Your A Poor Unfortunate Soul | Chapter 5

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I looked around my room. Wasn't Andy here? Did last night never happen. Was it just a crazy dream? I rolled over and sighed. I got up and walked out to the kitchen. I was about to turn the coffee maker on, but it already was on. "What?" I whispered grabbing a cup.

I sat down at the table. Was it all just a fucked up dream? "Hey." Someone said from behind me. It made me jump and I spilled some coffee. "Oh sorry, didn't think I'd scare you." Andy said wiping the mess up. "No, it's fine. I just thoug last night was all a dream...but I guess it wasn't.."

He sat beside me. "Hey, it's okay now." I took a drink from my cup and Andy's phone went off. "Hey....oh sorry, I'm at Alice' I think for awhile.....okay....yeah...great...k bye."

I raised my eyebrows at him. "Well they were just wondering where I was and if I was going back anytime soon....also. Alice." He said grabbing my hands.

"What?" I asked getting nervous. "They caught the two guys. The police. They were in the same ally way with another girl and the cops heard her screams. There locked up." "Wow. I glad to hear their gone." I said giving Andy a hug.

We pulled apart. "Even when I fall down to my knees, I never say a prayer I don't believe." My phone rang. And Andy smirked. "Cool, ringtone." I nodded. "ANSWER MY SKYPE CALL" Brian yelled. "Hey...okay geez!" I said hanging up. I got up and ran to grab my laptop.

I turned it on and answered a video call on Skype. Andy was just confused.

"Hey!" Brian's face went on the screen. "Hey. What's up?" "Did you make a meeting yet? For warped? Oh hi Andy. Andy?! Why are you on Alice's screen?"

"No I haven't yet. And he's here cause. I left my camera at the venue last night." I said quickly making up a lie. "Your gonna be on warped? As a photographer?" Asked Andy. "For a Youtuber. But I could probably take pictures to." He nodded.

"Well, I'd call them today. Alice. Even have a video meeting, I didn't pull string just for you to forget About going." Brian said. I nodded. "ARE YOU TALKING TO ALICE?!" I heard Johnnie yell. I smiled over at Andy. And looked back at the screen Brian was smirking. "What?" He shook his head.

Then Johnnie popped in the screen. "HEYYY Alice. Thanks for helping me out last night!" I smiled. "I knew you'd get together." He smiled. "Well we gotta get going. Were going to go walmart." Brian said. "Like always." I said closed my computer.

"So, what should we do today?" Asked Andy. "I don't know, I don't usually do anything fun. So you choose." "Let's go get some movies and have a whole day to be lazy?" He said. I smiled. "Perfect." I was about to walk out the door with Andy when there was a knock. I looked at Andy confused.

I opened it and josh was there. I glanced back at Andy. He looked pissed off. "What do you want josh. And I want my car and keys back." He tossed me the keys. "Alice. Look I'm sorry I lied." I punched him. "You bitch." And he was about to slap me when Andy pulled me out of the way.

"You should leave," Andy said seriously without even blinking, holding me behind him. "Why are you here? Mr. Rockstar." I closed the door on him. "He'll leave, then we can go get snacks and things okay." I said trying to calm Andy down. "Okay." He said giving me a sad smile.

I walked over to the balcony and pulled out a smoke and my lighter. "You smoke?" Asked Andy. I nodded. He pulled his out and we had a smoke on the deck. "Rough weekend." I said. "Yeah." I butted mine out. "Let's go?" He butted his out. And we were off down to my car.

It was clean and neat, good. It didn't smell like sex either which is good, I wouldn't even look at it if josh and Wendy had sex in here. "Let's go to...Walmart?" Andy nodded and I started the car up.

We walked in and a couple fans saw Andy and some saw me. "Let's get some chips and chocolate." I said tugging Andy to the stand. "Heeeey! Fancy seeing you here." It was Brian. Andy had the cart and I was putting chips and chocolate in it. "Hey, Brian."

"You guys having a junk food party." Johnnie joked. "No, just a lazy day." I said smiling at Andy. Brian smirked at me. "What?! Brian, why do you keep looking at me like that." I said. "Awwe look you embarrassed her." Johnnie piped up. I gave them the finger and we walked over to the movies.

"What do you feel like watching?" Andy questioned. I smirked. "I was thinking Batman. I haven't watched it before." I said grabbing it. "What?! You can't be serious, you haven't watched Batman!?" He said. I started laughing. "I'm joking of course I watched it." I said tossing it in the cart.

"I think this is good? Right?" Andy nodded. We were waiting in line when someone behind us asked for a picture. "OMG, you Andy and your Alice. Can I get a picture." We both nodded. "Did Alice lick your face?" I bursted out laughing. "I did." Andy was laughing to but just cause I was.

We said goodbye to the girl. "Why, does everyone mention you licking my face?" He said. I chuckled. "Cause I made a video, and said I was going to lick your face. And I did when we played truth or dare," he nodded. "You did taste too bad." He nearly choked.

We bursted out laughing.

We got all our things and we're heading back to my place. We were just about at the door. When we saw it wide open. I dropped the bags and ran into the house. "No no no no no." I said. The place was trashed and things were smashed. "My god.." Andy said walking in. I was kneeled on the floor. I looked up at him with tears eyes.

"Hey, c'mon. We can stay on the tour bus. The boys had gotten hotel rooms and we can have the whole thing to ourselves. Pack all your clothes, and some little nicknacks. You'll stay with us till we sort things out okay."

I got up. Nothing was worth saving, like the tv, couches, everything was smashed. Even the pictures on the walls were cut. I ran to my room. Everything was also smashed. I grabbed a bag and filled it with all my clothes. Mostly band shirts and black skinnies, I packed my straighter, makeup. My phone charger.

I looked under my bed. Thank god. My laptop was okay, I pulled it out and packed it up. My camera gear and things were also safe.

I walked to the area Andy was at. I had two bags, and a backpack. "Everything else, the landlord can deal with. I'm not coming back here ever." I said Andy nodded and grabbed a bag and we walked down to my car. I placed the bags in the trunk.

"Okay. Let's go." Andy said. He's driving. I'm too shaky and on edge. I kept flinching the whole way there. Andy grabbed my hand and held it. I glanced up at him, he was still looking at the road but smiling.

I texted Brian.

'Um, my place got trashed. Do you think I could stay with you guys for awhile.'
'Im not sure. You know I'd let you in a heartbeat, but we got in trouble when we had Damon here for awhile that time'

I remember, Damon had just moved from his parents place and only stayed there for a month. Brian had almost gotten kicked out.

I sighed. "What's up?" Andy asked as we parked. "I can't stay with Brian and them, and I gave no where else to go." He rubbed my back. "Hey, well figure something out okay? We got three days." He said getting out and grabbing my bags. I got out and we walked into the tour bus.

"You can sleep in this bunk, no one sleeps here." He said placing my bags on. Bunk. "Mines right across. Ashely's under me, Jake is under you, and CC, Jinnx, John, are over there." He said pointing to three more bunks. I nodded.

We walked to the little kitchen area. And Andy pulled out chips and a movie. "Let's start our lazy day?" He said smiling.

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