Guess what? BURGESS!!

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"AHHHHHHHH!" Me, Jack, and Merida screamed, hanging on to Toothless for our lives as we spiralled downward, towards uncertain death.
"Toothless, wake up!" I yelled against the cold wind pulling at us.
"I don't think that's working!" Said Jack. The nerve of him!
"None of this would have happened if you would have just let me make his new tail and not volunteered to help!" I turned around and yelled at him in anger and panic, still trying to control Toothless.
"If Punzie hadn't gone and tried to find the Snow Queen on her own, we wouldn't be in this situation in the first place!" Continued Merida, trying to keep herself and her bow from falling off the rapidly descending dragon.
"Alright, guys! Let's not play the blame game! Let's focus on the task at hand!" I said, trying to calm them down.
"Not dying?" Jack asked sarcastically.
"Exactly!" I responded.
How did we end up here? Let's recap.
~(still Hiccup POV) in the past...
"I can't believe she killed her!" Rapunzel screamed, going through her closet to find a coat. "I'm going after her."
"No!" The rest of us said together.
"Rapunzel," I said, "I know you have a lot of grief right now,"
"More than a lot!" She interrupted, correcting me.
"Alright," I scratched my head. "But that doesn't mean that you have to face her alone!"
"Ya," Merida said, helping me. "We can all defeat her, but we have to keep our heads." She tried to calm her down.
"And when we do find her," Jack continued. "She'll be sorry she ever messed with your little sister."
"And us." I finished.
She just stared at us all with a blank face and unmoving eyes. For a moment, there was a second of silence.
Then, still facing us, she grabbed her warmest winter coat, put on her boots, hat and mittens, and furiously stormed out the door, slamming it behind her.
"Well that failed." I said in defeat, realizing what just happened.
"Let's go get Toothless," said Merida, running down the hall.
"Why?" Asked Jack, confused.
"I don't know about you, but I'm not letting Rapunzel get killed by that monster too." She turned her head and grabbed her bow and said, "come on, Hiccup, we're going."
"Alright!" I said happily.
"Guys, wait for me!" Said Jack, flying to catch up with us.
"WAIT!" I said, stopping everyone in their tracks, causing Merida to trip Jack, who fell on me shortly after.
"Ooowww..." I squeaked in pain. "You're a lot heavier than you look..." I managed, trying to recover.
"And you're a lot weaker than you look..." I smiled with humour, and he thought for a second about what he said. "Oh, wait... Did that come out as a half compliment?" He asked in terror, his eyes wide.
"Yes, yes it did." I smiled. "And I'll take it!"
"Hiccup! Why did you stop us? We need to get to Rapunzel." Screamed Merida in a Panic.
"I remembered that his tail is broken. I need to make a new one, or we won't get more than 2 feet off the ground." I said, grabbing my box of tools, some leather and some wood.
Jack sighed. "This is going to mess up everything! Why can't we just use one of his old ones?"
"Because," I said, trying not to sound like a dragon nerd. "All of the old ones aren't meant to travel long distances or endure extreme cold, so I have to make a new one. If I don't, he will collapse and give in to the cold weather of the north." They all started at me blankly, and remained silent.
"Fine," said Merida, waving her hand. "Just do it fast. And DON'T mess it up." She secured her bow on her shoulder and walked out the door.
There have been quite a few ladies exit dramatically in the past 5 minutes.
"Ok," said Jack, hitting me on the shoulder, knocking me off balance. He always does this when he's planning something. I've learned that. "Can I help?" He asked. What?
"Um, ok?" I said in confusion. He nodded and smiled. He's definitely planning something. "But no messing around and don't break anything! Ok?" I said, setting the rules.
"Fine." He simply said, waiting for directions.
"Take the hammer, some nails, the leather, and the wood, and read page 135 in that book over there." I pointed to my dragon note book that I used to collect information about Toothless. "It will tell you everything." I walked out the door to go get Toothless, because I trusted Jack to get the work done.
My first mistake.
I can't believe he fell for that! I'm not actually going to help him! Or read. What was he thinking? I'll just grab the old one and cover it in clear ice. He won't know the difference! And it'll be snow proof and perfect. It will work just fine. He'll think I did the work, and I'll get to relax here! Freezing stuff at my will. Fun. Pure fun.
HICCUP POV (back to the present)
"Irresponsibility!" I yelled at him. "Why did you do that?"
"I was lazy, and you know I don't like reading!" He complained and tried to defend himself.
"You could have at least done something to the tail!" Yelled Merida. "At least that would have helped a bit. But no! You just had to send us crashing down on Toothless instead!"
"Well I do have my staff..." He started.
"No!" I interrupted. "No using your staff! That would leave Toothless here. We have to find another way!"
"Speaking of which," said Merida. "Why haven't we hit the ground yet?"
"The adjustments I did to Toothless will buy us some time in the air," I said. "But not much. Look," I said, pointing at the world below. "I can already see the trees and the grass through the clouds. It's only a matter of time before we hit it and die!"
"Wait," said Jack, looking harder at the ground. "There's snow there, and a village! And people!"
"So?" I said, confused.
"So I know where we are!" He exclaimed with joy.
"And where might that be?" Merida asked.
But you guys handled it so well! I mean, 5.13 READS??!!?!!? A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!!!! I am speechless.
Absolutely speechless!!! :D!!
I would be nothing without you guys! :)
Also, remember my old jelsa book that I'm sure a few of you read? WELL IT'S BACK!!! :) and once I'm done this one, I'll finish it! I still have a lot of work to do on my original though, but don't worry! A whole bunch of new chapters are coming soon! If you haven't read it yet, and you want more Jelsa stuff, then I think you should go check it out.
Also, in about 2 or 3 weeks, I will be publishing a little short story called: The Procrastinating Pig.
If you like stories with humour, and lines you can relate to (if you are in middle or high school and beyond) then check for it! It will soon appear in my works! :) yay!
So, don't forget to comment, vote, share, add to reading lists, and check out the Jelsa book!! :)
Here comes the classic line.... *drumrollllllllll....*
Thanks for reading! :)

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