Will You Still Love Me | Chapter 13

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I dropped Alice and the guys off at the meet up. I thought I'd give them a rest from driving. I was in Alice's car. It was a little dirty so car wash here we come.

It took only about five minutes. The meet up was a about two hours long. They have quite a bit of Youtubers going. I drove back to the house and I was about to get out when my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered without even looking at who was calling. Bad habit. "Hello, hey so did you put the money in my account yet?" Juliet. I sighed and started the car up again. "No. I'll go do it right now." "Great, would you mind giving me a little more, Carmella needs some more clothes."

That's what this money is for. I'm giving her $1000 I'm sure that can get her some clothes. "Wouldn't you have enough?" "No. Just hurry." And she hung up. Wow. I drove to the nearest bank of hers. I walked in and I gave the last the information.

I need up giving her just am extra $100 I looked at my lock screen. Carmella, daddy's going to see you right after the summer okay? Maybe you'll see me play. I thought.

I had an hour till Alice had to get picked up. She is leaving the car here at my house. Since every Youtuber is meeting up here. The bands all have to be at the venue and it's all technical. So were just leaving from here. Following the Youtubers tour buses and vans.

I pulled into a gas station and I filled up Alice's tank. I also threw put all there garbage, it wasn't lots but some empty monster cans here and there. "Hey! Your Andy right!" A girl said walking up to me. "Yeah."

"This ain't your car though?" I smiled. "You know how my car looks." I smirked at her. "Uh yeah," she said getting embarrassed. "It's my girlfriends car." I told her.

"Alice? Right. I just started watching her videos. 1 million subscribers. Damn. Shes very popular." I gave her a smile. "Your both on warped right?" I nodded. "I'm Sam. I'll be on warped to. So maybe I'll see you both later." "Your on warped for?" I asked. She could be on production, anything.

"I'm a photographer for one of the bands playing." Ohh. "Which band." "Pvris." "Oh yeah, I heard they were going to be on." "Alice is a photographer to hey?" "Yeah, she's one of the main one for all of warped." I said I didn't want to like one up her but I'm taking about my girl.

I heard a phone ringing and Sam answered her phone. "What? Oh that's great! Yeah, I'm gassing up. Okay. Bye." She hanged up and started jumping around. "My sisters band just got added to warped last minute." "Whic-" "Love, Robot" she cut me off.

She finished pumping her gas and gave me a wave. "I'll see you, later Andy. Looks like you gotta get Alice soon. Bye!" She said getting in her car and driving away.

I finished gassing up the car and paid for it. I got in the car and saw that I had ten minutes till they were done. I drove to the building I dropped them off at. It was pretty boring waiting so I turned the stereo on. This band called Against The Current came on.

Normally I don't really listen to this kind of music but it was pretty good, the song was called Paralyzed. I had it on a normal volume and I just sat back and I spammed the hell out of Alice's Instagram.

I didn't even notice the time and I looked out my window and saw them coming. Bryan got in first in the back with Johnnie I think? Alice got in front. "Soo, how was it?" "Good, we gotta drop these nerds off at Damon's. There driving with him to the tour busses tomorrow." "Who's with us again?" Asked Johnnie.

"Damon, Kate, Me, you, were sharing with Jason, Patty, and Emma from England, not Alice anymore, and Brayden." Bryan spoke to Johnnie.


"I'll still see you guys around. I have a meetup with you 8 everyday." I said. I turned my attention back to Andy and told him were Damon lived. We got to the apartment quick and Johnnie and Bryan got out,

"You wanna come meet Damon? I have to say hi." I said getting out after he nodded. We walked up and caught up behind Bryan and Johnnie. We both knocked and we heard shuffling. The door opened up to a very exhausted? Damon.

"Hey Damon, came to drop these fools off. Also to say hi and personally introduce you to Andy, my boyfriend" Andy shook Damon's hand. "Hey, sorry I was just exercising, " we all laughed and walked in.

Damon pulled me aside. "I need your help." "With?" He sighed. "I have my girlfriend over and I his her in the closet." I hit him. "Damon, you never hid a girl in a closer. Also." I pinched his cheek. "My little DeeFizzles growing up."

She knocked my hand away. "I'm not ready for anyone to know. So please don't say anything and help me sneak her out." "You guys weren't...you were all out of breath..." He hot me back now. "No, I knew the guys were coming it I didn't think they'd be here so soon."

I sighed. "Okay I'll help. But introduce is first." He pulled me to a closet and we both got in. It was a pretty decent sized closet. "Carson, this is Alice. Alice Carson." We both waved. She was pretty. She had blonde hair and her eyes were mesmerizing.

I told Damon to be the look out and tap the wall so we could make a bee line for the door. We waited then heard a tap and we both shot out and out the door. We both started laughing. "I'll see you around Alice. Tell Damon I love him."

Wow, how long have they been dating? "Yeah, no problem." And she walked off. I walked back into the apartment and I saw that Bryan had Andy recording a video with him and Johnnie.

I waited for the boys to be done then Andy walked up to me. "Let's go." And we left back to his place. It was a nice house. We both got in and all they guys were sat around. "Hey, Alice." Ashely said. I was kinda shocked he didn't tackled me, I think everyone was cause we all stared at him.

"What?" He said looking around and seeing all of us staring at him. "You actually acted human." Jake joked. We all started laughing at him. "I'm just giving her a break this once." He said back. Me and Andy went into the kitchen and made out.

It wasn't our intention, I was quite hungry but it just happened. "Can't wait till we start our journey together tomorrow morning." He said kissing my nose. I scrunched my face and kissed his nose back. "Me either."

A/N I graduate in a year and I have absolutely no idea what I want to do or be. I don't want to grow up. It's actually a hug fear of mine. I'm sure some people know what it feels like.

But yeaaa.

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