Shut Up And Take My Hand | Chapter 7

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It's been four hours, Andy's been helping me find a place to live. They leave tomorrow at noon. I sighed. I'm really gonna miss them. I never thought I'd get this close to them all in a week. Especially Andy.

"What's up?" Andy asked his eyes leaving the computer screen. "Nothing, just I'm gonna miss you..guys" I added quickly. Maybe a little too quickly.

"I know. I'll..we'll miss you too. Alice." I smirked at him. "Even when I fall do-" my phone rang. It was Alex calling. I answered it.

"Hey? What's up?" Andy smiled at me. "Hey, soo. I heard you need a place to live. So I pulled some strings and your on my lease so you can move in when ever." My mouth was agape.

"What?" "Your a good friend. And I would enjoy the company around here." I screamed. "Thank you! I love you soo much!" "No problem. When will you be coming?" I looked at Andy. "Tomorrow."

And with that we hung up. "What was all that about?" I smirked. "I have a place to live!" I said jumping and attacking Andy with hugs. "With who?" "My friend Alex." His facial expression went to a look of worry...and jealousy?

"She's great." I added, I wanted to see if he was worried it was a boy. His face softened and he smiled.

"Are you gonna go there today?" He asked. I sighed. "No! I'm gonna spend your last night here with you." I said grabbing his hand. He smiled. "Well then, what should we do today?"

"I actually need you help with a video." He smirked. "I need to upload a video and me and you will be playing truth or dare. Mine and your fans too will send us some on twitter."

I got up and grabbed my laptop and sat it in front of us on the table. I pulled out my phone and sent a quick tweet. '@AliceInWonderland: filming a truth or dare but with a special guest, mr.Biersack. So send us some quick!'

We sat and waited for awhile. More like two minutes to where we had tons of truth or dares.

I looked at Andy. "You ready?" He nodded. I turned the camera on and we started filming. "Heyya! So I'm playing truth or dare again. With Mr.Biersack himself again. So you wanna go first." He nodded. "Truth or dare Alice?"

Hmmm. "Uh truth." He nudged me. "Pansy." I nudged him back. He scrolled through his phone for a truth. "Is it true you date Johnnie for awhile?" I shook my head. He looked kinda relieved. "Okay Andy truth or dare?" I challenged. "Dare!" I looked at a tweet. "I dare you to play the rest of the game without a shirt on."

He smirked at me. "Hey! I don't come up with these dares....but I'm not complaining." I added the last part quietly. "Oh, by the way we have truths and dares picked out by random so we don't choose which ones we say." I said to the camera.

We were 8 minutes in. I usually record ten minutes so this will be like the last question. Andy looked at me. I chose dare and he's been taking his time telling me. "I dare you to kiss Andy." He read. My eyes locked with his.

I..uh..fuck. "Okay." I said to the camera and looked back at Andy. I was sitting on he chair crossed legged so I turned my body a little and so did he. I let out a shaky breath and looked up at his eyes. His blue eyes were mesmerizing. Like once I looked there was no way I'd leave them.

I'd get lost in his eyes and I wouldn't care. I didn't even notice us moving closer and closer till I heard his breathing become hitched. I put an hand behind his neck and so did he, I was still looking at his eyes till they closed. I closed mine and our lips connected,

I've wanted this more than anything.

His lips and mine moved in sync. Like we knew the others move before it happened. His oh her hand went behind my back and my other one was on his chest. I quickly got off my chair and straddled him. Our lips fighting for dominance.

We kissed for the longest time. Well made out. We both came up for air. "Alice." He breathed. I looked up at him, feel really vulnerable. "Alice. I really like you and I...I'm falling for you." My eyes widened. But he's known me for a week.

"This week with you has been amazing. I've never really felt like this in a long time. Alice." I kissed him again. "Oh Andy. You've just made this goodbye harder." I sighed. "But I really like you too. And I've waited for that kiss forever." He smiled.

"I'm sorry." I raised an eyebrow. "I'll be leaving and we won't see each other for a while." I sighed. "I know." He pulled me into his side. "Alice. Will you be my girlfriend? I know well be separated but I've never been more serious than anything."

I looked up at him. "Yes." Was all I could choke out. He gave me a kiss. We sat back down and I looked around, my computer was till recording. I got up and looked at the screen. I smiled and stopped.

"I'm gonna use that for a video too." He smiled. "Good, everyone should have a way to find out your my girlfriend." I kissed him.

We sat down and watched a movie. "Hey! You'll be on warped tour right?" I said jumping up. "Hey! You will too, you could totally bunk with me. Since you'll be on how whole tour anyway." He said getting excited.

"Yeah, I could. And we'd get to spend a whole summer together." Now I can't wait for these well month and a couple days to pass. He took my phone. He gave it back. He gave me his number and the guys numbers to.

I took his and I gave him, mine. Johnnies, Brian's, and Alex's. I was about to pass it back when I saw a name. Juliet. I froze. I know they've been broken up for almost a year now, but they were soo good together. I sighed. He looked at me and check what I was looking at.

"Don't worry about her." He said stroking my hair. "I know but, you guys were soo good. I guess everyone's good at one point." He kissed my head. "Yeah. And guess what? So will us. Well be good, no perfect. I promise you."

A/N Awwe such cute. I enjoy writing this more than my Jalex. WHAT. WHATT!! WHAT DID SHE JUST SAY!?! It's k. Jalex is still my life source. ;) but c'mon its Andy. he's perfect. His blue eyes. His perfect face. His voice. His body. How his hair is perfect on him no matter how it's styled. UGH ANDY IS PERFECT. I COULD TALK ABOUT HIM ALL DAY. I JUST WANNA KISS HIM AND...STUFF. BUT YEAH. OH MY GOSH, I CANT LOOK AT MY POSTERS WIHOUT SMILING LIKE A IDIOT.


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