The Reunion part 1

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A/N: picture above is the snow queen that Jack saw.
I should be arriving at Burgess soon, judging by the all the houses and any life forms slowly tricking away. I can tell I am heading in the right direction, because it's getting colder by the minute. The Snow Queen is getting closer. If I had my sand with me, I would have died a long time ago, but since I have my shadows... Things have changed. I don't want or need that black sand anymore, and I don't even know why I bothered to make it in the first place. It was just a waste of time, and it takes up too much energy. Also, shadows are much more powerful. I can make anything I want out of them, and use them to my advantage. Including decoys of people made to be evil...
Including a decoy of Jack Frost.
We decided to leave the sled at the castle, because it would be too hard to land and the reindeer are too tired and cold. North doesn't have any snow globes left, Tooth doesn't have any energy to fly, so we are walking. North is fine, because of the coat that he is wearing, and I don't think Sandy is affected by it at all, and, well, you know what I'm thinking. The cold never bothered me anyway. Bunny and Tooth on the other hand aren't doing so well.
"It's f-freezing out here mate!" He complained. Tooth stayed quiet, and I thanked her for it. I think everyone's patience is being stretched a little to far over the limit here. Thankfully though, I can still see the main thing that we're following: The Snow Queen.
"Everyone, go downstairs and hide!" I said, directing them to the stairs. Pour Gerda was still in shock over everything, but she made sure to keep her family safe. Merida and Rapunzel were smart enough to stay, but Hiccup took a run for it. "Not you, Hiccup!" I said, pulling him back with my staff.
"You said everyone though," he protested, with no response.
"Do you know why she's here?" Asked Merida, getting her bow. Rapunzel stopped her, though.
"I don't think that will be of much use, Merida." She said. "She would just break you arrows."
"I don't know why she's here," I said, getting my staff ready. "But we're about to find out!" I opened the door, not knowing what was outside.
That was a bad idea.
A thick and heavy snow storm blasted through, knocking over chairs and blowing out candles, and filling our eyes with little snowflakes. Except these snowflakes felt like millions of shards of glass tapping our eyes and scratching our skin. It was just unpleasant enough to distract me, long enough for her to trap my friends.
"Jack! What are you doing?" I heard Hiccup yell from inside an ice cage, looking around. "She just... I don't..." He paused for a moment, looking around more, finding Merida and Rapunzel, who were stuck too. "Help us!"
I started to run to them, but she didn't let me. The Snow Queen raised tall, thick spikes of clear ice, blocking my path. I paused at the sight before me. I saw a young girl's face, with blonde hair and a nice, but cold smile. I remembered her from my past, she was my friend Emily. But... one day, she ran away, and never came back. I never saw her again, until now...
But why was I seeing her here?
I stared at the image, as it started to shift. From the face of my lost friend, moulded an older woman, with frozen skin and frozen hair. She had icy eyes, and an unwelcoming and cold grimace. (A/N: The picture above is what he saw) As I looked up at The Snow Queen, waiting for me on a mountain of ice, I realized that she was Emily. She was The Snow Queen.
"What happened to you?" I asked, flying to the top of the mountain.
Her face stayed still, as did the rest of her, like she was a frozen statue. Her icy eyes were looking to the distance, where a group of people were running towards the village. One had a dark red coat on, and a big white beard. The next was short and was made of golden sand. After, came a colourful fairy, flying with the rest of them. Then, there was Bunny, shivering from the cold but still following the group's leader.
I found myself frozen to, looking at them, knowing they can help. Knowing that I can see Elsa again, even though we are so far away. They knew the Snow Queen was here but... Did they see me? Did they notice me? It didn't matter, I was just thinking though.
Suddenly, my train of thought stopped, as I felt cold hard ice form around my feet, and connect my hands to the icy ground. The Snow Queen gathered her... Well... Snow. She made a snowstorm, just like the one that was still raging down below. It felt like they were little snow bees, stinging you wherever they touched.
"I have visitors," she said to them powerfully. "Get rid of them." The snow bees followed their orders, and went after the rest of my friends. I felt so helpless, frozen to the ground, with no chance of escape. I watched as the snow surrounded them, until I could watch no more.
The snow literally attacked us, like a swarm of angry bees. It swirled around us violently, scratching our skin, leaving little red marks. I could barely see through the wall of snow, but that didn't stop me. I held on to the one hopeful and motivating thought I had left.
Knowing Jack was there, on the other side.
"Elsa!" Said Tooth, trying to block her eyes and cover her face. "Do you know what's going on?"
"It's the Snow Queen!" I said, trying to ignore the fact that I had no idea where I was at the moment. The snow didn't stop coming at us, and the wind was howling furiously in our ears. "We need to get out of this," I said, suddenly seeing a break in the storm. "That way!" I pointed and ran to it, not quite sure if they were following me or not, but I assumed they were.
