BURGESS part 2

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I laughed with darkness and joy as I watched Elsa uselessly put the coat on Jack's frozen body. She only has a day and a half left to get that baby, and I can get to Burgess in less than an hour with my shadows. Once Elsa and Jack are out of the way, I can move to the Guardians. They're the more important ones here. They're the ones who matter, and they are the ones I need to defeat most. But of I can't get rid of these two, than I will never be able to defeat the Guardians. That's why my top priority is to kill Jack, and imprison Elsa and control her with fear. I can use her to help destroy the Guardians. Once they see that their little 'freedom' has joined me, they will be crushed. After all, she is their last hope.
As she is mine.
Time to go to Burgess.
As I was walking back to Gerda and Kai's house, I thought about Pitch. The person that Jack was talking about before, and the person who visited baby me in my dreams. I thought about how he cursed me, to make fear my enemy. That guy gives me the creeps. Does he just go around stalking babies all day?
I came to their door, and I had almost reached the door with my hand to knock before I heard a scream. Not a scream of fear, but a scream of pain. A few more followed after that, and I realized what was going on.
Gerda was in labour.
I felt the warm, thick fabric of the coat wrap around me, and help make this pain bearable. Elsa was standing there, looking sad as she placed the coat on frozen me. I'm not quite sure what happened, but I know I'm dying, and fast. It feels like I need a miracle to save me now, because I can't save myself.
But the worst part about me dying, is that I'll never see Elsa again. Never again will I be able to hold her, flying across the sky. Or protect her, when the fear is overwhelming.
I will no longer be able to be her guardian.
I've failed.
This pain is unbearable! The doctor who came to our house only says to keep pushing, but pushing hurts! A LOT!
"AHH!" I yelped again and again. I've changed my mind, I don't want this baby out so soon.
"One more big push Gerda, ok?" Said the doctor. I nodded my head in tears.
I pushed one more time, as hard as I could, and then there was silence. Complete silence.
Then the cry of a baby boy.
I smiled, looking at my new born baby. He will accomplish so many things, I just know it. No one will take him from me.
"Do you have a name?" The doctor asked, smiling.
"No," I said, looking up at smiling Kai. "But I think my husband does." The doctor looked over to him.
"Walt," he said proudly. "It was the name of my grandfather I never met. He was a great man." He smiled at the baby.
"Great choice, Kai." I said, looking at the baby too, smiling. "Hello Walt Disney."
I rushed in the door after the screaming was over, and it heard the baby. It was over, the baby was born. Now what?
Oh, what am I gonna do? I can't ask for their baby now, not when I'm already staying with them! And then there are my ice powers...
It's too risky, I can't go in. I can't meet that baby, and I can never see these people again. I can't stay with them, I have to find another way to save Jack, with only half a day left.
I slowly backed away from the door in fear, looking at my hands, looking through the window. They all looked so happy, I can't disturb that. Not now, not ever.
I turned around and came face to face with quite a disturbing sight. A tall, grey skinned man with a long black robe made of sand. His nose was low and pointy, and his eyes were shining gold. His hair was pitch black, and all matted. His crocked smile and rotten teeth completed his terrifying appearance.
"Hello Elsa," he said, reaching for my arm. I jumped away, and prepared my powers. I may not hurt a baby, but I'll hurt this man. He look sawfly familiar, have I seen him before?
He must have noticed the puzzled expression on my face. "Aw, what's the matter? Can't remember me? I'll give you a hint." He said, suddenly dissapear inn into shadows. I was backing up, looking around to see where he went.
"Boo." I heard from behind me.
"AHH!" I screamed, hearing a door open, and a women's voice say,
"Elsa!" Before I shot ice at the ground in panic, almost hitting Gerda. And she was holding her baby.
Nothing could describe the look of fear and shock, emptiness and harsh realization on her face. Kai came out shortly after, quickly realizing what was going on.
"Get away." Said Gerda coldly and powerfully.
"I'm so sorry Gerda, I didn't mean to scare you! I wasn't trying to-" she cut me off.
I said GET AWAY!" She said, pointing off into the distance, clearly away from their cozy house.
I lowered my head in shame, realizing what I had done. I can't blame them, I'm sure they've heard rumours. Rumours about the mysterious queen who can summon ice and snow. I've heard they started calling me the Snow Queen. I walked away, leaving the coat and the comfiness and love all behind. I could hear the man laughing in victory behind me, as I realized who he was.
Pitch Black.
I didn't turn around to attack him, I didn't make a face, in fact, I didn't do anything about it. I did not care about him.
Time past as I walked back to Jack, light turned to night, and the stars came out. When I reached Jack, I could see the northern lights shining brightly and colourfully in the sky, dancing with the stars.
I looked at Jack, at frozen Jack, and I started to cry. I liked him, I wanted to be more than friends with him. I wanted him to be my one true love. Now, that will never happen.
I looked at his face, at thought of the other option. Only an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart, said the troll. Could it be? Possibly?
That I love him, and he loves me?
Wait, hold on! Not just yet.
I can't date someone I just met!
I watched the northern lights as the last part of my heart was slowly being frozen. Elsa was standing by my side, and I had a warm coat around me, a symbol of her protection for me.
At least I can say I died happily.
Unless, there is a way.
A way, to help her save the day!
Think of warmth, think of love.
Think of what I've been dreaming of!
If I'd just take the chance, maybe everything will be fine. Maybe there's a crack, in the structure or the story line. Or, maybe, this is meant to be.
But no matter what I have to do it some time soon. Because if I don't do it, I'll be blamed for Jack Frost's doom.
I looked at his frozen face, his fear filled face, and I closed my eyes, and I leaned in. This was an extreme chance, one that his life depends on. The sun is rising, I can almost see it.
I kissed him.
I saw Elsa lean in, and I felt her lips touch mine. I suddenly felt the warmth of love, of life, of being alive. I remembered everything I loved, I remembered the Guardians, my sister, Elsa. I remembered the things I had to live for. Defeating Pitch, protecting the children, Elsa. I remembered my life as a Guardian, and then it happened.
I came back to life.
The cold hard surface of his skin suddenly turned to normal. The tension in the air was immediately released. The cold body I was clinging to suddenly turned back into a living thing, and it wrapped it arms around me, and I did the same.
Jack was alive.
And we were kissing.
Ok, this is officially the best moment of my life.
The sky awoke, illuminating the landscape, and adding its warmth to our kiss, which ended shortly after the rise of the sun.
"You're alive!" I said breathlessly.
"Yep," he responded with a smile. "And I'm very," he said, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "Very," our foreheads touched. "Happy." We both smiled.
He leaned in and kissed me again, holding the back of my head, and I wrapped my arms around him.
I didn't want this moment to end, I wanted it to last forever. But, of course, just like all good things, it did.
"Let's go to the North Pole." Jack said, grabbing his staff, and me, and flying off to meet the Guardians.
Hi readers! So how many people's feels just died happily? I KNOW MINE DID! I was freaking out as I was writing this, I kept saying: extreme Jelsa moment!!!!!!!! Ieeee! It's the 20th part, I had to do something cool.
Also, Walt Disney guys!! For you to REALLY get it, and have your mind blown though, you NEED TO LOOK UP THE SNOW QUEEN. IT IS A NEED. A NEED.
A neeeeeed......
Let me know in the comments about what you think!
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Thanks once again for reading guys!
Ps. Let's get to 2k! We can do this!

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