Who Can Save Me Now | Chapter 6

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"Yeah, were staying in the tour bus." I said looking at Ashely. "What happened?" He was going to stay in the tour bus, cause he might have been making too much noise and got himself kicked out.

"Her house got broken into. I was going to help her look for a place to stay before we leave." I sighed.

He place a hand on my shoulder. "Well, you have two days." He said walking into the bus. "HEYYY!" He greeted Alice. I groaned and walked back in.

"Woah, junk food utopia." Ashley teased. "We had a lazy day yesterday." Alice said. I smiled at her and I grabbed a garbage bag. I started throwing empty bottles and all the garbage away.

"Even when I fall-" "hello?" Alice answered her phone. I watched her. Her face went into a shocked look and then a sad one. "Okay" I sat beside her. "What's up?" She looked at me.

"I just got fired from my job." "Where did you work." She sighed. "At the mall. At the smoothie bar."

We sat in silence for awhile. "Aren't you a Youtuber?" I asked again, I thought you got paid sometimes for that. She nodded then stopped she looked at me then jumped up. "C'mon!" She shouted getting ready. Ashley just looked at me confused.

We got in her car and started driving. "Where are we going?" She snickered. "To check my mail box, I should have a check in there." I nodded.

We got to the post office, well I'm guessing. She ran in and out pretty fast. "Yes!" She said getting in and opening it. I think it was a 2000 dollar check.

She looked like she was over thinking her next move. "Hey, let's go back and figure some things out okay? Don't you still have to Skype that guy for warped." Her head shot up. "Shit I almost forgot."

And we started driving back.

We got out and walked in. Alice went to her laptop. Her home screen wallpapers was her licking my face. I got to see the video last night when she was editing and uploading it.

"OMG! I hit a million subscribers!" She shouted. I laughed at her. She's adorable. And cute. And funny. And it drives me crazy when she bites her lip. I gazed at her. "Yoohoo!" Ashely snapped his fingers in front of me.

"What?" "What were you thinking?" I blushed just remembering what I was thinking. "No..nothing." "You like her don't you." He said leaning on the wall beside me.

"I more than like her." I said glancing at him. "What? Really. Andy..you know." I glared at him. "I know were leaving in two days and I might not see her again." I said getting angry and walking over to Alice.

She was doing a video thingy with someone. "Great! Thank you." She said as I got there. "No problem. And yes, you can photograph when your not having a meet up." The man spoke. "Thank you!" "No problem." And he hung up.

She looked at me with the biggest smile on her face. "I'm going to be on the whole Warped!" And she jumped and gave me the biggest hug. I was kinda startled cause I almost fell. But I closed my arms around her and hugged her back.

I'm guessing she saw Ashley. Cause she pulled away with the reddest cheeks. "Congratulations Alice." He said from the living room. "Thanks ash." She spoke.

Then she looked at me. "What am I going to do? I can't find a house, live in it for a month, then be gone for 2 month and still pay rent." She said holding her check again.

I hugged her. "Hey, maybe you can be a photograph for like the local newspaper. Or even when there's bands playing here. I could give you a recommendation for bands that come here." I said.

I would bring her on tour with us. For the final bits, but we already have a photographer with us. And I don't think john wants a girl with us.

Alice looked up at me. I couldn't help but keep my eyes on hers. They were so green. "Would you." She whispered. I nodded not trusting what I would've said.


My eyes could not leave Andy's blue eyes. I felt him leaning down slowerly. I glanced down at his lips and back to his eyes.

I saw him glance down at my lips, and that's when I started leaning in. We were getting closer and closer. We were about to Shepard a kiss when Ashely bursted into the room, making me jump and Andy back away. I sighed.

"Hey, guys." He said obviously knowing what he just ruined for us. He sat down in front of us. "Hey." Andy replied. I nodded. "So..they guys are coming here, they want to officially meet Andy's mistress." Ashley spoke.

As soon as he said that my eyes widened and my cheeks went red. Andy threw something at Ashely. "Okay, geez. I meant Andy's 'friend'" he said using his fingers to make quotes.

I snickered at Ashely. "What?" He asked. "Is some getting jealous. Of Andy's new friend?" I said teasing Ashely. "No, Pffft. CC's my new best friend." He said huffing and being all dramatic.

"You've replaced me." Andy shrieked placing a hand over his heart also being all dramatic. He fell to the floor and faked death. Ashely rushed to his side.
Grabbed his hand and fake cried. "Andy. Babe. I love you, don't die." Ash said rocking back and forth.

I couldn't stop laughing. Then the door flew open and the guys came in. They took one look at Ashley and Andy who's eyes were open and staring at them like innocent children and the walked by them. "Hey, I'm CC, this is Jake, and that's Jinnx." He said pointing at Jinnx who was fake crying with Ashely now.

"Hi, I'm Alice."

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