See you later than!

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This is a nice room, all the snowflakes and fancy stuff. But I won't be sleeping here, I don't sleep. Ever. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. But I'm here for six hours, so I might as well do something.

I quietly opened the door to my room and walked out into the hall. I didn't want to wake anyone up, but than again they wouldn't be able to see me. But I'm still just gonna lay low for the time that I'll be staying here.

So I remembered this promise I made to myself if I were ever to go in a castle. It was to slide down a spiral stair case. I just need to find one...

I walked down the halls a little further, and I came to quite an interesting door. It had green patterns, much like the blue ones on my room's door. The only difference was a sign at the top that said: Anna.

Anna? Who is she? Maybe the princess? I'd better not go in her room. Elsa wouldn't be very happy, so I decided to move on and keep looking for a stair case.

Soon, I found what I was looking for. It was perfect. It went all the way to the bottom of the castle, and into the lobby. This is going to be so. Much. fun.

I was just about ready to slide when I heard a soft voice say something totally random.

"Jack Frost?" She said looking straight at me, and not through me. Not through me. She could see me, she could see me! How many people can see me now?

"Oh my god you're Jack Frost!" She repeated happily. Well, at least I have a fan. "What are you doing?" She questioned.

"I'm just having some fun. What are you doing being up so early?"

"I was just going to get some water." She said holding up an empty cup.

"Going to get water?" That seemed a bit suspicious...

"Like a bosszer." She said crossing arms and nodding her head. "So, can I join you in your slide?"

"How did you know I was going to slide?" This girl was kind of creeping me out now.

"Well, you're sitting on the railing and I saw you get ready to slide. So that's how I know." A bit understandable, but still weird to me.

"So why are you here?"

"I'm visiting my aunt Elsa." She said smiling. Did she mean the Queen Elsa?! The one I just talked to? Oh my snow cones she's related to Elsa. What should I do?!

"Um, Well, that's great! Uh... I just happened to bump in to her too. That's why I'm here, she invited me to stay for six hours." The girl suddenly started jumping up and down, laughing happily and flinging her hands all over the place.

"YES! JELSA! JELSA FOREVER! IEEEEEEE!" She screamed, and then left. She just walked away. Ok... Who's Jelsa?

I slid down the railing, not really focusing on the fun but more on the girl that I just met. I guess if she's staying here for a while I'll see her later on... Maybe. And find out who this Jelsa person is.

"See you later than." I said looking up the stairs, and then flying back to my room.

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