Dont Wanna Be Your Friend | Chapter 20

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"Juliet. I swear you'll let me see Carmella tomorrow." I said into the phone. I was in the back room trying to be quiet.

Juliet and her boyfriend were in the city we were in and wasn't gonna let me see her.

"Juliet. You'll let me see her or I'll stop giving you money and I'll just buy what ever Carmella needs." She kept quiet after that. "Well be there for 10 minutes. thats all you get." "Your crazy! That's my daughter I get to see her longer." How did I ever love this girl?

"Well for ten minutes" and she hung up. Bitch I mumbled. "Who's a bitch?" Ashely said walking in. I sighed. "Juliet. She's being a bitch. I only get to see her for ten minutes." Ash didn't say anything for awhile. "Carmella? I haven't even seen her yet either papa Biersack." Ash said.

I sighed. "I know." We heard the tour bus door slam. I looked at ash and he was just as confused as me. We got up and looked around the front of the bus. Jinxx was putting shoes on. I pointed at the door.

"Andy! You dick. I thought you weren't like that anymore!" He yelled and ran out. What? "Dude did I fucking miss something?" I said to Ash. I felt someone shove me out of the way. It was Jake. "What the fuck did I do?"

He grunted. "Alice fucking ran out crying mumbling about you and Juliet. Dude! I thought you weren't like that anymore." He said ruin out as well. "That's not what- Jake!" I groaned.

"I don't know what the fuck just happened." Ashley said sitting next to me.


I saw Ashley walk into the back room. Hmm would now be a good time to ask about Helping me with a video? I got up and walked over, I was about to open the door when I heard Andy's voice. I all I heard was Juliet! and how's he only getting to see her for ten minutes.

Was he cheating on me? He must be. I mean Juliet is way more perfect than me. My eyes welled up in tears and I went to my bunk and slipped on a jacket. "What's wrong?" Jinxxs asked me. I shoved passed him. "Ask fucking Biersack. Catch him before he goes and fucks Juliet." I mumbled.

I ran out and ran away. I could hear Jinnx and Jake calling out for me but I kept running.

I ran until I bumped into someone knocking us both over. I looked to see who I bumped into. With my blurry vision. "Woah, in a hurry there Alice." Chris said getting up and helping me.

I didn't respond but he soon saw the tears. "Whoa, hey, what's wrong?" He said pulling me into a hug. "I think Andy may be cheating on me." I sobbed out. He rubbed my back. "Hey, c'mon. Let's head to my tour bus okay? You can tell me about it or we can just chill."

I nodded and he led the way.

"So you want to talk about it?" He said as we took a seat in the back lounge. "I guess." I sighed. "It's probably stupid, but I was eves dropping on Ashley and Andy's conversation. I didn't quite hear it all but I heard him say he's only getting ten minutes with Juliet." I let out another breath.

"It sounds stupid but, she's literally ten times better than me and I'm me. A stupid kid who's weak and ugly and horrible-" "Alice. Don't you dare say those thing. It doesn't sound stupid. Darling it's okay. Maybe you should let Andy explain himself."

"I hate seeing you like this." I let out a little laugh. "Well we've only know each other for over a month now." I said he gave me a hug. "I should probably call the guys." "You should." I got up and walked to the front of the bus. No one was here right now besides me and Chris.

I dialled Jinxx. "Hey." "ALICE WHERE ARE YOU." "I'm okay. You still looking for me?" "Yeah we all are?" Hmm. "Why is Andy and ash looking they didn't even hear me storm off?" "I kinda freaked out at him." "Jinnx! Well I'm at Never Shout Nevers bus right now." He hung up.

Well then. I turned my phone off the the door flew open. Jinxx, Jake, Ashley, and Andy ran in. "Alice. I'm sorry for whatever I did." Andy said hugging me. I didn't hug back. "Let's talk at the tour bus." I said walking off and heading for ours.

A/N yeeeaaaaaa. I need some drama in hurr. Also I fixed the chapter titles. I know it went from 13, 14, to 14, 7, 8, 9 so that's fixed it should go up from 14 now.

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