Its My Soul | Chapter 10

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Just two damn weeks. Two weeks then I can see her. It was all crazy. How I've managed to fall for Alice in a whole week.

"Umm. Andy?" I got out of my bunk and went to where I heard john calling me. "Yea-" I said stopping as soon as I saw who was with him. Juliet? Why would he- ohh, I haven't told him about me and her breaking up a while back.

"Hey baby." Juliet said walking towards me. John left. She stretched her arms towards me. I backed up. "What so you want." I asked. "I just wanted to see my babe." She said batting her eyes.

I scoffed. "Babe? You lost the privilege to call me that when you cheated." I said. "You cheated on me too. Remember?!" She hissed back. Of course I can remember. That was the first time I ever betrayed someone, betrayed her.

I sighed. "I'm sorry. I know you don't like talk-" I cut her off by holding my hand up to signal her to stop. "Why are you here Juliet?" I asked. She sighed. "Im...your..well." "Well what?" "Your a father."

My eyes widened. Your a father. The words ran through my head over and over. "But how, we've been broken up for almost a year." "After we were through, I was feeling sick and everything so I took a test. I had the baby already obviously. I had a DNA test done and your the father."

My mouth was agape. I'm a dad? How? "How old is." "About 6 months old, her names Carmella." I have a daughter. "I wasn't sure if I should tell you but she deserves to know. You deserve to know." I looked over at her. I have a daughter with Juliet.

She gives me a soft smile. I have a daughter. A smile spreads to my face. I have a daughter. "Can I see her?" She nodes. She walked over to the other room and brought back a car seat with a sleeping baby in it.

She looked so clam and beautiful. I look over at Juliet. "Ashe looks just like you." I say. "Look Cam. Your daddy's here." She says quietly. She baby still sleeps though.

"This isn't he only reason why were here." Juliet whispered. I look at her. "We need a ride back to L.A isn't that the last stop on the tour? Please take us with you? We have no were to go but there." She pleaded.

"Yes I'm not just gonna let my baby be out on the streets." I said she smiles at me and plants a kiss and my lips. Oh god. I meant the baby, literally. Not her. She pulls away when she notices I'm not kissing back. "Andy?"

"I have a girlfriend." I say. "She's not here." She whispered placing kissing on my neck. "And I don't cheat anymore. I made that mistake once." She stopped and looked at me. "You've never admitted to it being a mistake before. Or even apologized."

I looked down at her. "I..I'm sorry about that. And I'm sorry that I did cheat on you." I remember that day. Juliet was out late and got shit faced and a guy made a move. He kept forcing his lips to hers and stuff. But she was too drunk to resist something 'that felt good'. I learned about it and just had sex with a random stranger. I wasn't even drunk or anything.

"It's okay Andy. I'm over it." She said.

We were sat down when the boys came back in. We were stopped for a good hour here. Just to stretch and shop I guess. "Hey Andy! Hey, wait Juliet?" Ashely said walking on to the bus. The guys all went to the back room and Ashley stayed.

"What's?" He said not even finishing his sentence when he saw the car seat. "Juliet's gonna stay with is till the tour is over. and..I'm a dad." I said. He looked at me with the strangest face. "Why are you looking at me like that."

I asked getting uncomfortable. "A dad! Really? What are you going to do. How are you gonna be there for it? What about Alice." My head shot up and the name.

"I..I can't tell her. At least not right now. She'll be worried and I can't worry her. It's only two weeks. Then then I'll see her at warped." Ashley sighed "I'm not like that anymore! God." I said throwing my hands up and walking away.

I walked over to Juliet. "I'll show you your bunk." I said helping her up. We walked over to the bunk and I placed her bag in it. "Thank you for this Andy." I gave her a small smile. "Uh..can I.-" "hold her." She finished my sentence. I nodded.

She place Carmella in my arms. She looked allot like Juliet. You could say she has my eyes though. She was sleeping but her eyes opened. "Ohh, Carmella your getting so big. I'm your dad. Yea. Yea." I said making funny faces.

She let out a couple giggles then fell back asleep. Juliet took her and laid her down in the bunk. She's using the bottom bunk. So nothing bad would happen. Like falling out of the bunk.

Juliet got all settled and I had Ashley tell the boys. John had already figured she was staying. I hoped into my bunk and pulled out my phone. I smiled when I saw my background. Me and Alice dancing. It was one where we were looking at each other smiling before we noticed the guys coming in.

I pulled up FaceTime and I called Alice. Her face popped on the screen and I smiled. "Hey." I said. "Hey. Hows tour?" She asked. I could see Alex walking around in the kitchen behind her. "It's good. Just less than two weeks then a couple days till warped." I said getting excited.

She smiled. Then Frowned. "I miss you." She said. "I miss you too. I can't wait to spend all warped with you." I spoke. "I got a job." "Really? Where?" "At AP magazine. Im a photographer but a traveling one. So I work online. I've been taking pictures at concerts here."

I couldn't stop smiling. "Great. That's good. Hey. Do you wanna say hi to the. Guys?" She nodded. I looked out to make sure Juliet was not around. She was in her bunk so I jumped out and walked over to the guys.

"Hey guys Alice is on the phone." I said showing Alice the guys. "Hi Ashley, Jake, Jinnx, and CC!" She said waving. The boys returned a hey then shouted we miss you at different times.

We chuckled then I walked over to sit at the table. "Oh Andy I gotta go now. I have to help Alex with a video." She said walking around. I sighed. "Yeah, okay. I'll call you later." She nodded and blew a kiss and the call ended.

You Just Don't Go Together (Andy Biersack)Where stories live. Discover now