The final battle

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"It's a waste of time to look for Jack, anyways." I finally say, defeated. I've spent way to long trying to contemplate how to break the news... Hours in fact. I might as well just say it straight forward.
"Wait, what?" Asks Rapunzel.
"What do you mean?" Merida inquires.
"I thought you guys were... You know, together." Finishes Hiccup.
"Not anymore," I say, sad beyond words.
Everyone gasps. "What happened?" Questions Rapunzel.
"He knew the Snow Queen! They were friends! He could have told us about her weaknesses and how to over power her, but he didn't! And now he's joined her, and I have no idea why. Well, besides the fact that I ran, and..." I pause, holding all of there suspenseful stares in the air as I come to realization. "It's because of me." My voice cracks. "He did it... Because of me." Tears start to roll down my cheeks. "I was so angry, and yet... It's all my fault. He is with her now, probably facing death... And I'm the one who led him to that fate. How much more selfish can I be?" I break out into fill sobs, and I can't talk anymore.
Rapunzel slides over and comforts me. "We'll deal with one thing at a time. Right now, our number one priority is to find him, and I think the best way to do that is to go to Pitch."
I sniffle. "Why do you say that?" The tears have stopped flowing now.
"That witch is a genius, she's probably worked out that Pitch is vulnerable too. She probably needed Jack for some weird reason we'll never know. But I have a feeling out best chance of finding him is finding Pitch."
I silently agree. Then, I turn to our prisoner and say, "Take us to your leader."
We've found Pitch, and now it's just a matter of waiting for Black Frost to return. Then we can strike. Then we can put everything right. Because I don't care what anyone says, the Snow Queen is right. Black Frost is much worse than Pitch ever was already, and if we don't stop him now... I don't even want to this about that. She's just trying to help. I don't know why, but she's trying to help. Me, her and Pitch are now waiting for the enemy to return. At the end of this, I know everything will be okay. One way or another, everything will turn out fine.
The Snow Queen has told him everything about Black. How he plans to overthrow him and why we must defeat him. We decided together that three against one is our best chance. Although, I never though I'd team up with Pitch. This is definitely a first... And hopefully a last.
After a few minutes, for some strange reason, I hear the roar of a dragon. But not just any dragon... Toothless. The big four in training have come back! Then can help us with Black! The only problem is, as they get closer, I hear to familiar voices that don't belong there.
"It's all my fault." It's Elsa. She's there, and suddenly my heart sinks and flies and does a whole bunch of acrobatics. She thinks what is her fault?
"There he is!" I'm cut off abruptly by an evil, cold, menacing voice. Black Frost is with them! I'm gonna kill him ten times worse now! He's gonna get it, he's gonna get it so bad...
Suddenly, I think Elsa sees me. "JACK?!" A gleeful, cracked voice shouts. I wince, waiting for her wicked remark. "I'M SO SORRY!" Is what I hear. Sorry? For what? Toothless lands, and everyone steps off. I have a feeling I'll get to know what she's so sorry for.
She runs up and hugs me. "Thank god you're okay! I'm so sorry. I was so selfish, I didn't mean anything I said. Well, I did. I still sort of hate you but I never should have let you join her! Thank god you're okay!" She chants.
I have absolutely no idea what is going on, but so far, so good. Minus the fact that an evil psychopath was riding on a dragon with all of my friends. But for a moment, I like everyone that was on that dragon, even Black. She let's go of me, but is still standing by my side. Everything is silent, and there is one moment of peace. Perfect, awesome peace...
And then everything comes crumbling down like a kids building blocks.
"Thank you for delivering my packages, Black Frost," says Pitch. "You can go now."
"Nah, I'll stay for the snow... I mean, show."
"What do you mean? You are no longer needed." Pitch is confused. Oh no.
"Ya, well nether are you!" The first blow is taken from Black to Pitch.
"Stop now, Black Frost!" The Snow Queen says, blasting ice at his heart. This throws everyone, and I mean everyone, into confusion. Rapunzel, Hiccup and Merida look like they've all just watched a panda give birth to a peacock.
"What is she doing, Jack?" Asks Elsa. "I thought Black was going to help us defeat Pitch. I thought the Snow Queen was with Pitch! Please explain?"
"Black is the real enemy." States the Queen. "He is far more dangerous than Pitch, and he must be defeated!"
"What?" The three other say, confused.
"Black Frost isn't a failed experiment," says Pitch. "He's been conspiring to overthrow me ever since he was created! He is a mastermind, an immortal, and a holder of fear. He is my equal, but since my guard has been down, I've let him gain more power than me. You must kill him before he kills me and he becomes the permanent Boogyman!"
"You just admitted that you basically suck," says Merida. "Is this a trick?"
"If it will keep me alive, I'm okay with it." He responds.
"I thought you wanted to kill us," says Hiccup. "Isn't that what you've always wanted?"
"Not really," he says. "Now I have a bigger problem on my hands. Another me! A clone of myself that can kill me! Seriously, do you think I'd chose a group of misfit teenagers over that?"
They all shrug in agreement. There is a brief moment of silence before anyone realizes the biggest problem yet.
"Jack," says Elsa. "Where's Black Frost?" She is scared, looking around at her surroundings. Soon, everyone is doing the same. We are all standing in a shadow of a mountain.
