A giant snowflake?

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Anna's wedding went by quite fast, but it was still the best. There was the ceremony, the reception, the first dance, the cutting of the CHOCOLATE cake, and then they left for their honeymoon. Oh it was so exiting! But now I can't get to sleep because of the cake that I ate, I'm too filled with thoughts. So I am stuck starting out my bedroom window.


It's getting late, but the wind won't bring me back to the workshop, so I am flying to Norway. I past plenty of mountains, rivers, lakes, and fields, before I got to the kingdom of Arendelle. Wait, this place looks familiar, I think I've been here before. Some time maybe about 13 years ago, but I decided to drop the thought. Why was I even here again? Oh yeah, I was bored.


It's about 12: 30 am, and I'm ready to go to sleep. So still facing my window, I slowly closed my eyes. But only to find myself opening them again a few seconds later! I decided to wait a little longer and sit up on my bed looking out the window. I thought about how I used to do this when I was little, and how I longed to play with the other kids. And I remember vaguely of something, or someone, who told me to go play with them. But I never listened, I stayed inside like my parents told me to. But there was nothing I could do about it now, the past is in the past.

I thought about it for a little while longer, when all of a sudden, something flew by my window. It looked like... A giant snowflake? Yes, it was a giant snowflake! How could that be? It's just turning to fall! And I'm sure I didn't do it! This was strange... Very strange...


Going back to the fact that I was bored out of my mind, I decided to make a snowflake. But not just any snowflake, a giant snowflake! For fun!

So I flew toward the castle, came upon a large triangle window, and let it fly off. It zoomed right past the window, going up into the air, then to the ground in a flurry. When I was done watching it disappear, I walked carefully over to the window, so I was inches away form the glass. I did not want to be seen by anyone, even though that wouldn't be much of a problem, so I stayed close to the stone wall. But as I started to creep away, someone opened the doors to the room's balcony. I decided not to panic, since not many people could see me anyway.


I decided that I needed some fresh air, so I went outside on my balcony. I opened the doors, and looked straight ahead. I stared at the many houses of Arendelle, their owners peacefully sleeping away the night. But then I looked up at the moon, it was big and bright tonight. It seemed to take all of my worries and fears away, of course, that was until I saw a boy climbing on the side of my castle.

"Oh my gosh get over here now!" I said to him with worry. I had no idea who he was, of even if he was someone dangerous, but I didn't feel like seeing someone get hurt.

"Y-you can... See me?" The boy asked with shock. Why was he so surprised? Of course I could see him!

"Yes, of course I can. Now please, come to the balcony where you can't fall." I said trying to get him to come over. But he just stood there, as a smile slowly crept across his face.

"I'll be just fine here." He said calmly, still standing on the ledge. Was this guy crazy or something?

"No, I don't think you will. Get down now or..." I was cut off when he jumped. He jumped off the ledge? No! Why would he do that? He is dead. He's gone. He jumped. He is dead. Oh my god.

"Hello? Hello! HELLO!" I yelled at the ground leaning over the edge of the railing. I knew I wouldn't get an answer, but it was worth a try. I turned around and almost went back inside when I heard a voice.

"Hello back, please don't do that again. That really hurt my ears." Said the boy from the wall! How cold it be? He is dead... Right? I saw him die!

"YOU'RE DEAD!" I screamed and pointed at him with fear and shock.

"Yes, I am." He calmly answered me.

"WHAT?!?" I yelled back. How could he be dead? Well of course he's dead but he's right here in front of me! But he says he's dead and I saw him die! But he is RIGHT HERE.

"Ok, so not a lot of people can see me because I am a guardian. People have to believe in me to see me, but most people don't. You do. I had to die to become a guardian, just like the rest of them." He started to explain to me. Wait, there were others? "I have a lot of explaining to do, but you do too."

"And why should I be the one explaining? You're the one who showed up on the side of my castle." I said pointing at the ledge.

"Wait, your castle? You mean, you own it? You're a queen?" He asked coming to realization.

"Yes, I am Queen Elsa of Arendelle. Now that I've told you my name and who I am, I would like to know your name."

"My name, your majesty? It's Jack Frost." Oh my god.




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