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You all met in the back area of the pod racing again. Jar-Jar had picked up Anakin in a huge hug and told him good going. Padmé got on her knees so she was Anakin's height and gave him a big hug too. 

"We owe you everything, Ani." Padmé said gratefully to him. You smiled as Shmi was next to congratulate her son. She too kneeled down and gave him a hug before kissing his very dirty face. 

"It's so wonderful, Ani. You have brought hope to those who have none." Shmi said proudly. "I'm so very proud of you!!" she added before kissing his cheek again. Anakin made a small face from embarrassment before Shmi got up. Shmi, Padmé, and Jar-Jar left to go get Anakin's pod and other things, just leaving you and him alone. Anakin turned to you and you gave him hug. 

"You did well, Anakin!" you said to him as you both pulled away from the hug. "We are very grateful for what you did." 

"It was nothing." Anakin humbly said. 

"It really does mean a lot to me." you replied, before remembering that you needed to talk to him. "Also, thank you for calming me down."

"You don't need to thank me for that, I felt your growing nerves and wanted you to feel calm too!" 

You weren't sure how to bring up the fact that you heard Anakin's thoughts and even saw what he was seeing. How do you tell someone that?

"What is it? What is bothering you?" Anakin asked, obviously to your nervousness returning. 

"I heard a thought from you, when I started to feel your calmness." you answered truthfully. "You said, 'Please stay calm, ___.' Well, thought that." 

"You heard that thought??" Anakin asked, shocked. You hummed and nodded in response. 

"That isn't it. I saw what you saw as well at one point in the race." you added. You then fully explained how you blinked and was suddenly seeing what he was seeing. You told him every detail you could remember and even explained how he got in front of Sebulba. 

"I don't know what that could be about, but it is obviously related to our connection." Anakin said honestly. "Whatever it is, we will figure it out together." 

"Together." you repeated as Anakin grabbed your hand and you both made your way to the others. 

What you both didn't know was that Qui-Gon was only a few feet away and had heard everything. 


You, Padmé, Jar-Jar, and Qui-Gon had return to the ship with all of the needed parts for the repairs. Padmé and Jar-Jar went back into the ship, but you had stayed behind with Qui-Gon. He wanted to you go back with him to get Anakin. He had informed you that he had added to the bet with Watto and won Anakin's freedom. However, he was not able to get Watto to agree to free Shmi. Therefore, she was still a slave. Qui-Gon wanted you to accompany him and be there for Anakin. It was going to be hard for him. 

"Well, we have all of the essential parts we need. " Qui-Gon said to Obi-Wan, who had come out to greet his Master. You were on the other creature and was going to ride on that back into town. Qui-Gon had the crew tie a rope to your creature so he could guide yours for you. 

"We are going back. Some unfinished business. We won't be long." Qui-Gon informed Obi-Wan. 

"Why do I sense we've picked up another pathetic life-form." Obi-Wan smirked. You shot a glare at the Jedi and made sure he felt your anger for calling Anakin a pathetic life-form. Obi-Wan seemed surprised by this and looked at you. He then looked to his Master, who only gave him a knowing look. 

"It's the boy who's responsible for getting us these parts." Qui-Gon explained to Obi-Wan. "Get this hyperdrive generator installed."

"Yes, Master. That shouldn't take long." Obi-Wan replied. Qui-Gon nodded before taking off back to town. 


"Hey, these are yours." Qui-Gon said to Anakin as all three of you walked back to his house. You all had sold Anakin's pod and made a good amount of money on it. 

"Yes!!" Anakin said as he took the money and gave you a huge smile. You all entered the Skywalker household. 

"Mom! We've sold the pod!" Anakin said as he made his way to Shmi, who was working at her desk. "Look at all of the money we have!" 

"My goodness!!" Shmi said as Anakin handed her the money. "That's so wonderful, Ani!" 

"And he has been freed." Qui-Gon informed the mother and son. 

"What?!" Anakin asked you and Qui-Gon, shocked. 

"You're no longer a slave, Ani." you said with a smile. Anakin gave you a hug before turning back to his mom. 

"Did you hear that?" Anakin asked her. 

"Now you can make your dreams come true, Ani." Shmi said. "You are free." 

You knew this was very bittersweet for her. You knew Anakin also knew this as well, and he was starting to feel the same bittersweetness as well. You focused and turned the bittersweet feeling that you were feeling into contentment. You then focused on Anakin feeling it as well, hoping that he would feel it. You focused very hard. You weren't sure if it would work, but you wanted him to know that it will be okay. 

It'll be okay, Ani. 

Your voice echoed in Anakin's mind as he turned to you. He nodded to you, signaling that he had heard your thought. 

"Will you take him with you?" Shmi asked, breaking you and Anakin from your thoughts. "Is he to become a Jedi?"

"Anakin.. A Jedi?" you quietly asked. You didn't know this was Qui-Gon intent with Anakin and why he wanted Anakin to join you all. 

"Yes." Qui-Gon answered and you and Anakin looked between the two adults. "Our meeting was not a coincidence. Nothing happens by accident." Qui-Gon said to Shmi, before looking at you and Anakin. 

"You mean I get to come with you in your starship?" Anakin asked you and Qui-Gon. 

"Anakin, training to become a Jedi is not an easy challenge and even if you succeed, it's a hard life." Qui-Gon said to Anakin as he kneels down to his height. 

"But I wanna go! It's what I've always dreamed of doing." Anakin replied. "Can I go, Mom?" 

"Anakin, this path has been placed before you. The choice is yours alone." Shmi said as she held her son's hands in her own. Anakin looked at you, which you gave him a sad smile and nodded,  before looking back at his mom. 

"I wanna do it." Anakin answered as Shmi gave him a sad smile. 

"Then pack your things, we don't have much time." Qui-Gon said as Anakin ran off to his room. 

"Yippee!!" Anakin cheered, leaving you all. He stopped in his tracks and turned around. "What about Mom? Is she free too?" 

"I tried to free your mother, Ani, but Watto wouldn't have it." Qui-Gon answered. 

"You're coming with us, aren't you, Mom?" Anakin asked Shmi as he walked up to her. Anakin looked at Qui-Gon sadly when Shmi grabbed her son's hands in her own again. Your heart broke when you felt Anakin's hurt and sadness. 

"Son, my place is here. My future is here." Shmi said softly to Anakin. "It's time for you to let go. 

"I don't want things to change..." Anakin said. 

"But you can't stop the change any more than you can stop the suns from setting." Shmi replied. "Oh, I love you." she said sadly as she tightly hugged her son. 

"Now hurry." Shmi said as she gestured for him to go off. Anakin rushed to his room to pack as Shmi got up from her seat. All three of you sadly watched Anakin. 

I Live to Make You Free (Anakin x Reader) BOOK ONE *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now