Between The Roses | Chapter 9

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It's been a week since I saw Andy. I know we'd just started dating but I miss him so much. I can't wait for this month to end. I'd be with Andy. Getting closer and falling more in love.

But something's been bothering me for awhile now. I overheard Andy and Ashley talking. When he said he hurt Juliet. Well they hurt each other? I wonder what he meant.

Did they cheat on each other? I was brought out of my thoughts by Alex coming thought the door. "Hey! Brian told me to tell you to upload. You know. He likes to keep you on your toes." She said

I grunted. I've been to lazy to do so. But I suppose she's right. "Yeah, hey! Wanna join me. I'm doing a QnA." I said getting up and grabbing my laptop. She nodded and hopped beside me.

I turned it on but my phone lit up. I grabbed it. It was a mention on Twitter. I had two. One was from Brian. '@BrianStars: upload dammit!' I sent a reply. '@AliceInWonderland: @BrianStars I'm doing one right now!'

Anther one was from Andy @AndyBvB: can't wait to see this girls pretty face again @AliceInWonderland' it had a photo. The one Ashely took of us while we were dancing. I favourited and saved the photo and type back a reply saying I've missed him.

"You love him?" Alex asked. I looked at her. "I do." I said zoning out. I laughed and started my video up. "Heyya! I'm here with my best friend/roommate Alex Dorame. And were gonna be doing a QnA." I said.

We both lined and joked And it was really fun. Brian, Johnnie, Damon, and our other Youtuber friends sent us some questions to. It was really hilarious.

We ended the video with is dancing. Yup. "Hey! Let's call everyone. Like. Hug video Skype thingy." Alex said getting all excited. I nodded.

We called. Brian and Johnnie, Damon, Kate (who was with Cyr and Edwin), Jason (who was with Patty, Luke, Karim, Emma, Marina), we just all had a hug video call. (Jason is using his computer and he's with all them. Same with brian and Johnnie same computer. And that goes for Kate and them two. Only 5 computers are being used. FYI)

"Hey look it's Alice." Luke said pushing beside Jason. I laughed. "Hey Luke. How's things." "Oh it's great Emma's a good little chef." He joked. Emma popped into the screen and shoved him a little. "Oh fuck off." She joked back.

"Hi, Emma! Karim! Marina! Patty." I said a good hello to my British friends. The all said hey back. "And what am I?" Cyr joked. "Hi Cyr, Edwin, and Kate. Aaand Damon. Haven't forgotten about you either." They said hi back.

"Then what are we?" Brian joked. Faking his heart aching. "Oh hush. I could see you right now if I wanted to." "Well why don't you." "I said if." We all started laughing.

It was crazy. 14 people all talking over the computer. But it was good. I've missed them all.

"How's the band going?" I asked Patty. "It's great, we just got signed." He cheered. "Emma his Luke treating you." I asked. "He's great." She said giving him a kiss....I really miss Andy. "How's Andy?" Asked. Karim.

I had told them everything. "He's great. Having a good time. Were meeting up at warped." Jason shrieked. "Your going!" I nodded. "So am I!" I smiled at him. So Jason's going. Johnnie, Brian, Damon, Cyr, and Kate.

"Well see you later?!" Shouted Jason. "Bye guys! Love you!" And they left the video call. Next was Kate and them. Then Damon, Brian had to leave but Johnnie stayed. Him and Alex were talking.

"Well Johnnie I'm going to bed so goodnight." I said getting up. "I should go to." Alex said standing up. "Goodnight Johnnie." She said and closed my laptop.

"Night roomie!" She said from her room. I shouted back and sat on my bed. I was compete plating editing my videos. I sighed. I guess I should. I edited it then I saw the video of Andy asking me out.

I watched hen I edited it. I uploaded it and then I shared it on Twitter and tagged Andy.

@AliceInWonderland: wanna see some outtakes from the truth or dare video? Me and @AndyBvB do some things ;)'

I tweeted and then I got a mention back '@AndyBvB: awe, I'm so romantic @AliceInWonderland' he joked. God. I really can't wait for this month to go by faster.

I was playing around on my phone and I changed my background to the picture of me and Andy dancing. I smiled at it and I closed my laptop and I fell into a deep sleep.

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