Into the wind

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I know the Snow Queen, maybe a little too well. I need to get to the library and find the book. I think the author is Hans Christian Anderson or something?
I burst through the doors to the room of books, and started browsing. I flew up to the middle shelf of books in the children's books section. E, F, G, H! There we go! The Snow Queen...
Here it is!
I pulled out the small blue children's book in between the others. It was about 35 pages long, and easy read, but that didn't matter- I wasn't looking for something to read. Plus, I don't like reading.
"Jack, what are you doing?" Tooth asked, flying up to me as I opened the book.
"I'm looking for something," I paused, and looked at her. "Something important." I went bak to the book and flipped through the pages furiously.
"Jack!" North shouted up to me. "Sandy is back! He needs to talk to you!" I stopped and looked down.
"About what?" I asked down to him.
"I believe it's about what just happened." I immediately jumped down, the book still in my hand, and went to Sandy. He turned around and a look of urgency spread across his face. He floated towards me on his sand, and landed at my feet. Then, he started showing random fast pictures on the top of his head.
"Wo, wo, Sandy. Slow down. What are you trying to say?" He rolled his eyes and flicked his hand at me. A little sign above his head read: I can't speak.
"Right," I said, he nodded. "Can anyone translate?" On of the elves stumbled up to me, bells tingling and hat flopping. He raised his hand as high as he could, and shook it in the air. I looked down at him and shook my head no. "You can't speak ether." I turned to the other Guardians. "One of you must be able to, right?" I pleaded to my friends.
Luckily, North stepped up and got Sandy to repeat his pictures. At the end, North shook his head and looked down at me sadly.
"He said it was snowing very hard where they were. He saw Pitch shoot Elsa with some sort of shadow in the sky. Then she fell to the ground." He paused and shook his head, "I am sorry, Jack," I felt my eyes start to water once more. "She is gone."
"No," I said, running away, crying and freezing everything in sight. This means that I was wrong about his plans for her, he just wanted to kill her. "No, no, no, no, NO!" I found the nearest open window and zoomed out, not paying attention to the Guardian's pleads for me to stay. I didn't want to be around them right now, nor anyone, I just want to be alone.
I'm going to my old house.
I watched as Elsa fell to the ground, and was engulfed by snowflakes, and taken away. My plan worked, it actually worked! I did it! I have recreated the Snow Queen, and this time, I can control her. She will obey my every command. She will make a new ice mirror, that will cause even more destruction. She will inflict pain and misery on the world, without knowing. And best of all...
Fear will be her enemy.
As I was surrounded by little snowflakes, I heard something buzzing. Actually, many little things buzzing around me. But, all I saw was snowflakes, dancing in circles, almost as if they were playing. Then, suddenly, it occurred to me.
The snowflakes were tiny bees, snow bees. They were carrying me away, far away it seemed, never to return. They seemed playful and friendly, but they seemed to inject me with some sort of cold evil and darkness that I have never felt before, in my life. It seemed to overpower me with guilt and sorrow, blocking away all happiness and memories of joy. All that I was left with, was an empty cold feeling, almost as if I was in a deep void, never to return.
I watched from inside my window as a Elsa was hit with shadows, falling to the ground.
Well, almost.
At the last minute, the snow swooped her up and away, into the sky, heading north. Why isn't Jack with her? Why did Pitch strike her with his shadows? Since when does Pitch have shadows? Why and how was Elsa picked up by the snowflakes? What did Pitch do to her?!?
Wait, is that Sandy? Good! That means the Guardians will know about this! But what about us, here in Arendelle? Elsa is the Queen after all.
Hold on, I just thought of something.
Elsa is the Queen of Arendelle! She has ice and snow powers! I remembered a book that I read when I was smaller, it was about the Snow Queen. It talked about snow bees and their queen, who is the Snow Queen. It said how the Snow Queen made an ice mirror, an evil ice mirror, that reflected only pain and anger and sadness. But the mirror broke, into thousands and thousands of pieces, little fragments of it flying everywhere. Each piece contained the power of the whole mirror together, so they were quite dangerous, and they trailed all over the world. If a piece touched or cut a person or any living thing, it would slowly freeze, and have a slow, cold, painful death. The Snow Queen's porpoise was to collect these people, taking them to her ice castle, and never freeing them of their prison, because they would just reflect pain, anger, and sorrow to everyone in the world. Just like the mirror itself did.
What if Elsa is the Snow Queen? maybe PITCH turned her into the Snow Queen! But why? How? What could he possibly gain from that?
What if it's not about Pitch gaining something, but Elsa loosing something? He wants to hurt her, and make her evil. But why? I need to save her! Or, at least tag along so I can tell Anna and Rapunzel! Oh, and Kristoff.
With that, I jumped out the frosty window, and I too was swept up by the snow bees.
What am I doing?
"Anna, look." I said, pointing out the window at the tiny snow flakes. "Do you wanna build a snowman?" I said smiling.
"So, so funny, Kristoff." She said, kissing me on the cheek. "It's not the right snow, but," she said, walking over to another window. "We can read!" She pulled out a little white and blue book with snowflakes on it, her smile almost as bright as the snow outside. "This is my favourite book!" She said, sitting down on the squishy, fluffy fabric of the chair that I was sitting in. It was a big chair. "It's called the Snow-" she was interrupted by Rapunzel slamming the door open, and running over to her.
"Tiffany jumped out the window!" She exclaimed, throwing her hands on Anna's shoulders.
"Why?!" She asked in with alarm.
"I don't know! But we have to go after her." Anna nodded in agreement. What about me?
"How do we know this isn't some sort of trick?" I asked, earning a disapproving glare from both of them. "Alright, so this isn't a trick. But even if we could, how are we going to help her? We are all normal human beings, it's not like we have ice powers of we can fly or anything." Rapunzel suddenly grew a bright grin, and took out a pencil and a piece of paper.
"Maybe we can't, but I know who can." She said, starting to write on the paper. "Jack, get the big four, and meet me at the castle in Arendelle. Bring them, too. We have a new mission. -Rap." She said, while writing. Then, she wrapped it up with a hair elastic from her wrist, I assumed it was an old habit she hadn't stopped yet, and sent it out an open window. She watched as it floated away. Anna walked up to her.
"How do you know it will find him?" She asked, also looking at the tiny note floating in the sky.
"Because," Rapunzel said, closing the window, and looking at Anna and me. "The wind always finds Jack Frost." Anna, I think, suddenly realized what was going on, which was good, because I didn't.
Who the heck is Jack Frost?
Hello awesome people! Let me know what you think in the comments! Poor Klueless Kristoff, he has no idea what's going on what so ever. ;( But at least Rapunzel knows half the stuff that's going on. And Tiffany knows all, but sadly, she was kidnapped by ?Elsa? Maybe. Who knows! Anyways...
Cool fact about the photo for this chapter, its's the view that you see out my Nan's window!
Don't forget to ask any questions in the comments, vote, share, and add to reading lists!
Also, you guys should all go check out likeabosszer's account, she is amazingly awesome. She has an amazing ask the big five book going on! And she even accepts dares from you as readers.
My last comment will be...
Thanks for reading!

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