Team Elsa

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I woke up from the icy sleep that witch put me under, and I stood up, a little more stronger than usual. Still facing the wall, I stretched my arms out, and fixed my cloths from their horrible state. I don't think it's possible to see anything worse than my dress today! Like, WOW. It was a mess-
Then I turned around.
To my terror filled eyes appeared not only the frozen little girl, but all of the Guardians that I barely met. They were all turned to ice, like they were looking for something...
Or someone. Were they looking for me? How would they know I was here? If they do, then other people do, right? Why were they looking for me without Jack? If Jack isn't here, then where is he? Does the Snow Queen have him! AHHH! Too many questions!
I grabbed my head and thought. Then, I got an idea. "I need to get out of here." I said, looking around at the icy ward surrounding me. I tried to brake the bars with my ice, but it wouldn't work. It was then that I realized that I had to make something to break it. I quickly made a giant ice bat and beat it against the cage. Not long after that, I was free.
"After three days they'll be frozen forever, so I have to unfreeze them so they'll be together," I said as I looked at them. "Forever together," I said again. "I have to think of love to thaw them, so I'll think of Jack and Anna!" I said, remembering all the fun and happy times we all spent together. "Forever together," I said, while the icy curse started to lift, swirling around in the air. "With Jack," I said, as the colour returned to their bodies. "With Anna." I closed me eyes for one moment, and when I opened them everyone was thawed...
But very confused.
"Elsa!" Tooth said, flying over and hugging me.
"Where is the Snow Queen?" Asked Tiffany, looking around.
I walked over to her after Tooth let me go, and said, "She isn't here, she left. But I don't know why."
"The moon in the sky!" North exclaimed.
"That is why," Bunny continued.
"Why she left to go do what?" I asked, stumping everyone again.
Suddenly, Tiffany got an idea. "The moon in the sky, that's why she left! She left to look for someone, but who?" She asked.
"Not Pitch," said Tooth.
"Not us," said North.
"Not Rapunzel," Tiffany continued.
"Not Anna," I finished.
Then, Bunny apparently thought of something. "Has anyone thought of the little four?" He suggested.
"Oh, you mean the Guardians in training!" Corrected North.
"The group with Hiccup, Merida, Rapunzel-" Tooth started.
"And Jack!" I finished.
"She's looking for Jack!" Tiffany realized out loud.
"Why would she be looking for Jack?" I asked, and there was an eerie pause that hung in the air.
"When we were all just children," North started. "Over 1,000 years ago, we were all friends. The Snow Queen, Pitch, and the rest of us. We thought we would never be split up, until one day."
"Pitch disappeared," Tooth started. "He just left. We don't know why..." She looked down at the ground.
"It was so sudden." Bunny finished for her.
"And then she tried to follow him," North said.
"Who is she?" Asked Tiffany.
"Emily was her real name, but everyone called her the Snow Queen. She left to look for him, and she never came back." Sandy spoke...
For the first time.
Without thinking, I said, "You can talk?"
"He only does it when something is very important." Said North.
"Can we continue?" Asked Bunny.
Tooth sighed. "After she left, everyone assumed she was dead. But Jack couldn't get over it, he ran away too. Far away, to be adopted and try to start a new life."
"Later," said North. "When we had all been turned in to Guardians, Manny told us that we would see Pitch again, but under less friendly circumstances. He also told us we would be reunited with Jack."
"Later, after we defeated Pitch the first time, he told us that a new Guardian would be added to the group, to help us face the new threat." Bunny said.
"We all just assumed Jack was the new one, until you came along. We thought that since Jack was the only one with ice powers, he could defeat her." Continued Tooth.
"But now that we know about you, and you're free," North said. "We have another way to stop her."
"What?" I stuttered. "You want me to stop her? Alone? I can't do that!"
Their eyes rested on me, in sadness and loss.
Then, Tiffany stepped up. "I'll help you." She said.
"And me," said Tooth.
"Me too," said Bunny.
"I'll be happy to join," continued North.
"Count me in, too." Sandy finished.
"Team Elsa!" Tiffany exclaimed, punching the air. Everyone laughed, including her, and then we got down to business.
"Now," I said, "to go find Jack, before she does."
Hailo!!! Go team Elsa! (If you know who Leo is from the heroes of Olympus you get it ;)) When do you think the Snow Queen will realize that Pitch is really the one she has to find? Will Jack and Elsa ever see each other again? Will there be side affects to being frozen that Anna forgot to mention? How will Rapunzel try to get revenge on the Snow Queen for 'killing' Tiffany? You can answer all of these questions with your own imaginations in the comments! :)
Also, I got an awesome request from izzy568 about her book called Ask and Dare Jelsa!! It's her first book too, and you know how it feels to have people read your very first book. :) And it's about Jelsa so how could anyone NOT like it?! So go check her out, and vote and comment on her stories.
Thanks for reading,

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