Snow queen introduction

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(Turn head sideways for photo) ;)
TIFFANY POV A/N: Tiffany will talk to you as readers in her POV this time, but only this one time
I'm back! I bet you didn't think I survived the trip here, did you? But I'm back! And I'm very cold.
Ever since I was dropped off by the snow bees in front of this enormous ice castle that looks nothing like the one in Frozen, I've been exploring it's halls. It's so big, and like I said earlier:
Very... Icy, and dark. There's some sort of evil spiritual presence that gives this place an eerie feeling. I don't necessarily like it, it's scaring me. Also, during the trip, something got in my eye, and I haven't been able to get it out. Don't you hate that feeling? It hurts too, it's really starting to bother me. Maybe I should go find Elsa, she will help.
Or would this be the part in the scary movie when a character says: let's go towards the sound coming from the basement to see what it is!
I hope I'm not the one who gets an axe in their head...
Help me!
I looked at myself in the mirror.
My cloths and cape are torn apart, my hair is undone, and I look to messy. These are not clothes for for a Queen of my authority. Or a queen of ice in general. I need to be updated.
I let my old clothes go, changing them into a dark blue cape and a repaired and bolder version of the dress below. I froze my hair into a bun in the back of my hair, letting strands fall out, but also freezing them against their will. Then, I realized something that I need, that is important for any Queen; I need a crown. A frozen crown, made from the very ice that makes my castle. I walked to a wall, and pricked five delicate icicles from a ledge. Arranging them from smallest at the start, tallest at the middle, I made a thin line of ice at the bottom, connecting them into a crown. I admired it as I walked over to my mirror once more, and placed it on my head.
Much better, much more suiting for me.
Now that I am pleased with my appearance, I will wonder my palace, in search of a place to put my ice mirror, my new one. My old one wasn't strong enough, even though many pieces of it still scatter the globe. I started looking in the room I was in; large enough, but no open spaces. It was all frozen over with layers upon layers of thick glassy ice and shadows. I need to find somewhere open, where I can see the world, and the world can see me. More importantly, the mirror. Tomorrow, my plan will begin.
And tomorrow at sundown, the world will be frozen.
I laughed at my master plan with confidence and joy. "Not even the biggest fool in the world would try to stop me now. Nothing's in my way." I smiled.
I walked over to my only prisoner, a young lady who looked a lot like me, and I liked to consider her as my distant relative... At one time.
Now, her clothes are ragged, hair knotted, eyes red from crying, skin dirty, honour gone, and she has lost sight of what's really important in the world. She looked up at me with sorrow, tiredness and cold.
"Please, at least let them know I'm alive." The girl pleaded.
"Oh, Elsa," I said, shaking my head and smiling. "What's the fun in that?"
The wind pulled at us as we zipped through the air in my sleigh. After Jack left, I discovered something that proved that Elsa isn't dead, but she has changed, a lot. She has turned into an evil figure of ice, and an ancient villain, who was feared even before Pitch. I don't think he knew what he was doing when he did this. I got out one of my magic snow globes and said, "I say the northern islands of Nunavut, in Canada." I threw it out in the air, where it opened with a blast of ice coloured lights.
"Why Canada?" Bunny asked. "I thought we were looking for Jack." I looked back at him.
"No Bunny," we entered the portal and came out on the other side. "We're here for the Snow Queen." I looked back out at the landscape before us. There was no missing where we were supposed to go. "And this is where she is."
It was a land of ice, and cold, and darkness. It looked exactly like Tooth Palace, but it was completely made out of ice and snow. It was surrounded by a thick blizzard, and icy spikes littered the plains of snow in a circular pattern, also protecting the castle.
"North," said Tooth, worried. "What are you doing?" She flew up beside me to get a better look at what was to come.
"I am saving the only thing that top can help us now." I said, getting the sleigh under control from a sudden gust of wind.
"What's that?" She asked.
"Jack's hope." Her face filled with sadness as I said it.
"North, you can't bring back the dead," she said, putting a hand on my shoulder.
"I know, and I won't have to. She's still alive, just in very bad shape, and not herself. It will take work, but we will save her. It seems that Man in Moon had more planned for Jack than we expected. Right now, in the state that she's in, he's the only one who can stop her."
"Than how will we?" She asked, looking forward at the duplicate of her home.
"We're not going to stop her," I said, preparing for landing. "Just contain her for a while." I got the last of the preparations done, and I yelled, "fasten your seat belts everyone!" I laughed.
"Seat belts??! Where are they?!" Bunny screamed.
"It was just an expression," Tooth said as we hit the ground, sending snow into the air.
"Look at you, completely beaten down by the trip here. I'm still wondering why Pitch bothered to let me have you," I kicked some extra snow into her capsule. "You're worthless." I smiled as her unwavering gaze of anger and weakness didn't leave me. "At least he made sure everyone thinks you're dead." She whimpered and looked away. " Even Jack." I smiled as she cracked and collapsed. "You might be even colder than me now." I let out a pity laugh.
"That's impossible," Elsa said. "You're so cold you're skin is frozen!" Her voice cracked from yelling. "And," she weakly crawled at the bars of the cage she was in, grabbing them with her thin hands. "You literally don't have a heart." The stare returned to her face. I smiled as I slowly paced freely in front of her cage.
"That's true," I said, looking at my frozen hand. "I am completely made out of ice. My normal body couldn't handle my cold emotions and the extreme temperatures of the arctic. So, I froze myself, but I didn't die, I became the Snow Queen. That was over 1,000 years ago, before any of the people in this generation were even thought of. Now," I smiled, looking down at her. "I will control everyone, and you will be moulded into me, which will kill you." I started to walk away.
