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You all sat down at the dining table. Anakin's mother, Shmi, was kind enough to cook dinner for everyone. Anakin was very adamant about you sitting next to him, it seemed he always wanted you by his side. Which explains why you felt a slight upset feeling from Anakin when Jar Jar sat next to him on one side of the table. You took the seat at the end of the table, which was on the other side of Anakin as Padmé look the seat across from Anakin and next to you. Qui-Gon sat across from you on the other end of the table. 

"All slaves have a transmitter placed inside their bodies somewhere." Shmi explained as she set down some food on the table. 

"I've been working on a scanner to try and locate mine." Anakin chimed in as you all began to eat. 

"Any attempt to escape-" Shmi began as she sat down next to your sister. 

"And they blow you up!" Anakin finished. "Boom!" 

"How wude!!" Jar Jar replied. 

"I can't believe there is still slavery in the galaxy. The Republic's antislavery laws-" Padmé said. You could tell she was upset about this and you were too. It was yours and Padmé's job make sure these laws were in place and enforced. It made you feel like you were failing as the Princess of Naboo and surely it made Padmé feel like she was failing as the Queen. 

Even at the ages of fourteen and nine, you and Padmé carried the weight of the world on your shoulders. 

"Surely, something can be done about this." you spoke up.  

"The Republic doesn't exist out here." Shmi said, cutting you off. "We must survive on our own." 

You all looked over at Jar Jar who loudly ate a piece of fruit from the table with his tongue as he said excuse me. You slightly rolled your eyes as a silence fell upon you all. 

"Has anybody ever seen a Podrace?" Anakin said, breaking the silence that took over. He looked over at you as you shook your head no. You broke eye contact with him and looked down at your food. You felt the pulling feeling get stronger, as if Anakin was trying to regain your attention. It felt like when you try to or suggest people to say or do what you want. You tried to put up a mental and emotional barrier from Anakin,. 

"They have Podracing on Malastare. Very fast, very dangerous." Qui-Gon said, getting yours and Anakin's attention and breaking the intense pulling feeling going on between you two. Everything going on between you and Anakin was not going unnoticed by Qui-Gon. 

"I'm the only human who can do it." Anakin said proudly. 

"You must have Jedi reflexes if you race pods." Qui-Gon said as he grabbed Jar Jar's tongue, stopping him from getting another piece of fruit with it. "Don't do that." he said sternly to Jar Jar. Jar Jar yelped in response as Qui-Gon let go of his tongue. 

"You're a Jedi Knight, aren't you?" Anakin said as your eyes widen in surprise. You didn't expect to Anakin to say anything, even though you knew he saw Qui-Gon's lightsaber. You and Padmé shared a look before you both looked at Qui-Gon. 

"What makes you think that?" Qui-Gon simply asked. 

"I saw your laser sword. Only Jedis carry that kind of weapon." Anakin answered. 

"Perhaps I killed a Jedi and took it from him." 

"I don't think so.  No one can kill a Jedi." Anakin said to Qui-Gon. 

"I wish that were so." Qui-Gon said. 

"I had a dream that I was a Jedi. I came back here and freed all the slaves... Have you come here to free us?" Anakin asked him. 

"No, I have not." Qui-Gon answered as he took a bite of food. 

"I think you have. Why else would you be here?" Anakin asked as he looked at you then Qui-Gon.

"I can see there's no fooling you, Anakin. We're on our way to Coruscant, the central system in the Republic, on a very important mission." Qui-Gon explained. 

"But, how did you end up in the outer rim?" Anakin questioned further. 

"Our ship was damaged and we're stranded here until we can repair it." you explained to him. 

"I can help! I can fix anything!!" Anakin said, you felt an eagerness to help you all bubble within Anakin. You were sure he felt the appreciation from you, but also the nervousness you felt. 

"I believe you can. But first we must acquire the parts we need." Qui-Gon said. 

"But we don't have money." Padmé chimed in. 

"These junk dealers must have a weakness of some kind." you thought out loud. 

"Gambling. Everything here revolves around betting on those awful races." Shmi replied to you. 

"Podracing. Greed can be a powerful ally." Qui-Gon said as he looked at all of you. 

"I built a racer. It's the fastest ever!" Anakin said excitedly. "There's a big race tomorrow on Boonta Eve. You can enter my pod!!" 

"Anakin! Watto won't let you." Shmi scolded. 

"Watto doesn't know I've built it!" Anakin argued back. "You can make him think it was yours and get him to let me pilot it for you!" Anakin added as he pointed at Qui-Gon. 

"I don't want you to race. It's awful. I die every time Watto makes you do it." Shmi argued back. 

"But, Mom, I love it! The prize money would more than pay for the parts they need." Anakin pleaded. 

"Anakin." Shmi said sternly. 

"Your mother's right. Is there anyone friendly to the Republic who can help us?" Qui-Gon asked Shmi. 

"No." she replied as another silence took over. 

"Mom, you say the biggest problem in this universe is nobody helps each other." Anakin said to Shmi as she let out a sigh. 

"I'm sure Qui-Gon doesn't want to put your son in danger." Padmé said. 

"We'll find some other way." you added. 

"No, there is no other way." Shmi said to you two. "I may not like it, but he can help you. He was meant to help you." 

Anakin gave you all a smile as his eyes landed on you. You smiled back at him, grateful for him and his help. The pulling feeling was stronger than ever, but also comforting at the same time. 

Qui-Gon paid closed attention to you and Anakin as you all continued to eat dinner.

I Live to Make You Free (Anakin x Reader) BOOK ONE *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now