The Best That Alcohol Can Buy | Chapter 16

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"Hey, so guys. Help them up here." Patty said into the microphone pointing to me and Emma. "These two are good friends of mine. Check it Emma play an acoustic set later and this is Alice, check out her YouTube channel!" He screamed into microphone.

While I was on stage I snapped a couple photos of the crowd and of the band. "You were Patty.mall of you!" I said looking at everyone. "Thanks. We gotta pack up but we'll see you at Emma stage." He said. We nodded and headed off to Emma's stage she'd be playing at.

I had texted everyone. Knew. Jason, Kate, Damon, Bryan, Johnnie, Cyr. Actually what's funny was Karim was the only one one my friends from England who figured out it was Andy I was dating.

'Guys come see Emma play. The stage is (enter stage here)' and I sent it. (I don't know what to name the stage )

They all agreed and me and Emma were off. "Hey, mind of I take pictures. Form the pathway and on stage?" I asked her. "Haha, you didn't even have to ask. I assumed you were going to anyway." She said laughing.

We walked off to the stage and she was on in 15 minutes. The others were here already. In front of the barricade In the pathway. Emma was backstage and I was getting my camera ready. There was another photographer in the pathway to.

"Hi, Alice right?" She said walking up to me. "Uh, yeah! And your...?" I said trying not to sound to mean or anything. "Haha, it's Sam. I actually saw Andy a few days ago at a gas station. We talked about you." "I didn't know you knew Andy."

She shook her head. "Naw, we just met that day. But I watched some of your videos and I know him from the band." I nodded. "So your a photographer." I asked. "Yeah, I was just supposed to take picture of my sisters band but I was told it was okay for me to keep shooting here."

I nodded. "Well sam, this is Kate, Damon, Cyr, Johnnie, Jason, Bryan, and Emma on stage.....and that's Patty." I said pointing at Patty running towards us.

She waved at them and Emma started strumming her guitar. I turned my attention back to her and raised my camera to her.

It was amazing. She played. The Promise, Go The Distance, Fear The Future, Lies, Perfect, and a cover of Tell Me It's Okay. It was awesome. We all went backstage and congratulated her.

"Okay Alice. Let's go meet your boyfriend." Said Jason and Bryan and them looked at me. I held my finger up at my mouth to silence them. They nodded and we headed over to the stage BVB was playing on.

Fans were everywhere. Screaming me for, for Emma, Kate, everyone. We arrived and we were backstage. Jason looked start struck. Ashley walked up to me. "Hey Alice." He said giving me a high five, sticking his tongue out.

I high fived him. "Where is he?" I asked trying not to say his name. "He's coming." I nodded. I looked over at the others. "For a second there I thought it was Ashley." Emma said.

I laughed at her. "He's like a big brother." Then I saw Andy come walking up behind them. I gave him a smile and I he gave me one of his signature smiles. I melt every time.

He walked up to us. "Hey, guys what's going on." He said with his deep voice. "Your..Andy!" Jason said. He nodded. Then he walked over to me and put his arms around my waist. "Andy! He's your boyfriend!" I nodded.

"Andy, this is Jason, Emma, and Patty, my friends from England." Andy gave them a hug. "So you guys are watching side stage?" I nodded. "Alright! I'll see you guys after." He said skipping on the stage as the music started up.

Emma grabbed my arm. "My gosh, your dating Andy. I never would have guess him." She said hugging me.

"You guys were so clueless, Karim knew right away!" I said laughing with her. Black Veil Brides started playing and we had out own little mosh pit side stage.

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