"So why don't you just kill me now?" She screamed at me. I turned back, and slowly walked towards her.
"Because death would be an escape, torture is much more satisfying." I coldly smiled down at her. It lasted for a few seconds, until I heard a gasp from a corner of the room. I quickly snapped my head around to find a shadow of a young girl, failing at hiding from me.
"Come out, dear. Let's build a snowman."
TIFFANY POV (a few minutes ago)
The pain in my eye is getting worse, and it's somehow spreading all around my body. My heart, my hands, my eyes, my feet, my arms, my legs. It feels like cold anger is spreading and taking over me. Every time I move, I feel like I'm being held back by uneven and sharp chunks of glass. Every time I blink, it feels like my eyelids are being torn apart by my eyes. Also, I don't see straight. There have been flashes of seeing darkness and swing normal over and over again, especially in the past 5 minutes. It getting worse by the second, I need help.
Elsa's help.
I finally got to a room with people talking, and I stumbled to a wall of ice to hide and listen to their conversation. I saw a woman, wearing a dark blue cape, dark blonde hair, and an ice crown. That's not Elsa! The Snow Queen maybe? But she would look the same... This is confusing. If she isn't Elsa, then where is she? The woman started to walk away, and without knowing, answered my question. Elsa was there, being contained by a cage, anchored to the ground with thick layers of glassy ice. Her hair was messy, clothes ripped, eyes red, and barely holding herself up with her hands, grasping to the metal bars. I gasped at the sight of my favourite disney character in this state.
Apparently, the woman, or Snow Queen, heard me, and turned around. Her smile was cold, her teeth pure and white, her hair was covering her eyes, leaving an evil sense of being anonymous. Then, I looked closer, and I realized that her skin was frozen.
"Come out, dear. Let's build a snowman." I heard her heavy cape dragging on the frosty floor, and her shoes clicking on the ice.
"No! Don't listen to her, run!" Elsa hopelessly screamed in the background.
Feeling horrible, I contemplated leaving as fast as I could, or staying here... With the creepy person.
I chose to run, obviously.
Fighting the pain, I ran as fast as I could, any way I could. I was still wearing my night gown from the castle when I left, and it's starting to freeze. I have no idea why though. I also have bare feet, which doesn't help a lot. I could feel every single jolt of cold, like ice slowly freezing the blood in my veins. I started to stumble and slip, and the world started to go blurry again. I leaned onto a wall for a second, and felt ice spikes growing under my hands. It took me a few moments to realize that they were from me. I quickly tore my hand off of the icy wall, and continued the painful run.
"No, no, no." I repeated weakly, not stopping.
"You can't escape." I heard her say, not too far behind me. I had no choice but to keep going.
"Come on, just a little bit furthu-" I was stopped by an unstoppable cold that spread through my body. I placed my hand on my heart, big mistake. The crisp cold feeling spread faster than ever before, immobilizing me with ice. I looked down, to find my feet freezing, fast. I tried to move, but it wouldn't work. After a few more attempts of escape, I placed my arms by my sides, and gave up. I let the ice take over me.
"So..." The ice passed my legs, to my stomach. "Cold..." It reached my neck, and covered my face and hair. And I was left standing, frozen in the middle of the room I started in, and I knew Elsa could see me.
"No!" I heard her say in vain. Then, the woman who I'm pretty sure is the Snow Queen walked in front of me.
"Oh dear," she said, running her cold hand along my frozen face. "I tried to tell you!" She laughed, and I felt more cold spread through my heart. "You can't escape..." She leaned in, to my ear. "The curse." She smiled, and the last thing I saw was her eyes through her thick hair.
Her eyes were frozen, just like mine.
I looked around with my new frozen view on things. Everything seemed broken up, shattered, distorted. Nothing was right, nothing was even human-like, or really like anything. It was just a big jumble of... Well... Everything. It was torture to just look at the world. And I couldn't close my eyes.
Then, the sounds started.
Screams of sorrow, pity, pain. Cries of agony and torture, like they were looking at the world like I am. Low and high whispers of my name, over and over again, calling for me. The voices of Rapunzel, Anna and Elsa tugged at my soul, saying this is your fault, you should have never tried to help. It was killing me.
That's not even the worst part, though. Even though I could hear voices and screams, the echoed in the vast ice cavern I felt like I was being contained in. It was like I was living inside myself, trying to find a way out. It was like I was hollow inside, and a tiny me was walking around, trying to escape, Ben though I knew it was no use. I was wondering around aimlessly.
And it's driving me insane.
"Do you see this, Elsa?" I asked my captive. "This is what you will be, tomorrow. At the end of tomorrow, everything you love and care for, even your life, will be gone." I smiled, and made a window in the wall. I summoned an ice dove, at let it land on my finger. It let out an icy shriek and lifted it's head. "Spread the word; Tiffany is dead. Make sure it gets to Rapunzel." It squawked once more, before flying off, repeating the same pattern of chirps over and over again.
There was a moment of silence, until my door broke open with a crack and a swoosh. I turned quickly, only to find some old enemies I haven't seen in a while.
"Ah, the guardians," I said, smiling and laughing boldly. "Thought you got rid of me, didn't you?"
Whoa! That was INTENSE! O.O! What do you think? Plot twist! ELSA ISN'T THE SNOW QUEEN! THE SNOW QUEEN IS THE SNOW QUEEN!!! Her ice is also a lot more powerful than Elsa's, so there is more torture and pain and loneliness when Tiffany get frozen rather than Jack.
Sorry it was so long, I wanted to give my readers something special, since I haven't updated in a while.
Hope you like it!
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And as always...
Thanks for reading

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