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"I'm nine months pregnant! When will you come out, baby?" I said to my over grown child in my stomach. It's a boy, we went to the doctors and checked last month. We being me and my husband, Kai. We're so happy that we're having a baby, but we just can't pick out a name! It has to be something that goes good with Disney, because that is our family name.
We are Kai and Gerda Disney, and we are proud to be that way.
We've lived a happy life in Burgess so far, after all of our adventures as children. It was quite fun, being a kid and exploring the world. I got to go all across Canada, and I met so many people! But the one I will never forget is the Snow Queen. She has a collection of frozen people, all of which I had to leave behind when I saved Kai from her evil clutches, after he was pierced with her evil mirror. The frozen people were all victims of her ice mirror, that inflicted pain, sadness, and an eternity of grief to anyone who was touched by it's fragments. That's what froze them, the horrible mirror that she created. The Snow Queen was truly evil, cold, and unloving.
I hope I never have to encounter that horrible women ever again.
I can't wait to meet the all of the people! When I do, I'll greet them with kindness, warmth, and love! All I need to do is save Jack, and to do that, I need to find a baby. And not just any baby, a new born. I have to look, in every house, until I find one! Then, I can use it to help save Jack. After that, I'll return the baby like nothing ever happened! Simple! Just keep a smile on your face Elsa. Be happy, be loving, be kind. Be the good girl, you always have to be.
And let it go, in honour of Jack's advice when I was little.
I still can't believe that, he came to me when I was a kid and helped me control my powers, without gloves or hiding. He changed me, and made me who I am today, without me even knowing. He made me believe in myself, which is exactly what I need to do now. I need to find a baby to save him so we can get to the North Pole. I can't forget that, I need to stay on task.
For Jack.
For the Guardians, even though I've never met them.
For Anna, probably worrying her head off about me right now.
After I woke up, ate some fruit loops with milk, and changed out of my PJs, I went to go check on Elsa. She usually stays in her room until 10:00, and it's 8:30, so I think I can still catch her. I skipped along the hallways, thinking of our visitor, Rapunzel. She is our cousin, and she's staying here with her younger sister Tiffany. I haven't met Tiffany yet, but I her she's really nice. Maybe Elsa and I could go see her after lunch! Yay! This is going to be such an exiting day!
I got to Elsa's door and knocked repeatedly, but there was no answer.
I knocked again, still nothing. Is this déjà vu?
"Stop fooling around, Elsa. I know you're in there!" I said playfully, hoping to get a response.
But still there was nothing.
"Come on Elsa, are you still asleep? Or is this a game?" I was running out of patience with her. This isn't funny anymore!
There was still silence from behind the door, so I opened it, swiftly and quickly.
"AH- huh?" I said, hoping to triumph, but instead, I was defeated by confusion.
Elsa wasn't here. Where is she? I looked around the room frantically. I checked under the blankets, in the closet, in the bathroom, under her bed, everywhere! Where is my sister?!
I looked up, to the only place I hadn't checked; the window.
It was open. Wiiide open. And there was frost on the edges of the glass. Oh no, Elsa. You didn't.
I ran to the window, praying that it wasn't what I thought I was. Thankfully though, it was just an open window, and the cold just eventually started to freeze the glass.
"It's a good thing I found this open window!" I said, closing it back up tight. "Jack Frost might have gotten in!" I laughed. Jack Frost was a fictional character that our parents used to read stories to us about. Although, I've always thought of him as a real person. But, for all I know, Elsa could be with him right now!
That reminds me, if Elsa isn't in her room...
Then where is she?
The ice is so cold, I'm so cold. My fingertips, my face, my hair, my feet, my arms, my legs, everything is ice. I am ice, I am an icy prison. I'm frozen in place, trying to think of a way to thaw myself, but I can't.
It feels like I'm trapped inside, the ice hall's thick cold walls concealing me, not allowing escape. It feels so empty and unloving in here, in the ice. It even looks unloving, the bit of sunlight shining through the surface, and eliminating all contact to the outside world. It reminds me of when I died in the lake, and I broke through the ice. It looks exactly like that, except ten times worse, and very, very, cold.
I've lost all confidence, all hope, all self worth, all strength, all love, to this ice. It consumes everything bright and vibrant, killing it immediately, and leaving me with such and empty feeling inside, and all around me. I feels like I am in a chasm, with no chance of escape, stuck forever in the cold. In fact, it's so cold, that my thoughts crystallize like an icy blast. This cold even bothers me!
