We're All Part Of The Same Sick Little Games | Chapter 2

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I rolled over and the light from the window was blinding. I sat up and check the time on my phone. 3pm. Damn I slept longer than usual. I opened up Twitter again and more followers and mentions. But one stuck out.

'@AliceInWonderlvnd: how'd you like to be on Warped Youtubers this summer? Check out the email we sent you.'

It was from warped tour. I immediate check my email. And there it was. It read that if I wanted to I'd have to make a meeting next week so we could talk and get things ready.

Apparently it was a last minute decision, and Brian recommended me. I'd have to thank him for that.

I looked at the clock again shit it's 4 now, I jumped up and had a shower. I washed up and got out. I slipped on my underwear and bra and started blow drying my hair. I straightened it and started putting on makeup.

Eyeliner, blush, mascara, eyeshadow. I slipped on a pair of black skinnies and I put on a red tank top with a leather jacket.

I slipped on my shoes and waited. I heard a knock and got up and opened it. "Wow, you look amazing." I blushed. "Thank you. Let's get going?" I said closing the door and grabbing Josh's hand.

We walked to his car and got in. "Let's go see a horror movie?" He asked. I smiled again. I nodded. "I know how much you like them." He said driving to the theatre.

We got there and decided on watching The Woman In Black 2 it was pretty good but it was long. It was also kind of annoying, all the girls screaming their heads off. I mean like c'mon it wasn't even scary. And all the guys comforting them. Like could you get any more clique.

I kept laughing and giggling through the whole thing. At the movie and at the girls. I got dirty looks for being 'the freak who laughs at death' but whatever.

After the movie ended we walked to the mall and got some subs from subway.

"You got a little something there." Josh said wiping the corner of my lip. I smiled at him. He leaned in closer and we were a few metres apart.

"OMG! Your Alice! Can I get a picture?" A girl shrieked from across from us. Josh groaned and moved over. I glared at him.

"Of course! What's your name sweetie." I said getting up and standing beside her. "it's Stella. I've been watching you from day one. Your amazing. And are you really going to lick Andy's face?" She said laughing.

Josh stiffened up and looked mad. "Haha, I'm gonna try." I said giving her a hug and take a picture with her and saying goodbye.

I sat back down by josh. "What's wrong." I said referring to when he was all grunty and shit. "Nothing, just she ruined me chance to kiss you." I glared at him. "She did not." I said giving him a kiss.

"By the way. I'm also giving a ride to Brian and Johnnie to the concert." He looked mad again. "What!" I said getting defensive. "Just, I don't like how people ship you and Johnnie."

I scoffed. "He's my friend. Sorry but I'm dating you." He smiled. I swear he's bipolar. "You said your dating me." He gave me another kiss. Oh my god. "It's getting late. I gotta get back home." We got up and walked back to his car.

The drive back was quiet except for us laughing at this guy who was dancing to Barbie girl in the car beside us at a stop sign. Okay, wow.

We pulled up the building and he turned the car off. "I had a good time tonight. I'm glad we did this." I said grabbing his hand. "Me too." He leaned and gave me a third kiss from this evening. "Shall we..?" He said tugging at my jacket.

My eyes widened. "Um, I don't think...not yet. we just started dating again and I don't think we'd be ready for it." He smiled. "Okay. I'll see you tomorrow for the concert." He said giving me a kiss and starting the car up. I got up out and
Watched him drive away.

I sighed and walked up to my apartment. I had just gotten in to my room when my laptop started making noise. It's was a Skype video call. I ran to it and jumped on my bed and answered it. It was from Brian.

"Hey." "Hey, Alice. Mind if we came and spent the night? Also a couple of our friends. They have a ride to the concert." Hmm. "Yeah! How many and who?" I said. "Oh just Damon, Cry, Alex and Kriss." Ohh okay, so Damon, Kriss, and Cyr must be down from L.A. "Uhm yeah. I'll buzz you guys in when you get here." I said and closed my laptop.

I got up and cleaned up fast. Brian and Johnnie don't live far. I put all the dishes in the washer and started it the I heard my buzzer go off. "It's us Alice." "Okay come up." I said and pushed the button thingy.

I unlocked my door and they walked through. "Alice. Long time no see girl." Damon said giving me a hug. "You too. Damon, Cyr, Kriss. It's been awhile." Johnnie gave me a hug next. "Alice, this is Alex. She just moved here. But I've known her for awhile now." He said gesturing to a girl with blue hair.

"Hi." I said. "Hey." She said. "Well guys, the couches Are also pull out beds. And Alex, you can sleep in my room with me if your comfortable with it. It's a king so there's enough room." I said grabbing drinks from the fridge.

"I call sleeping with my boyfriend Kriss." Brian said jokingly. "Hey what am I then?" Damon joked. "What? Your my boyfriend" Johnnie joked back at Damon. "No, he is mine." Cyr joined in.

Wow. Guys. "Okay, your all lame." I said laughing. "So what did you do today." Asked Kriss. I blushed. "Oh my god..you went out didn't you?" Asked Johnnie. I nodded. "Was it with josh.." Asked Brian. I sighed and nodded. Brian knew about him cheating he was with me when I saw them in the car. "Alice.."

"I know. But he told me everything and were taking things slow. He said he loved me. And I love him." I said Brian sighed. But he let it go. It got really awkward for a second till Alex spoke up. "I got an idea." She said getting up and putting music on. You Me At Six playing through the speakers.

We all danced and talked till they started getting tired. I walked to my room whole the boys were setting their beds up and arguing over who's sleeping with who, and who's who's boyfriend.

I changed into my pjs and I heard. Timid voice at my door. "Is the offer still available." Alex spoke. I laughed a little, "yeah, cmon in." I said getting under the covers. She crawled next to me and started talking. "Do you think Johnnie has a type." Johnnie why would she ask- she likes him.

"I don't think so. He's really kind and nice. So I wouldn't imagine." I said rolling over. "You like him don't you?" I question her face turning red. "I..I..yea.." She said blushing hard. "Awe, that's cute. He hasn't had anyone. I think you'd be good for him."

"You really think so." She whispered. I nodded. "Thank you. Alice. I haven't had a friend in awhile I could talk to about this kind of stuff. Can't really talk Johnnie." She joked. "Yeah, same here." I said closing my eyes. "Night." I opened my eyes and Alex's were closed. "Goodnight." I whispered back.

A/N hmmm. Yes the Alex is Alex Dorame. The Alex who was hooking up with josh is a different one. Yes Johnnie is Johnnie Guilbert, Brian is Brian Stars, Cyr is Cyr who's friends with Damon Fizzy and who rooms with Kate Witcher and Edwin. Damon Is Damon Fizzy. Kriss is Kriss TheBunny, from the Band Reedem/Revive.

Alex, Johnnie, Cyr, Damon, Brian are all YouTubers in this fanfiction. There will be more in future chapters like Kate, Jason, Jordan, Patty. Just allot.

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