Im So Badley Broken | Chapter 21

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Alice walked straight to the back lounge and closed the door and locked it. I have no idea how I'm going to explain this without telling her the truth. But it's the only option right.

"Jinxx, Jake, CC, I gotta tell you something. Only Ashely knew so he can verify the information." They nodded. "Well Juliet and I have a baby. The baby she had with her when we gave her a ride, was my baby. She had it after we already were split up. Her names Carmella, she's almost 1 and that's why I was taking to Juliet. She was telling me I get to see Carmella for ten minutes."

They all took the information in. "So your a dad?" Jake asked I nodded. "Why didn't you just tell us?" Jinxx asked I shrugged. "I never got around to it" they nodded. "How are you going to tell Alice?" Ashley asked.

"I'm going to have to tell her everything." They nodded and I walked over to the back lounge. I knocked. "Come it. It's unlocked." She said quietly. I sat down beside her. "Please explain." She said. She'd been crying. I nodded I took her hands.

"Firstly, I love you and wouldn't do anything to hurt you." She nodded. "Well back when I was dating Juliet. She got pregnant. I guess it happened right when we broke up. She had the baby and she's almost one now. I had just found out about it before warped and I didn't know how to tell you I was a dad. I was meeting up to see Carmella today. That's what you heard me talking to Juliet about."

"Your a dad?" I nodded. "Andy, you gotta be there for the baby." She said. I kissing her head. "I know, I'm paying child support and I'm seeing her when I can." She stayed quiet for awhile. "I understand if you wouldn't want to be with me now. A baby's that's not yours and being around it with me.-" she cut me off by kissing me.

"Andy. I'm not leaving you. Yeah, a baby that's not mine but I wouldn't leave you. I love you." I kissed her again. I can't believe we've been together for 2 months and a couple days. I also can't believe we got less than a month of warped now.

Alice got up super fast pushing me out of the way and running to the bathroom. I looked at the guys who saw. "She didn't take it too well?" Jinxx said. I snooker my head and flipped them off.

I pulled Alice's hair back and handed her some Kleenex. "You okay?" She nodded. "I'm..I'm still a little sick from last night I guess." I nodded and helped her up.

"Well do you want to come meet my daughter?" I asked her. She smiled up at me. "Sure." And we got dressed. Juliet said she beer here around 8, it was 7:50. We got out stuff and walked out. "Guys were going to see Carmella!" I shouted and the guys came charging out.

"We wanna meet her!" Ashely yelled pushing past the guys and walking besides us. We waited at the place Juliet said shed be. I was playing with Alice's hand when I saw them walk up to us.

"Heys your daddy." She said handing Carmella to me. She walked off. CC looked. At her funny. "She's usually leaves me and Carmella alone to bond, she'll be back." He nodded. I passed little Carmella around to each person.

Ashely and the guys thought she was the cutest. "She looks allot like Juliet." Jake said. I nodded. Hey were like identical. "Look Cam. This is daddy's girlfriend Alice. She's very nice." She smiled at Alice's. "Pretty." She said. "Awe thank you." Alice cooed back.

"So Cam, you walk and talk. Can you sing?" Jake said in a playful voice. It cause Carmella to giggle. She hid behind my leg. She looked up to me. "I love you daddy." And my heart melted. I looked down into her eyes. "I love you too."

Alice was smiling the biggest smile. "What?" She kissed me. "Your a good dad." That just made me smile more. "Okay, Carmella we gotta go." Juliet said grabbing her and glaring at Alice. "Woah." Jake said as she walked away.

"She's a bitch and I wish I didn't have to deal with her but. It's for Cam." They nodded. Alice was still smiling. Then she turned a yellow kinda colour and stopped smiling. She ran passed us to a garbage can and threw up.

I ran up behind her and pulled the hair out of the way for her. She mumbled a thank you. After she finished Jake handed her Kleenex he got from god knows where. "Andy.." I pulled her aside and back to our bus.

"Alice. You've threw up three times. It can't still be from last night. Maybe you have a flu. We gotta go get you checked." I told her she nodded. She looked really terrible.

"Were here for a couple days so let's go now, it's almost 10pm." I said helping Alice and and getting is a cab. I told the guys we were going to the hospital. Alice grabbed my phone on the way there and saw my lock screen. She smiled and showed me hers to,

It was the same picture. I kissed the too of her head and she unlocked it and saw the home screen. It was Cam.

We got there and registered and everything. We had to wait. We waited for a good hour till our name was called. They led us to a room where Alice had to put on a robe and undress. With my help of course.

"Come and sit here, the doctor will be with you shortly." The lady said as we walked out of the room and into another.

We sat there and I held Alice's hand. "Okay, so tell me what's up?" The doctor said as soon as he walked into the room. "Well I threw up three times today and I feel like crap and I'm sore and have headache." Alice spoke.

He wrote some things down. "Well, well get some blood work downed and a pee sample okay? Here. And the bathroom right there. Then walk back. Put your clothes back on and got to wing B room 1 and give them this. It's for the blood work." He said handing Alice a paper.

We nodded and Alice went to use the bathroom. She then put her clothes on and we walked over to wing B. Phaser we waited for 5 minutes. They did the blood work and we were done.

"When will the results be back?" Alice asked. "Um a day or 3 at most." The lady spoke. "Okay." And we walked out. Just as we passed the bathroom a
Ice shot in int and threw up again,

I really hope she's didn't catch anything. Bad like a disease.

A/N awe cute! (The Andy and Cam moment) Now, this is going to end soon. But I'm planning a sequel and even a third ONE. So look out for those.

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