I Miss You Im So Sorry | Chapter 18

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I looked down at Alice curled up by my side. How did I get so lucky? I mean, we only knew each other for a week, then I asked her to be my girlfriend before I left for tour. Any normal person would've thought I was crazy.

Now it's been a month and two weeks. And I gotta say it. I love Alice. I know when I was leaving I said I loved her to her, but it felt rushed. It was more to comfort her that I'll be back.

I felt Alice stir. "Stop staring." She chuckled hiding closer to me. "Stop being adorable." I told her kissing her head. She smiled at me and stretched out. I smiled back. I don't know why, but every time I smile at someone, especially Alice. They have like a little break down.

Okay, I know why. I just like how it has such an effect on people. "Annnndy. No fair." Alice chuckled. "Awe babe." I gave her another smile. She straddled me and gave me a long kiss.

"I love you." Her eyes didn't widen nor did she freeze in place. She knew I loved her. She smiled back and gave me another kiss. "I love you too Andy." And she curled back up into my side.

It was around noon. Our band only plays one show a day now. Not bad I guess, but fans are kinda mad about it. We play at 6, Alice. She can take pictures when ever. And not everyday as well.

She takes about 1000 pictures a day, but only ends up using around 20 for business.

Alice got up. "I gotta get going. I'm meeting up with a girl. She does covers of songs and such, she was coming to today's warped and I was gonna help her get a stage or that acoustic set in that building."

I smiled at her. "I can come. I'm pretty persuasive." I said flashing her my smile. She groaned. "Get ready. And stop smiling to get your way." She joked. I slip on jeans and a bvb top I cut up.

Alice wore almost the same thing, but she was in cut off jeans. "Let's get going." She said pulling me out of the tour bus. We ended up walking over to a tree. There was a girl standing there with pink hair? It was dreads in the back. She was also pretty short. Well to me.

"Elizabeth?" Alice asked tapping her shoulder. "Yeah." She said turning around. "Oh, hey it's Alice. This is Andy. Sorry he likes to follow." She said laughing at me. "Well. Hello officially Alice, and Andy. I'm Elizabeth Grace."

Come to think of it. I might have seen one of her covers. We talked for awhile. All three of us. I learned that she has a single and an EP. Her voice is pretty darn good. And she's in shape.

It was about 3 now. "Shall we go talk to Kevin?" Alice said getting up. We nodded and we walked over to the building he's usually in.

We found him and from the sounds of it. We might get Elizabeth a stage to play on. "Well Chris, has a sore throat today, so you can use his stage time. He doesn't mind." Kevin spoke getting off his phone.

"He's good though?" I asked. Chris is a good buddy of mine. Most people don't believe it though. "Oh yeah, just a little strained. But Never Shout Never will be on tomorrow." We nodded and walked over to the stage, he would be going on soon. So Liz is going on.

'@AndyBVB you should all go watch Elizabeth Grace fill in Never Shout Never. She's great!' I sent the tweet. I know how it feels to have your first show have only two people. But she's amazing so she wouldn't need any help.

"Oh, Andy. I love her voice." Alice said hugging me. Her set had started and she was taking pictures as well. "I know." She chuckled and looked up at me. I kissed her. "Love you." "Love you too." She said kissing me quickly.

A/N now, you all should go check out Elizabeth Grace on YouTube. Her covers are AMAZING. I love the one of Kissing In cars and Cemetery Weather. There all so perfect. She's plays piano and guitar if that interests any of you. Also if you want to stalk her twitter. I believe it's. @EGraceOfficail <-- not to sure but I'm sure...if you get what I mean.

I also learned how to play the intro to My Immortal by Evanescence on my piano. So yeah, fluffy chapter.

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