Your Playing With A Heart Thats Fireproof | Chapter 14

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"Andy." I could feel someone poking my face. "Aaannnnnndddyyy." I blinked no my eyes focused on the person. It was Jake. I looked down and I saw Alice asleep in my arms.

"What? Dude, I'm asleep." I said closing my eyes. "Andy, get up. We got warped." I groaned. "I packed already." I said. "We know. That's why you got to sleep in now the bus is going to be here in a couple minutes. You can sleep on the bus." He said walking out.

I groaned and I just slapped on some sweats. I took mine and Alice's bag down stairs and loaded them up. The bus got here as soon as I was down the stairs. I slipped on my shoes and took my bags out. The boys were all loaded up bags and amps and such to.

"I'm going to get Alice now." I told Ashely. He nodded no got in the bus. I left my shoes on and just walked up to my room. Alice was still asleep. I didn't want to wake her. So, I just wrapped her in the blanket and carried her down to the bus.

"Shhhh" I said to the guys and I walked in. They nodded and they all cooed over how such a cute sleeper she was. I placed her in my bunk and I closed the curtain. I walked back over to the guys.

"So were the first stop." They all looked at each other. "I don't know." They all said in unison. "Guys, how long have we been going to warped tour?" "It's not always the same Mr. I don't know either." Ashely teased walking to the bunk area.

It was at least 5 in the morning and warped doesn't start till 12 and I'm pretty sure the venues only an hour away or something like that. All the guys retreated to their own bunks and I walked over to mine.

Alice was curled up in a ball beside the wall. I crawled in next to her and almost instantly she curled up to my chest and had an arm around me. I chuckled softly and wrapped my arms around her.


It was hot. I woke up sweating and in just my bra and underwear. Apparently asleep me likes to strip when I'm hot. I literally had to peel Andy's arm off me. Gross. I groaned and pushed my hair back and that when I noticed i wasn't at Andy's anymore.

I saw a curtain. Ohhh, I think I'm on the tour bus? I pulled my clothes back and and I got out of the bunk. It was in he middle so it wasn't like a huge drop. I explored around, all the guys were still sleeping.

So I took this as my chance to shower. I turned the heat down first, cause fuck it was and still is hot. I graded a towel and a pair of sweats and Andy's shirt. The shower was alright. It was a really small bathroom so it was kinda hard to get dressed, not really.

When I got out the guys were all awake. "Hey!" Ashely said running up to me and tackling me. "I thought you were giving me a break." I laughed. "Yesterday duh!" He said. All the other guys were just on their phones or watching tv.

Ashley stopped and we both went and sat on the couches. I sat by Andy and he wrapped me in his arms and had his arms around me. I looked up at him. I don't know how I got so lucky.

I gave him a warm smile. He and the guys were taking about music and crow. The way he shined when he talked about something he loved. I watched him the whole time with a smile on my face.

"Alice." He's perfect. I can't believe I get all summer with him. "Alice. Stop admiring Andy." Ashely said pushing me. "Hey! She can admire me all she wants." Andy said pulling me closer. "Yeah, well she's got a YouTube meetup at 2 and she better get ready now. Mrs. Bed head." He said ruffling my hair up.

I groaned and got up. Might as well get ready now, I don't even know what city were at. But were at the venue. It started up all ready, the guys do t play till 3 & 8 and my meet ups at 2 so I get all day to take pictures and have a break.

I slipped on some shorts and a tank top and threw my hair into a messy bun. I grabbed my cell and camera and head out. "I'll see ya later." I said to everyone as I walked out.

I walked over to the tour bus I would've been on with the others. Everyone was busy getting ready they did t even notice me walk on. I sat on the couch and laid down watching them all. Bryan was vlogging. And Damon and Johnnie were both in the bathroom doing their hair and stuff. Everyone else was too busy.

Eventually. Damon came out and sat beside me. "Kate wanna pass me my phone." He said nudging me. Kate was actually across from him snuggled up in a blanket. "There's no phone by me." Kate said and Damon looked up at her. Then at me.

"OHHHHH ALICE!" He said jumping on me. I pushed him away. "JOHNNIE COME TAME YOUR BOYFRIEND!" I said laughing. "Alice keep your hands to yourself." Johnnie scolded. I just shook my head at them. "Let's get going? It's only us left here now." I said looking around, there was allot in this bus now it was just us.

They nodded and us 5 were off to the Youtuber tent. I could see a really long line of people. this everyday. It's going to be amazing. "AHHHHH, JOHNNIE I LOVE YOU" some girl screamed from the front of the line as we entered the tent.

We all screamed at them and of course Bryan pulled out his camera. We were taking pictures and signing things when I saw a big fluff of purple and blue hair. I walked over to it and I saw 3 of my English friends. I screamed and ran up to them.

"JASON, PATTY, EMMA!! IVE MISSED YOU" I said. A bunch of people were screaming and taking pictures. "Alice. We missed you to." Emma said smiling at me. "Isn't your guys meetup around 5" I asked. "Yeah, but we wanted to come see some of our favourite Youtubers." Patty joked.

"Actually, we came over to invite you guys side stage to the stage my bands playing at." I jumped into Pattys arms. "As It Is is playing warped! Awesome!" I shouted as he swing me around.

"Emma's, also having a little acoustic set." Jason added. I smiled widely at Emma and jumped into her arms next. "Luke didn't come down?" I asked. Emma shook her head. "He came down with something and insisted I'd come." Emma said.

"Aww, well since you guys invited me, how about you guys join me side stage when bvb plays?" I asked. "R-really?" Jason asked. I gave them a warm smile. "Yeah, and you guys can officially meet my boyfriend." "Who is it? Someone on their crew?" Emma asked.

"You'll have to wait and see."


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