Maybe Its Been Years Since I Genuinely Smiled | Chapter 1

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"Alice?" I looked over to my right to see my ex snapping his fingers in my face. "What?" I said obviously annoyed. "Were still going to the concert together right?" He said swinging his arm around me. I grunted. "I guess. But josh, were through so please stop hitting on me."

His arm retracted. "Alice? I said I was sorry." I scoffed. "Sorry that you cheated on me or sorry that I caught you!?" I said getting up and walking over to the counter. I walked behind the smoothie bar and put on my apron and getting back to work.

Well, my names Alice. I have black hair and i guess I'm just average everything. Josh is my ex. I caught him a few days ago hooking up with my best friend in the back of his car. He hasn't left me alone since and even hangs out here at my job all day.

I work at a smoothie bar, mainly half a day sometimes. Gotta pay for collage one way. I'm planning on getting a degree in photography. My parents. They didn't want anything to do with me after high school so they dumped me off and I lived on the streets for awhile. Josh actually took me in and helped me out till I got my own place.

I've been working here since, which is only been 1 year. Im 18

"Alice. You know it meant nothing." I turned around and put my hat on. "Then why would you do it? Huh?" "You weren't pu-" "I wasn't what? Putting out? You slept with my best friend. This concert is the last thing were doing together and I don't want to here it." I slammed my hands down.

I know, is a concert really worth hanging out who him all day? No, but this one is. It's to see Black Veil Brides this weekend, I'm not missing it. Even I'd I have to be around that jerk all day.

I was brought out of my thoughts by the time. My shift was over. I took my stuff off hanged them up and put them away. I walked out of the smoothie bar and closed the door. I should really use the bathroom before I leave first. I turned around and walked to where it was.

I could hear moaning and lip smacking, my curiously got the best of me and I walked towards the noise. Cause really who makes out around here by the bathrooms. I turned a corner and fuck. Josh was yet again making out with Wendy, by best friend.

"Didn't mean anything to you right?" I said just bearly a whisper but loud enough for them to hear. Josh and Wendy's eyes widened. "Alice I'm so-" "save it." I said and ran away. It hurt. It really hurt. I didn't want to show any emotions at all, but that did it.

I ran out the door and got in my car. I put my head on the steering wheel and broke down. I didn't want to cry cause then it would make it real. I didn't want to fall for him. But I did. And he's..he's a fucking asshole. "Fuck.." I cried shakily.

I started my car up and drove home. Tears still running down my face. "Even when I fall down to my knees, I never say a prayer I don't believe-" my phone rang. "Hello."

"Alice. I'm coming over." "NO!-" he hung up. Josh you jerk.

I drove a little faster and got there before him. I turned the car off and ran up to my apartment. I got in and closed the door and leaned on it and fell to the ground.

'Knock knock'

"Alice. Babe, open the door please let me explain." Josh spoke. I sighed and got up and opened it. "Oh Alice." He said bringing me into a hug, i pushed him off. "Okay, let's sit and I'll tell you everything." He walked us over to the living room and we sat down.

"Alice. The first time you saw us. I was..drunk and high. And so was Wendy, I had just picked her up from Alexs and she was crying and I Only went to hug her but she came on to me. I was to weak to do anything really and it happened."

I sighed. "The kiss at the mall was all her. She saw me and she remembered the whole car ride ordeal, she kissed me and said she wanted to get together. I told her no, cause. I love you Alice." And the tears fell. "Josh, your a fucking ass." I said. "I know. I'm so sorry for hurting you, and I regret those times more than anything."

"I love you too josh, but that was my best friend." I said grabbing his hand. "Then maybe let's just start over. Like date." He offered. I nodded. "So tomorrow. Me and you, maybe we'll see a movie and go out and eat. You know relax before the concert the next day?"

I smiled. "I'd like that." I said, he reached his hand up to my face and I thought he was going to kiss me. He surprised me by just wiping my tears away. "Your so beautiful Alice." He said running his fingers over my lips. I looked down at my shoes.

"What's wrong?" I sighed and looked over at him. "Nothing, just I feel like I'm forgiving you to fast." He pulled me closer. "I love you, you love me. It's fine." He said kissing my shoulder.

"I gotta get going now. I'll pick you up around 5 okay?" He got up and so did I. "Okay." I said walking him to the door. "Bye." "Bye-" he cut me off with a kiss. He pulled away from the kiss. "Bye." And with that he walked out. I closed the door and sighed.

I walked over to the window and locked it. I guess you could say I live in the dangerous part of town. There's been gunshots and break in, even some murders around these parts. But I've yet to see or hear anything.

Me apartment was about 5 stories up, so I could see over allot of stuff. I could see the venue the band would be playing at, it's not that far from here. I could see the small mall where I work. I sighed and walked over to my bed.

My shift today was all day. 10 to 9, I'm usually home around lunch, and just work mornings but, I'm making up for the weekend since I wouldn't be working.

I pulled out my phone and checked twitter and my other social networks. Nothing really just a bunch of new followers. I'm at 723,000 now.

I rolled over and my eyes caught something. My laptop. I smiled and jumped up. I turned it on and opened the webcam. "HEYYY!" I announced. I talked about relationships and the upcoming concert and how I was going to lick Andy's face.

I'm a Youtuber. I started making videos last year? Yeah I think so. Quite a bit of Misfits live here in the city. Nebraska. Misfit. The 'fans' came up with the name. 'Alice's misfits' so I call them misfits. There a family to me. The closest thing I've gotten to one.

I got a message on my twitter. I checked it, at first I thought it was josh. But it was only Brian.

'Hey Alice. Your going to the concert right?'
'Yeah? why do you and johnnie need a ride?'

Him and Johnnie are both Youtubers. They've been doing it longer than me.

'Yeah, and I was wondering if you were going to be taking pictures. I can get you a photographer pass.'
'Really? That be great.'
'Yeah, okay. I'll get it and see you the day of. Night Alice.'

I turned my phone off and started editing my video. I usually do this for twenty minutes. After I was done I started uploading it.

@AliceInWonderlvnd: Hey! I'm uploading a new video for you guys now! Go make sure to watch it and tell me what you think?' I tweeted. I got a bunch of tweets back. Saying things like.

'Omg, can't wait to see you there' or 'are you and Johnnie gonna start dating' 'when's the next QnA with Brian happening' yeahh. They're adorable. Me and Johnnie always joke around and they ship us pretty hard. But he's my best friend.

I closed and put away my laptop and got under the covers. I tucked my phone close to my chest and my eyes started getting heavy.

I guess well see how tomorrow's date goes with josh.

A/N how's that?? Pretty good? Too much for the first chapter? Is it a good idea making it with her being a Youtuber and including other Youtubers? Hmmm. Should I also have Andy's p.o.v or just hers?

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