because we wish to form an alliance." Sabe began to say, but you and Padmé stepped forward in front of Sabe and Xira. 

"Your Honor." both you and Padmé said. 

"Whosa dis??" Boss Nass asked as he pointed at you and your sister. 

"I am Queen Amidala." Padmé declared. 

"I am Princess Amidala." you declared right after her. Immediately, you felt the confusion from Anakin as everyone else gasped. You expected to feel betrayal from Anakin, but all you felt was confusion and concern from him. 

"These are our decoys." Padmé explained. 

"Our protection, our loyal bodyguards." you added. 

"I'm sorry for my deception, but it was necessary to protect ourselves." Padmé apologized. You took this moment to apologize to Anakin too. 

I'm sorry for deceiving you.

It's okay..

You knew Anakin was still getting over his shock, so you focused on the conversation between you, Padmé, and Boss Nass. 

"Although we do not always agree, Your Honor, our two great societies have always lived in peace." Padmé said. "The Trade Federation has destroyed all that we have worked so hard to build." 

"If we do not act quickly, all will be lost forever." you continued off of her. "We ask you to help us." 

You paused for a moment before getting down on your knees and pulled Padmé's sleeve, to gesture to her to do the same. 

"No, we beg you to help us. We are your humble servants." you said as everyone behind you kneeled down as well. 

"Our fate is in your hands." Padmé stated as you both looked at him, hoping he will help. 

Boss Nass hummed in response as he weighed the outcomes in his head. He sighed before letting out a hearty laugh. "Yousa no tinken yousa greater den da Gungans? Me-e-esa lika dis!" 

You and Padmé shared a smile as Boss Nass continued to speak. 

"Maybe wesa bein friends." he blubbered happily. There was a roar of cheering and shouting as Boss Nass agreed to the alliance. 


Everyone was busy preparing for the war to come. Padmé was talking to Captain Panaka before he left to meet with the underground rebellion. Anakin was sitting down nearby with R2 and you made your way over to them. 

"Princess!" Anakin exclaimed when he noticed you walking to him. He quickly got up and bowed, which you softly laughed. 

"There's no need for that, Ani." you said. "You are my friend and can always refer to me as ___." 

"I know, but it doesn't feel right to call you by your first name when you are truly a princess." Anakin answered honestly. You just smiled at him before speaking in a more serious tone. 

"I want to apologize again. I know I've lied to you about my true identity the entire time we have known each other. You have become a very important person and a dear friend to me, Anakin. I hope you can forgive me." 

"There's no reason to apologize. You were protecting yourself and your sister. I understand. Regardless if you are a princess or not, you're ____ to me. You are a good friend of mine and someone very important to me too." Anakin said with a smile. He opened his arms and pulled you into a hug, which you happily returned. "There's something I need to tell you too."

"Is everything okay, Ani?" 

"The Jedi Council will not train me, they said I am too old." Anakin explained as you gasped in response. You took a second to think, before an idea formed in your head. 

"I think I might have a solution."


"They're here!" Anakin shouted as he ran over to you, Padmé, Qui-Gon, and Obi-Wan. You all were gathering around to make some battle plans. The Gungans were arriving and you all were waiting for Boss Nass to come join. Anakin joined and stood by you. 

After talking to Anakin, you had finally decided on what path to choose for yourself. It wasn't exactly the perfect time, but you felt the need to say it now before everyone heads to battle.

"If I may announce something." you said, getting everyone's attention. Padmé, Qui-Gon, and Obi-Wan looked at you curiously as Anakin gave you a reassuring smile. He already knew what you were going to say.

"When this is all over, I will like to step down as Princess of Naboo and join Anakin at the Jedi Academy. I know the Jedi Council said they wouldn't train Anakin, but maybe if I was there too and they will agree to train both of us. I want to become a Jedi." you declared to everyone. You were worried that someone would object, but you were met with warm, supportive smiles from everyone. 

"We can arrange another meeting for you to get tested." Qui-Gon said. "I'll see to it that you both will be trained to become Jedi." 

You and Anakin shared an excited look as you look at Obi-Wan, who smiled at you and Anakin, before looking at your sister. 

"I'm so proud of you, ___. You'll make a great Jedi, as will you Anakin." Padmé smiled as she hugged you. You were so grateful to have such a supportive sister. 

"We will become Jedi together!" Anakin cheered. 

First, you must win back your home planet, then you can take the first step of the new path you have chosen for yourself. 

____ Amidala will become a Jedi. 

I Live to Make You Free (Anakin x Reader) BOOK ONE *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now