The Silence Is Defening | Chapter 8

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I woke up curled next to Andy. We were still on the couch. Damn we must have fallen asleep here. I attempted to sit up but a arm was round me and our hands were linked.

Either way I woke Andy up by moving. "Huh? Oh morning." He said cracking his neck. "Good morning. Sorry you probably had a bad sleep." I said stretching. "It was good. I was warm and content." He said giving me a kiss on the head.

Andy relaxed back onto the couch and pulled me next to him. I swing my arm around him and we sat in silence. We knew we'd wouldn't have is for a while. A long while maybe.

"I miss you already." Andy spoke. I looked up at him. "I miss you to." I said and our mouths closed on each other. It was a bitter sweet kiss.

"HEYYY, TOUR STARTS TODAY!!" Ashley bursted into the bus yelling. Cause me and Andy to both jump and fall off the couch. "Woah! Guys you okay?" He asked helping me up. I nodded.

"Well be back, gotta pack up." He said pulling Andy to the bunk area. I just sat on the couch and waited.


"Duude! I told you-" I sighed. "Ash, I know. But I really really like her. I'm falling for her. And I haven't felt this serious about a girl in a while." "You said that about Juliet too. And look how that turned out." I slammed my fist on the bed.

"Ash! She is not Juliet. And im really completely serious." Ash sighed. "I know she's not like Juliet, but I would want to see you-" "ASH! I'm not like that anymore either!"

Ashley sighed yet again. "Okay, I just didn't want to see you hurt her. Like Juliet. Even if that was on both sides." I sighed. "I know."

I started packing up Alice's clothes and stuff. We didn't have to pack just the guys stuff from the hotel they had to bring back here.

"Well I'm going to get the guys. So be ready to..say goodbye." Ash said walking out of the bunk area. I sighed and I grabbed Alice's bags and brought them to the front. I placed them down and went back over to Alice.

She was in leggings and my shirt and sweater. I pulled her to her feet. "What's this?" She asked as I grabbed her hand and place my other on her waist. "We, are gonna dance."

She giggled. "Andy I can't dance." I smirked. "Then I'll make you." We both laughed at the horrible twilight reference. She stepped on my shoes and we dance slowly.

I had some music playing quietly. She rested her head on my chest. I pulled her even closer.

We dance for a while till I heard the boys coming up the few steps. I did t move or nothing, we just kept dancing. He door opened and our heads turned to see who it was.

It was Ashley, he had his phone and he took a bunch of pictures. We stopped dancing but kept the distance between us to a minimum.

"Awwe, that was adorable Andy and Alice." Jake said walking in and placing his bag in his bunk. Then CC, Jinnx, and Ashley did the same.

Soon john and the bus driver walked in. "2 MINUTES GUYS!!" John yelled taking his seat by the driver. I looked down at Alice. I didn't want to leave her.

She smiled up at me. "I'll miss you." I kissed her. "I'll miss you too." I pulled her out of the bus and helped her with her bags. We had called a cab and he was already here.

I helped her load her bags. We closed the trunk and we stood there. I didn't want to leave. I'd just gotten her.

She pulled me into a hug and kissed me with everything. I could feel my cheeks wet, from her tears or mine. Didn't matter. We were both in tears. Our breath was shaky.

We pulled apart and rested our heads together. "I..I love you." I said. She looked up at me. I wiped her tears away. "I love you to Andy." And I pulled her in for another kiss.

The cab honked his horn and we jumped. "I'll see you soon." I reassured her. She nodded. And got in the cab. She smiled at me and I stood there as she drove away from my sight.

I stood for there till I felt a hand on my shoulder. "You really do love her. You weren't like this with anyone else." Ashely said. I nodded. "C'mon, we gotta get going."

You Just Don't Go Together (Andy Biersack)Where stories live. Discover now