I hear whispers and low voices murmuring things I can't understand, their sound echoing off the glassy walls of my mind. Every once in a while, I'll hear the name Elsa, or you can't help yourself. They won't go away, and they will eventually drive me insane.
This is pure torture.
Poor Jack. I can't believe I did that to him. I just froze him, just like Anna. Now, I'm on a quest to save him, before it's too late. That's right, it can be too late. I believe I have 2 days before he turns to ice permanently. When the sun rises on the third day, he will be gone, forever. No getting him back.
That's why I'm so happy I'm in the village now! There are so many people to meet, and so many children! Why do they have to be children, why can't they be babies? I need a new born, not a child.
I kept walking, saying hello to everyone I passed. I came to a cozy looking house, so I decided to knock on the door and introduce myself. Quickly, it was answered by a bright eyed, blond haired, short man with a big smile.
"Hello!" He exclaimed. "Come in!" He invited.
"Hi," I said, looking around. I was right, it was cozy. Knitted carpets and curtains littered the house, and everything else was made of wood or bricks. A smouldering fireplace sat in the corner, pleasantly burning away the wood inside.
I looked to the dining room, and saw a brown haired, happy looking woman...
And she's pregnant! Yes! It looks like the baby is due any time now! Yes! Point Elsa!
"Hello my dear," she said, walking to me. "Welcome to our home. Can I get you anything?" She asked kindly to me, taking my hand. These people are so nice to me, and I've barley even spoken.
"No, thank you." I said, smiling. "But I could use some help." Their full attention was trained on me now. "My friend, he is..." I tried to think of an excuse. I remember what it was like in Arendelle when everyone found out about my powers. "Very sick, and he needs lots of warmth." Ok... Good enough. "He is a short walk away from the village. Do you know anyone who can help?"
They both smiled, and said, "We can help you. Come right this way." The woman led me to a closet full of coats. "Which one would you like?" She asked, waving her hand in front of the overflowing collection of coats.
I looked around, at all the different options I had. Eventually, I picked the thickest one, it was bright red, with lots of pockets and buttons.
"Thank you," I said, taking the coat in my arms. "Do I have to pay for it?" I asked, examining the perfect red coat in my hands.
"No, dear! Not at all! This is what I call my Free outfits or trimmings. FOOT for short. Take as many as you like!"
"Wow, thank you!" I said, taking another one. It was silky and blue and long, with two pockets on the side. It had a small silver zipper up the middle.
"My, that one is awfully thin for this time of year! Are you sure you don't want another?"
"I'm fine, thanks." I said walking away. "The cold never bothered me anyway." I sat down in a sturdy wooden chair in the corner of the house. "You have a really nice house." I said, looking around and admiring their style.
"You're welcome to stay dear!" Said the woman kindly. "We don't recognize you, so you're not from around here. You can stay in the extra room in the back!" These people are truly kind hearted.
"We wouldn't mind at all," the man joined in.
"Thank you," I said, smiling. "But I can't stay for long, I have to go see my friend first." I said, heading out the door, but then turning back. "Could I please have your names? Before I go check on my friend, I'd like to know the owners of my temporary home." I said, as politely and happily as possible.
"In Gerda," said she woman. "And this is my husband, Kai. What's your name dear?"
"My name is Elsa." I said, exiting the house, heading back to Jack's frozen statue.
I can't believe it! The irony is unbelievable! Gerda and Kai are inviting the Snow Queen to stay with them! Gerda and Kai! The same girl who went on a journey to save that boy, when they were only little, from the practical twin of Elsa! I just have to get involved in this. Once they find out her secret, and I'll make sure that happens, she will never be able to get the baby! And Jack will die! And if Jack dies, then Elsa will never be able to reach the Guardians! Leaving them weaker than ever before! This is a major break through, all I need to do is reveal Elsa's powers to Gerda, and my job will be done! Two down, four to go.
Easy as the first time I revealed her powers to the world.
As easy as fear.
Hey readers!! This chapter isn't as long as I thought it would be, because it's part one!! CLIIIIF HANGARRRRR! MUAHAHAHAHAHA! I warned you, don't say I didn't warn you. Because I did. :)
Also, if you're wondering about all the irony that Pitch is talking about, just search up Hans Christian Anderson's version of the Snow Queen on wikipidea. Or, if you want, there's a video if you look up: The Snow Queen.
It will explain everything. :)
Let me know in the comments about what you think!
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Thanks for reading!

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