The lost memory (Me too)

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I walked down the halls of the castle, thinking about one thing, and one thing only.


I know her from somewhere, I know I do! I just can't seem to figure out where from.

I swung my staff behind my shoulders and rested my arms on it. This is always what I do when I think, or when I talk to myself, which has become quite a habit, being alone all those years.

I thought about where I could know her from. I'm pretty sure I've been here before, in this kingdom, but a King and a Queen ruled at that time, and they didn't have a daughter. Or at least, I think they didn't...

The next thing was her face. It was so familiar it was killing me! I am 100% sure I know her! but I don't. I don't know anything about her. Nothing about her life, her family, or her past. So I can't know her, but I do. That face, her face, I have seen it before! Just where have I? Were have I seen the face of Queen Elsa? Or, the Snow Queen would be a better name for her.

That was the last thing, her powers. It was like something clicked inside my brain when she made snow and ice appear everywhere. It was like a lost memory coming back to me, as if it was a crucial part of her past, present, and future that I once knew about.

Everything seems like a puzzle, that I just can't put together. There seems to be one missing piece that connects everything to everything else. The missing piece is what connects my life and hers, how could it not be? I don't know, maybe I just saw her in a dream. Sure, I'll settle on I saw her in a dream once.

At least until I can talk to her again.

ELSA POV (happening at the same time)

After I was done breakfast, I went outside to enjoy the fresh air and think the visitor.


I've seen him, I've heard him, I know him from a long time ago, but I just can't seem to remember where or when.

I fiddled with my hands and bit my lip in thought. This is always what I do when I think, or when I talk to myself, which has become quite a habit, being alone all those years.

I thought about where I could know him from, and when. I'm sure I know his face, everything about it, but something's changed, and that might me the reason why I can't remember. But that's just a guess...

The next was his story, it all sounds so familiar, like it was a part of my life too, at one time. And I'm 100% I was a part in his story! But I wasn't. I didn't know much about his life, and the things I did were basic. Just his name, and where he lived, nothing else. So I couldn't have been part of his life, but I was. I know I was! That story, his story, I know it from a long time ago, but when? When have I heard the story of Jack Frost?

That was the last thing, his name. Why would his last name be Frost? It was like something clicked inside my brain when he said his name. It was like a lost memory coming back to me, something really important. Like it was a big part of mine and his life that I once knew about.

Everything seemed like a puzzle, that I just can't put together. There seems to be one piece missing from all the other pieces that form our separate lives. That piece would be what connects us, how could it not be? I don't know, maybe I thought of it in a dream. Alright, I'll settle for I thought of it in a dream a while ago.

At least until I can talk to him again.


Hello readers! Do you see what I did there? In the chapter? THEIR POVS AT THE SAME TIME?! Ya, I tried to make it cool. And this mystery is just starting to unfold. What will happen when Pitch and Anna get involved? Their stories won't be connected or anything, but those are just two other characters I need to add soon. Can you think of some stuff to sew up the void between Elsa and Jack? (A Brave reference, LoL) LET ME KNOW IN THE COMMENTS!! :)

Anyways, thanks for reading!


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