The dicovery of flight

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"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! There's nothing under my feet!" Yelled Elsa as we stepped out of the window. She tried to get back inside but I didn't let her, and eventually she gave up. "How are we going to fly to the North Pole without a plane?"

I smiled down at the confused queen beside me. I forgot she didn't know I could fly.

"Like this," I said, "by the way, don't let go." I jumped off the side of the wall, with her and my staff with me.

I smiled as the ground got closer, and closer. And closer.

I looked down to find a very disturbed Elsa in my arms, with her eyes shut tight. I think it's time that I start flying, because if I don't we will hit the ground.

In 3, 2, 1...

The wind lifted us up higher and faster than I ever thought possible, and I could feel the cold air on my face. I'm used to it, but Elsa probably isn't. But she has ice powers like me, so the cold probably doesn't bother her anyway.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked down on her kingdom, in a whole new way. Her eyes widened with astonishment at the scene below her feet. Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. I was mesmerized myself, as I stared down at the lifeless yet living town. I had just about lost my train of thought, when something changed. Elsa wasn't holding onto my hand anymore, which meant she was falling to the ground! This is a nightmare!

I flew down after her, but she was falling too fast, I couldn't catch up. Not at the speed she was falling and the speed I was dropping.

Wait, I'm not dropping, I'm flying! I need to stop flying to catch up to her! I hesitated before I let the wind drop me into the surrounding air. Before I knew it I was descending faster than I ever thought possible. My hair flew in my face and behind me as I rushed to the ground to save Elsa. I really hope I can get to her in time.


I really hope he can get to me in time. It's only a matter of moments before I crash onto the ground, and I won't get back up. He seems to be flying down faster, but I know it won't be enough. I'll have to save myself if I want to survive.

But for some reason, I can't. I put all of my trust in this boy, and stopped trusting myself for a moment. That moment was when I let go of his hand. Now I am falling to my death, but I can't trust myself enough to save myself. I felt the air fly up past me faster and faster, knowing that it would soon stop as well.

I closed my eyes. Not because I was afraid, or because I was getting ready to die. It was because I didn't want too see Jack's face when I hit the ground. I also didn't want to be one of those creepy bodies that die with their eyes open... But mostly because of Jack. I remember when Anna froze, and the look of fear on her face. It will be the exact same face that Jack will have when I hit the ground. I didn't want that face to be the last thing I see.

I counted down from ten;










Wait... What? Nothing happened! I should be dead! Maybe it's a longer drop than I thought, and I still do have my eyes closed. I guess I'll open them to face my death.

As I slowly opened my eyes to what I thought was the end, was in fact a new beginning. A sunrise's colours flooded Arendelle as the sun climbed higher into the sky. I watched all the houses light up from its rays, and the streets be filled with light. I watched as my kingdom woke up.

Then I realized something, I wasn't falling anymore. I was flying, like I was before. Except Jack wasn't there. How is that even possible?

I looked around, and then turned around, but there was no sign of Jack in the sky, or anywhere. So how am I flying across the sky?! Am I going insane? Am I dead? I'm probably dead.

Suddenly, I felt an arm wrap around my waist, and lift me up into the sky, higher than before. I smiled in relief, as I realized who it was.


I'm pretty sure I'm not dead now.

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