You Feel As Though You Have No Friends | Chapter 22

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We sat on the couch just staring at the phone. Waiting for it to ring. I had been throwing up allot lately. Every morning and usually mid day. My stomach churned at the smell of most food. It had been two days since we've been to the doctors. We had just finished a video earlier.

I just talked about my life and how I'm sick. The Misfits care and they enjoy those kind of videos of just me talking.

"Here." Ashley handed me a water bottle. I thanked him and Andy hugged me closer. They have to go on stage in an hour. I also haven't been taking pictures. Kevin understands I'm not feeling well. And I do take like 1000 pictures a day so I have allot.

"We gotta go, but I'll be rig back okay?" He said kissing my temple. "Don't rush. You have a sighing after. I'll be okay." "You sure." I nodded. The guys walked off.

I pulled my phone out and called Alex. "Hey! Alice! How's warped! How's Andy!" She yelled. "It's great. He's great." I said the coughed. "You sick?" "Yeah, I'm coming down with something. Not sure. We went to the doctors two days ago." "And your results aren't back yet?"

"Yeah." I heard something break in the background. "Alex?" I heard her cuss under her breath. "I just dropped a bowl." She said. I started laughing. "It's not funny! Vic might step in the glass." I stopped laughing. "Vic who?"

"Before you jump to conclusions. I'm still dating Johnnie and I named our new pet cat after Vic from PTV." Classic Alex. "Well, that's something I forgot to tell him." She gasped. "I should tell him my roommate is obsessed with him and his band."

"Alice don't you dare! And OMG YOU ME THEM!?" She shrieked. "Calm down, I took pictures of them and I met Tony. But I hanged with them twice." "Sweet- No Vic. Dot. Jump- Vic!- sorry I gat to go befor this cat breaks something else."

I laughed again, we said goodbyes and I went to the bunk and laid down.

It has been about half an hour. I felt my phone vibrate. It was a weird number but I answered anyway. "Hello?" "Hello is This Alice Maria." "Yeah." It's the hospital. "We got your results back. Would you like to meet in person or have me tell you over the Phone." Um. "Over the phone?" It came out more like a question than answer.

"Well your not sick. You don't have any disease or flu, virus, or any health problems." "But." I cut her off. "We did find out that you are two weeks pregnant." I froze. Pregnant. I can't be, we used protections every time. "We'd like you to book an appointment in a couple weeks when your 2 months pregnant to see your baby's health." She spoke.

"Okay." Was all I said then I hung up. How can't I be pregnant. I'm only 18 and Andy. Oh god Andy. He'd have two kids. What if he doesn't even want two. What a, I going to do. What am I going to tell him.

I pulled my home out again and called Alex. "Hey, didn't we just talk." She joked. "I'm pregnant." I saiid out of the blue. "What! Alice what did you just say." "I'm pregnant." "I'd you take a -" "that's why I've been throwing up." I hung up and walked over to my laptop.

I texted Alex first. 'Hey do t tell anyone and sorry for hanging up on you' I sent it and tossed my phone. I spent the rest of the time waiting for the guys to come back by scrolling through baby things.

I must've fallen asleep cause I woke up on the bunk next to Andy. He was on his phone scrolling thought my Instagram. "Andy you creeper." I said as he liked all my new ones.

"Alice, you lazy bones." Then I remembered. I'm pregnant. I placed my head on Andy's chest and hugged him close. "Andy, how do you feel about a family." I said. I felt his stomach stop moving and I heard his Phone turn off.

I looked at him. "I love Carmella. And I think me and you having our own child would be nice. But it's too soon. I might be a dad, but your only 18 and I'm 20" I felt tears welled up in my eyes. I turned away. Andy sat up and held me.

"Hey, it's okay, what's wrong?" He said rubbing my back. I felt sick again and I ran out of the bunk and into the bathroom. I puked and say down. I saw Andy walk in. "I got the results back today." I said to Andy. "I'm not sick." Then his eyes went kinda wide. " pregnant?"

A/N well that's it. You wanna know what happens next!? Well so do I. So I'm writing to the first chapters and such for the sequel so keep your eye out for that. Also what should I call it? And sorry for updated like four times in one day but oh wells.

So WHAT SHOULD THE SEQUEL BE CALLED? I was thinking. I Was The Moon, You Were The Sun. Get it, like You Just Don't Go Together. As in the sequel the moon and sun don't go together. Ahh I'm hilarious. No it was lame but I bet some people got it.

Also the chapter titles are lyrics from songs I was listening to at the moment of writing. I don't remember them all so you'll have to google of you really want to know.

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