This is a nightmare

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I rushed past all the doors in the halls, careful not to disturb anyone in the rooms. I couldn't get the dream out of my head, and one line in particular: And I assure you, said Pitch Black, even if you learn to control yourself, fear will be your enemy. And Jack Frost will be mine. What was this strange person going do to Jack? And what does he have against him? And... What does he have against me?

I came to a stop in front of my old door, still decorated like it was 14 years ago. Wow, it's been 14 years since the incident with Anna. I suddenly felt so small, in front of the same thing Anna was for years. She spent such a long time staring at this door, hoping that it would open up. Now it's my turn to hope.

I knocked on the door, and to my surprise it was answered right away. Did this guy ever sleep?

"Elsa?" He said, not tired at all.

"Ya, um, why are you awake?"

"I don't sleep." Well that answers one of my questions.

"Ok... So I have a question for you." His eyes filled with confusion. I tried to think of a question to sum up my whole dream, and all my other questions. But all I could think of was, "Who is Pitch Black?"

I could see the fear that was gathering, not just in his eyes, but all around him. A cold breeze started to accumulate, and then he pulled me inside my room and shut the door.

"How do you know about Pitch?" He said, still as frightened as a child in the dark. It was quite dark in here too...

"I, I saw him in my dream." I said, a little bit scared of the environment around me.

"What do you mean? Did you have a nightmare?" He asked, concerned. Why did it matter to him if I had a nightmare?

"No," I said, trying to explain. "I saw him near my crib when I was a baby. He said that all that was missing from my life was fear and darkness." I hesitated to tell him the rest about the whole enemy thing. "And then he went away. But I have a feeling it was more than just a dream." He walked closer to me, but just a bit closer, and asked,

"Who else was in it?" I thought about revealing the other people in my dream, and I decided on a yes. Because talking to someone about it would be for the best.

"Well, there was Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy and the Sand Man. Who all came before Pitch, and they did something with little wooden dolls, and the moon was super bright, and Santa said freedom, like it was important or something. And when I looked in my crib there was a little wooden doll that looked like me, how I am now." I looked at the floor, I was only going to tell him he was in my dream if he asked.

"Was there anyone else in the dream?" Of course he just had to ask that.

"Well," I said, trailing my eyes up along the wall. "Um, also..." I looked him in the eyes. "You." I just realized I was making this way more awkward than it should have been.

"Ok, so you had a dream about all the guardians? And they had little wooden dolls, right?"

"Yes, they did." I answered like it was a weird question like didn't your parents ever warn you about strangers?

"Did Pitch have one?"


"What about me?"

"I don't think so, but you had that stick." I said, pointing to the long stick he was holding.

"Elsa, do you know what this means?"

"My dream or the stick?"

"What happened in your dream, did it feel almost real? Like it actually happened?"

"Yes, I guess. I realized it actually happened when I was in my room." I paused because Jack's eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his head.

"So Pitch came into your room, so did the guardians, and so did I? When you were just a baby? This is phenomenal, Elsa, you are the only living guardian!" Wait, what? What did he just say? I thought he was living! I thought Santa and the Easter Bunny were living too! What is going on here?

"I'm... I'm a guardian? What's a guardian? Why am I a guardian and why is Pitch so important?" I asked him, but he was too exited to pay attention, but as soon as I said Pitch he calmed down and his expression turned serious.

"Yes, you are a guardian," he said, calmed down. "So we need to go somewhere."

"Where would that be?" I asked suspiciously.

"The North Pole, the base of all the guardians, and the home of North."

"Um, ok? So how are we going to get there?"

"The wind will take us there." Ok, I'm sure this guy is going crazy. Or maybe I'm going crazy...

"How would the wind take us, both of us, all the way from my kingdom to the North Pole?"

He smiled and walked closer to the large triangle window in the room and opened the part that could open. He stepped outside, with the stick still in his hand, and gestured for me to come out.

"You want me to come out there?" I think Jack has a problem with climbing and walking on the sides of buildings.

"Ya, we'll fly to the North Pole!" Fly?! What does he want me to do, just grab some fairy dust and think happy thoughts?

"I'm not doing that." I said backing away from the window. My words made him come inside, and grab my arm like I was a misbehaving child, to drag me to the window.

"C'mon, it'll be fun!" He said smiling. "And there is also no other way to get to the North Pole." He said as we stepped outside of the window.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. There is nothing under my feet!" I yelled in panic, trying to get back inside. "How are we going to fly to the North Pole with no plane?" I asked, confused but still freaking out.

He smiled and said, "like this. By the way, don't let go." Wait, what does he mean by don't let go?

He jumped off the window sill, with me and the stick with him. I was to scared to react, or even move, so I just stared at the ground in fear as it got closer. And closer, and closer. And closer.

I closed my eyes preparing for impact, ready to feel the pain of the hard pavement. But to my surprise, it never came. Instead, I felt waves of air continuously hit my face. Cold air, the kind you would breathe if you were in the clouds.

I opened my eyes and found the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. My kingdom was below my feet, although there wasn't a person to be seen. I had almost forgotten it was early in the morning. I also forgot that the other person with me was my only chance of survival, and I let go of his hand.

This is a nightmare.

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