Black Frost is all around us.
"Bravo, bravo. You've figured it out!" Says a cold, booming voice. "I am the number one enemy. What goes together better than cold and dark? My creator has destroyed himself with his own mind by creating me, and now look at you all. Hero and villain, coming together to defeat me. Aww," he mocks. "I'm touched."
"Come out of the shadows, you coward!" I yell into the air.
"Have patience, clone. Soon, everyone here will die." Evil cackling fills our ears, and everyone tries to escape. Of course, invisible barriers have been pit up so we can't escape the shadow.
Hiccup is the first to fall.
"Hiccup!" Merida sheiks as he topples to the ground.
"Don't worry, ginger," says Black. "He's just in a shadow coma. Endless nightmares, fear that will... Chill him to the bone, if I may?" The laugh is there once again. "But that is at the bottom of the ways to kill you at the least painful. The two others will have the same fate." Merida and Rapunzel collapse just as Hiccup did. They are all lying in a heap of unconscious bodies.
"Now, who's next?" We hear. "How about you, clone?" He asks me.
"Don't hurt him!" Elsa exclaims as she throws herself in front of me. Before I can protest, I hear Black Frost speak again.
"Alright, if you say so," and the damage is done. She has been hit in the head with a shadow arrow, and it's making her turn into dust, slowly. Ever so slowly and painfully. She is still conscious.
I hear another yelp, and the Snow Queen has come to the same fate. She is slowly disappearing. Blue snowflakes emerge from her, and fly away, I suspect to the guardians so they can be thawed.
"Second degree pain." He says. "Shadow dissipation. It takes about 15 minutes, but I cans slow it down, if you'd like. Make it last longer. Let their presence linger."
"Jack," her weak voice says, as she reaches up and puts a partially transparent hand on my cheek. "It's okay. Just go, you still have a chance." Her voice is raspy, like she has a cold.
"But Elsa, I-" she cuts me off.
"I know, you mean well, but leave me be. I'll be alone, but I'll also be free." She says to me. I can now faintly see the snow under her body, and she is turning grey. "Please, just save what's left and then you might save me..." She trails off, and her eyes close. She is now just a figure slowly disappearing, same as the Snow Queen.
"I'll keep the immortal one alive, even though I could kill her," he says. "For now, at least."
"Leave them alone!" I yell. "Come out of the shadows for the final battle, you scared little drone. You think you control fear, but really, fear controls you!"
He materializes right in front of me. "Well, then, I guess that makes us equal." He smirks, and disappears before I can do anything.
"Kill me now!" Say Pitch.
"What? No!" I exclaim. "Then the whole world will suffer like we are now! You can't die, Pitch. Not now." That is something I thought I would never, EVER say.
"Oh oh oh, look at this." He chuckles from above. "It's too bad this dialogue doesn't mean anything, because it would be so much more fun if it did. Aren't I right, Jack?"
"Don't. Even. Go. There." Only a few people can make Jack Frost boil. He is now one of them.
"Go on, then!" He encourages. "Use the motivation I've given you to try to defeat me. Go ahead, have some fun."
"Jack!" I hear a faint muffled Russian accent say to me from behind. "Use you centre!" It's North! They're alive! They're all alive! I turn around and see them cheering from the sidelines.
That's enough for me to turn my game around.
"Any last moves, Black Frost?" I ask, locked and loaded.
"Why do you ask?"
"Because I may not be able to kill you, but I can delay your return, a lot!" Pitch knows enough to duck and hide. I unleash all of my ice into the air, and it sparks when it hits the nearest living thing; him. This frost that I've stuck to him is filled with joy, like the smell or the look of frost in the morning. Or building snow forts in your backyard. It's hot chocolate on a cold winter day, with extra marshmallows. It's intense epic snowball fights that involve at least one person getting dog piled. This is fun frost. It's me.
"Arh!" He booms. "How did you know? All of these good memories... This happiness... It's sucking away my fear... The darkness..." He materializes on the ground, laying down, and struggling to move around. But hen, he stops, and does an evil laugh. He looks up with a crazy smile on his face.
"I've won," he says, his voice raspy and tired. With that, he disappears, and everyone is turned back to normal... Except Pitch.
He collapses on the ground, holding his heart. "I knew it was too late from the moment it hit me," he says. "Black poisoned me, with my own venom."
"What do you mean?" I ask scared, and confused, and utterly defeated in all ways.
"What... goes together... better than... cold... and dark, I thought. First I tried a person, then I tried a weapon. Jack," he said. "Black Frost froze my heart. There is no love left for me, I will... Die." The last word comes out as a whisper. His fingers start to freeze, then his nose and feet. It spreads across his whole body until there is nothing left but ice.
Black ice.
On any other occasion, this would have made me dance for joy.
But not today.
Today, his death has doomed us all. The fear spirit Black Frost lives on, although injured, still himself.
And he won't stop until he gets his revenge.
The fight has ended
The good guys won
Nothing can defeat
The power of fun
But now a darker danger lurks
And soon he'll hit where it hurts
And what will he leave in his wake?
That depends, he is a fake.
Hi! Wow, I just wrote that! Now I get to do my favourite chapter of all time! I've been waiting for this. It wraps it up perfectly. I hope you remember the very first chapter!
Thanks for reading!

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