The storm suddenly stopped, not just because I escaped, but it stopped everywhere. The snow was sucked back up to where the Snow Queen was standing. I hadn't gotten any closer to her.
She had an unpleasant smirk on her face, looking at something behind me. I turned around to see a horrible scene come into my view. The guardians had turned to solid ice, again. The snow did something to them, it froze them. They looked so helpless, frozen in the poses of panic and confusion, all far away from each other. I watched in horror as something even more terrifying appeared.
Something I'd become much too familiar with.
Pitch Black.
I could finally see who I was trying to get to. I went faster, spreading my shadows over every inch of land I crossed.
"Master," said my minion. My dark copy of Jack Frost; Black Frost. I made him the opposite of the original, so he spreads fear instead of fun. "I see the boy, should I attack?"
"No you idiot!" I snapped back at him. "Wait until he doesn't see you coming. Stay in the shadows until I say come out." He backed away, further into the darkness.
"Yes master," he said quietly.
"Even though you are opposites, you remind me of him! The stupidity in you sometimes... It disgusts me."
"I know master." He said.
"THAN STOP!" I yelled at him. "If you know it annoys me, than stop. Are you trying to destroy me? If you are, then maybe you need a reminder of what I can do to you." I said, throwing my most powerful shadows at him. They inflicted not only physical pain, but mental hurt. It brings back the darkest memories of the victim.
Or makes them up, depending on how much impales them.
Ether way, it makes him stay quiet. It's a good thing he isn't like this on the battlefield, or I would have gotten rid of him a long time ago.
He sunk into the shadows more, until he disappeared. Honestly, I don't care where he goes.
As long as he kills Jack.
I ran, as fast as I could. I ran away, fearing what was approaching. I didn't look back at the blackness and the shadows covering the land behind me like a blanket. I just ran, until my legs couldn't run anymore...
Mostly because they were frozen to the ground. I looked down at the clear ice preventing me from moving any further. It wasn't me, or the Snow Queen, or Jack... Our ice isn't clear like this is. So, who is it? A sudden crunch in the snow- the sound of someone walking -interrupted my thoughts. My head frantically shot up in search of the person who caused it.
Sadly, all I saw was the shadows approaching me, fast. Not far enough away to prepare.
I stopped looking, and braced myself to be swallowed by darkness. I covered my head, held my arms, and curled into a ball. This way, I can at least sort of be protected from the darkness.
I looked back one more time before I closed my eyes, and saw that the shadows were only inches away. I turned around, shut my eyes tight, and covered my head. Then, the darkness overwhelmed me.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I opened my eyes to find darkness. Only shadows could be found in this land covered by fear. What were once beautiful snow banks, were now piles of black sand, drifting in the eerie wind. The trees that were once coated in a spectacular layer of sparkling ice, were now bare black branches, with pieces of shadow hanging from them, also swaying in the unpleasant breeze. The hills and mountains that surrounded this place were now nothing but piles of ash and burnt rock. Any plants died. Any animals were turned to dust. All I see is shadows and darkness.
This is a fear landscape.
I looked down at my feet, no longer frozen to the ground. That didn't stop my mind from wondering still who caused the ice. There is no other person I know who can make ice, and I know there was no water under my feet. How could it have happened?
I let it go for the time being, but I promised myself I would find out who did it. For now, though, I wandered around, looking for an exit. I tried to see where the traveling line was, but it was no where to be found. The black and dead land stretched on forever. I won't walk too far, in case I get lost, but I need to find some way to escape.
"Hello," said a voice from behind me. I jumped at the suddenness and the somehow familiar tone. It wasn't Pitch, this voice seemed younger, and newer. It was almost the same as Jack's voice, but it definitely wasn't Jack.
I turned around, to find a very surprising sight. It was Jack, but it wasn't Jack. This one was made of black sand and shadows. His eyes were dark gold instead of dark blue, and nightmares swam in them instead of snowflakes. His skin was light grey, and his hoodie was pitch black. His pants were made of black sand, and they faded into his skin at the ends. A part of me wondered if they were even pants. There was only one similarity to him and the real Jack: he wasn't wearing any shoes.
"My name is Black Frost, and let me be that first to welcome to your eternal prison, but don't worry." He said. "You won't be alone forever. Soon, the whole world will live here."
O. O! Elsa is trapped and Jack is imprisoned by the Snow Queen! Everyone else is ether frozen or in a cage. Wow, how am I going to solve this one? Jk, I know how. :) anyways, I'm gonna finish the book soon. I've known how I was going to end it for a while. AND I AM SOOOOOO SOOOOOOOO SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED IN FOREVER! You might even say this is my first update in forever... ;)
Alright, I'd like to thank anyone who stuck with me and this book, and I want to say thanks for reading! :)

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