Its A Fresh Start Fever | Chapter 3

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I woke and rolled over bumping someone. I thought Josh didn't come in last night, then I saw the blue hair. Ohhhh yeah, forgot Brian and them came over last night for the concert.

I checked my phone. Just notifications from Twitter. I was mentioned in tweets from Brian, Johnnie, Alex, Kriss, And Cyr. All saying the same thing basically. 'CONCERT TODAY' I tweeted doing the same thing mentioning them. As soon as I sent it I heard Brian yell. "The princess is awake." I walked out to the living room and sat down on their bed.

"But Damon Isn't awake yet." I joked. He sat up and threw a pillow at me. Brian slept with Johnnie. Cyr, Damon, and Kriss slept together.

What the fuck are you guys watching?" I said looking at the tv. "Angst I think. It's fucked. This girls vagina eats people. Like it just sucks them in." Cyr said. Okay.

"Well guys we got three hours till the concert. I can't believe we all slept till 4" I said getting up and making coffee. Johnnie followed me into the kitchen and helped me out. "Thanks man." I said sitting down at the table.

He sat next to me. "Do you think Alex has a type?" Ohhhh yeah. "Um, no. She's really sweet. But she likes someone Johnnie." His smiled faded. "It's you." His eyes locked with mine.

"Your lying." I shook my head. "No she told me last night. She also asked if you had a type. So..I think you should ask her out at the concert today." I said getting up grinning proudly.

I heard a knock at the door as I walked by. "Guys. Clean up." I announced to the living room. I walked over to the door and opened it. It was josh. "Hey, your still in your pjs." He asked.

"Yeah, I just woke up. Are you coming in." He nodded. "Why are they all here?" He asked looking in the living room. "They slept over last night." "So they can sleep over but we couldn't do anything." He said angrily. I looked at him. "There my friends." I said walking into my room.

He was following me till I turned and he saw Alex on my bed. "Girl time, no boys allowed." I said closing the door. I walked over to Alex and shook her lightly. "Yeah." She said. I laughed a little. "Gotta wake up now. You can shower now if you want." I said getting up and grabbing clothes from my closet.

Black skinnies and a bvb shirt. Alex got up and got dressed. I slipped my clothes off and changed. I walked to my mirror and did my makeup. Alex sat beside me and started hers. "Hey, can I do you makeup?" I asked. She nodded and turned towards me.

I gave her a really darker look. Just a little more eyeliner and eyeshadow. She looked really good.

We left the room and entered the living room. The boys were all ready and the living room was clean again. "Guys, let's get going?" I said. Damon was giving a ride to Alex, Cyr, Kriss. And I was giving a ride to Josh, Brian and Johnnie. But There riding back with Damon.

After everyone got out I locked my door and we headed downstairs. We got in our cars and started driving to he venue. "So when we get there follow me Alice. I'm interviewing the band and well get you the pass. But you think you could help me." Brian said.

"Yeah, I can." Josh looked at me. "Forgot to tell you but I'm taking pictures tonight." He sighed and went back to texting on his phone. We arrived relatively early and there was a long line up. We walked the boys to the line and me and Brian walked backstage.

There was allot of people screaming over Damon and them in the line. But even more screaming at me and Brian walk by. We walked pass some techs and the people setting up. "Okay, so you'll hold the camera okay. And just keep us all in frame.-" "Brian I know what I'm doing." He just chuckled.

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