She's here!

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"Hi Gerda!" I said as nicely as possible. I'm one to normally leave good first impressions on new people.
"Hello, um," oh, ya. She didn't know my name.
"I'm Hiccup." I said smiling. She giggled a bit at it, but that's normally what everyone does at first. So, I just go along with it. "Ya, I know, right? My family says that bad names drive away bad spirits and monsters." Everyone, including me, laughs at it.
"And girls," I hear Jack say in between laughs. Just as I was about to protest, Merida did it for me.
"Jack!" She said. "That is not true! Remember?" She asked, giving him a stern glare. But he didn't seem to remember anything. "Me and Hiccup have been a couple for a month now!" Wait, what? Oh, ya. We are. Um... I sorta kinda forgot since a lot of stuff has been going on...
"I can't believe you forgot." I thought she was done, but nope. "I bet Hiccup didn't forget, right Hiccup?" Suddenly all of the attention and suspenseful eyes landed on me. I felt like I was being crushed by invisible pressure.
"Of course I remembered! How could I forget?" I said, trying to sound as genuine as possible. "And I think Jack should have done a better job of remembering." I nodded at him and gave him a fake stern look, while his face stayed dull and his head started to shake back and forth.
"You totally forgot Hiccup." He said. But, since no one here could prove it, I was off the hook.
Thank goodness!
"Anyways," said Merida. "This isn't a conversation we should be having in front of our new friends."
"You're right, Merida!" Jack agreed. "We should definitely continue this later!"
"For sure," Merida said, glaring at me. I think she knew that I forgot, but she just didn't want to make a scene. Or, she didn't want to encourage Jack's trouble making ways. But, ether way, princess training had an effect on it. I bet if she wasn't taught the way she was, she would have blurted out all of her problems right here.
"So," said Jamie. "This is Merida, the disney princess," he said, pointing to her. "And this is Jack Frost. The one I used to tell you stories about." He smiled, and Gerda's shocked filled face turned towards Jack, who was smiling.
Then, there was me. Just plain, old me. Nothing too special about myself, it's not like I'm royalty or I'm a legend that old people tell their grown up daughters about.
Then, I remembered something. "Wait!" They all turned towards me like my head just exploded randomly. It took a few moments of silence, but I finally spoke again. "What about Rapunzel?" I asked, not letting our quest get too far off track.
"Oh!" Said Gerda, smiling. "You mean the one with the long blonde hair who lives in an isolated tower with an old witch?"
"No," said Merida. "She actually has short brown hair and lives freely in a castle with her real parents now."
"We came here looking for her," I said, adding to Merida's comment. "Have you seen her anywhere?"
Gerda just looked surprised at what we just told her, a little more surprised than most people do when they find out.
"Um, yes, actually," she said, getting up out of her chair and walking over to the stairs. "I found her a few hours ago, freezing from the cold and sleeping. I brought her home on a sled as soon as possible, and laid her down in a nice warm bed to recover. Since she was asleep, I never knew her name, but, I'm assuming she's you're friend."
We all ran downstairs after her, only to find her sound asleep and covered in homemade and cozy-looking quilts. Beside her was a man, I'm assuming Gerda's husband, watching over her and keeping the fire going in the wood stove.
"How is she, Kai?" Gerda asked, walking over to the bed she was in. "She looks a lot better now."
"Yes," said Kai, nodding. "She should wake up any time soon. When she does, she'll be as good as new."
"Great," said Gerda, smiling, looking at Rapunzel, still peacefully dreaming.
I'll be honest, I'm a little jealous. I mean, Gerda and Kai seem so happy as a couple. Same with Merida and Hiccup. As for me, well, my girlfriend is being held captive by an ice witch 500 miles away, and what did I do about it? I visited an old friend. But at least we found Rapunzel, who we now have to wait for to wake up so we can leave to find the Snow Queen. So ya, my life isn't going too well at the moment. I guess I shouldn't complain though, everyone else is waiting for her to wake up so we can continue.
As time passed, me, Hiccup and Merida started to tell Gerda and Kai our story. We started at the very beginning, when Rapunzel ran away, and we tried to find out a way to go after her. Then we moved on to the subject of it being all my fault that toothless crashed, but then I reminded them that if he hadn't crashed, we wouldn't have found Rapunzel.
A little while after we explained how it took Hiccup 5 minutes to dig out of some snow, Rapunzel woke up, and Merida went to go sit with her on the bed. We finished telling the story, then Gerda asked an unexpected question about it.
"That's great and all," she said. "But why did you leave in the first place?"
"We are trying to rescue our friends from the Snow Queen," Merida started, but didn't get the chance to finish.
"Elsa?" Gerda asked, a look of anger on her face.
"How do you know Elsa's name?" I asked curiously. "And why don't you seem happy about it?"
"Why should I?" She replied. "She's the Snow Queen!" She got up out of her chair she was in. "She even tried to hurt my new born baby."
"That doesn't sound like Elsa," said Merida, also getting up off the bed. "What did she do after she tried to hurt the baby?" She asked suspiciously to her.
"She apologized, but..." She started, but was interrupted by me.
"Exactly!" I said. "She was trying to apologize to you!" I hesitated for a minute. "Did she look scared?" I asked.
"Yes," she responded. "Like she'd just seen a ghost, or the Boogyman or something." She paused. "But that doesn't mean I'm going to change my opinion about her! The Snow Queen is still evil!"
"Agreed," said Merida.
"100%" said Hiccup.
"Of course," said Rapunzel.
"Yep," I said last. "But Elsa isn't the Snow Queen. She and Rapunzel's little sister were kidnapped by the actual Snow Queen."
"We're trying to save them," said Rapunzel. "Together." We all sighed in relief a bit.
"You see, Gerda," said Hiccup, in the nicest tone possible. "Elsa is a queen, and she can control snow and ice, but she isn't the Snow Queen. The real one is holding her captive 500 miles away in Nunavut."
"The real Snow Queen is-" I started, but suddenly, the air all around us got cold. It wasn't me! Then the fire burnt out. Then the lights turned off, so we were forced to go upstairs. A huge boom, followed by a powerful sound wave knocked us over and shook the house. I raised my head long enough to look out the window, and see an evil icy face staring right back at me, with a look of anger and determination on it, ready to break the glass."She's here!"
Cliff hanger!! :) Jack said the last line, if you were confused about it. It was fun writing this chapter, and a lot more fun coming up with the awesome twist! ;) but I had to find a way for Rapunzel to enter the story again, which was kind of hard, but I did it so yay!! :) also, it's a snow day where I am so I'll be trying my best to write as much as I can! 5.30K FLIPPING READS??!!!!?!!????!! I WOULD BE NOTHING WITHOUT YOU!! :) YOU HELP SO MUCH!! :) :) :)
Thanks for reading!

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