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"How will you explain this to the senate?" Governor Sio asked Viceroy. You and Padmé walked next to each other behind Sabe and Xira. They were dressed as you and Padmé and you and Padmé wore the same orange handmaiden outfits as the others. So far, everyone was fooled by your disguise.

"The queen and I will sign a treaty that will legitimize our occupation here." Viceroy answered as everyone walked down the stairs. You glanced over to your left and looked at the battle droid. "I have assurances it will be ratified by the senate."

"I will not cooperate." Sabe said coldly to Viceroy.

"Now now, Your Highness." Viceroy replied. "In time, the suffering of your people will persuade you to see our point of view."

Viceroy ordered a commander droid to process all of you. The commander droid then commanded another droid to take you all to camp four. Everyone followed the droids outside of the palace. Outside, you saw dozens of other droids taking various groups of citizens to other camps. You looked at your sister and you could tell she was angry and upset to see the citizens being treated like this.

Suddenly, you felt a presence at the balcony hallway that was to the side of you as you walked by it. You looked up and saw the face of a man you have never seen before. He seemed surprised that you looked at him and raised a finger to his lips, signaling to stay quiet.

You felt good from this man's presences and trusted him. You nodded your head ever so slightly and continued to walk. As you walked towards another balcony hallway when the man you just saw and another man jumped down in front of you all. A Gungan was with them as well. The men pulled out lightsabers and started to fight the battle droids. The man you saw sliced a droid before pushing two away with just a wave of his hand.

"They're Jedis!" you gasped as you watched them take out the droids in a matter of seconds.

"We should leave the street, Your Highness." the man said to Sabe and Xira. "Get their weapons!"

The soldiers that were with you guys grabbed their weapons as you all rushed away from the scene before more droids came.

"We're ambassadors for the Supreme Chancellor." the man introduced themselves.

"Your negotiations seem to have failed, Ambassador." Governor Sio replied.

"Negotiations never took place. It is urgent that we make contact with the Republic." the man explained.

"They have knocked out all our communications." your commander informed.

"Do you have transports?" the man asked.

"In the main hangar. This way." Commander said as he pointed to the direction of the main hangar.


We peeked over an opening into the main hangar, where there was many battle droids walking about.

"There are too many of them." Commander said as we looked away to avoid being caught.

"Your Highness, under the circumstances, I suggest you and the princess come to Coruscant with us." the Jedi said to Sabe and Xira.

"Thank you, Ambassador, but our place is with our people." Sabe replied.

"They'll kill you both if you two stay." he said.

"They wouldn't dare!" Governor Sio chimed in.

"They need one of them to sign a treaty to make this invasion legal. They can't afford to kill either one of them." the Commander informed the ambassadors.

"There is something else behind all of this, Your Highness." the Ambassador said to Sabe. "There is no logic in the Federation's move here. My feelings tell me they will destroy you."

Your feelings also told you that. Staying here on Naboo may be a bad idea for you and your sister.

"Our only hope is for the senate to side with us." Governor Sio explained to Sabe and Xira, but he glanced over to Padmé and you. "Senator Palpatine will need help from the both of you."

"Either choice presents a great danger.." Sabe said as she glanced over to Padmé and you.

"To all of us." Xira finished as she too looked over to you and Padmé.

"We are brave, Your Highness." Padmé replied as Sabe looked down at the ground.

"If you are to leave, Your Highness, it must be now." the Ambassador said.

"Then we will plead our case to the Senate." Sabe answered. "Be careful Governor." she said to Governor Sio. You all then followed the Jedi out to the main hangar.

"We will need to free those pilots." The Commander said as you all saw a group of pilots surrounded by battle droids.

"I'll deal with them." the other Jedi with a long braid said as he walked away from the group to the group of pilots.

You and your group followed the leader of the two Jedi to the entrance of the ship where a battle droid stopped the group.

"Halt." it said.

"I'm ambassador to the Supreme Chancellor. I am taking these people to Coruscant." the Jedi ambassador said.

"To where?" the battle asked, confused.

"To Coruscant."

"Coruscant? That doesn't compute. Uh, wait. You're under arrest!" the battle droid ordered as he pointed a finger to the Jedi. In that moment, both Jedi whipped out their lightsaber and started fighting the droids. You watched in awe as they fought.

"Go!" the Jedi yelled at you guys and everyone rushed into the ship. You stood in your spot and watched them fight.

"___! Come on!" your sister said as she pulled your arm. She moved you in front of her and guided you to inside the ship. You looked over your shoulder and saw all of the pilots rush into the ship as well as the Jedi.

The pilots took their positions and started the ship. Soon you all were rushing off of the planet. You sat next to your sister as ship rocked from the blasts of the blockade. She grabbed your hand and held it tight as if she let go, you wouldn't be next to her.

You focused hard in the area where the pilots and the Jedi were. You learned a few years ago that if you focused hard on an area, you can hear the conversations taking place. You heard the pilots panic about the shields being down. But luckily a droid had fix them. You all successfully escaped the blockade. You heard the Jedi discuss with the commander about going to a planet called Tatooine.

'Tatooine?' you thought as you and the other handmaidens got up and followed Sabe and Xira to another room on the ship.

I Live to Make You Free (Anakin x Reader) BOOK ONE *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now