Can We Learn To Feel Again | Chaoter 4

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"We have to call the cops" Andy said. "No! It's fine. This has happened before. They'll just tell me to not walk the streets late at night." His eyes widened. "Did they.." I shook my head. "I had gotten away in time. But if we called it would make things worse. And I didn't even see their faces."

He sighed. "Okay. But are you okay." I shook my head. "Why were walking? Didn't you drive here?" My heart sank remembering what happen. "I did. But josh took it.." "He..a few days ago he was cheating on me in his car, with my best friend. Then I caught him and her making out the other day...then he told me it was all her and that he loved me and didn't want to hurt me..I saw him and her making out while I was on stage.."

I cried. "He told her he broke up with me. And..I..he..I loved him." I cried clutching the blanket. He pulled me into a hug. "Shhh, it's okay." "He took my keys and went to her place. And the. I started walking.." I finished.

He kept rubbing my back. We were sat on the couch for awhile till the door opened and the rest of the boys walked in. "Andy! Hey ma- who's.." Ashley asked silently. Andy shook his head and pointed at the back of the bus. The boys went to it.

"What should I tell them?" He asked asking if I was okay win him telling them. "Doesn't matter. The truth?" I said letting some tears fall. He gave me a kiss on the head and walked to the back. I sat there and I could hear the quiet voices through the door.


"Isn't that the photographer?" Asked Jake. I nodded. "Alice? What's wrong." Asked Ashley. He remembered her from the interview. I sighed. "I was walking having my smoke when I heard her screams. I walked down this ally and there were two guys attacking her.

I had chased them off and she was on the ground covered in dirt. Just in her underwear and bra. With her shirt cut up." "Was she.." Asked CC. "No. They didn't." I said running my fingers through my hair. "Andy?" I hear Alice call. We turned and she was at the door.

"I want to go home." She said in a timid voice. I nodded. I looked back at the guys and nodded.

I walked over to my bag and grabbed out a shirt and some sweats. "Uh, here. You can wear these. You can't exactly go everywhere in a blanket." I offered to Alice. "Thanks." And she changed in the bathroom. She came out and was freezing.

"Here. Put this on." I said wrapping my jacket around her.

We walked to her house. It wasn't that far. We soon were at her door. "Thank you for saving me back there." She said. I gave her a hug. "No problem." I said rubbing her back. I felt my shoulder get wet. I pulled away and she was crying again.

"I'm sorry." She said wiping her eyes. "No, it's okay." She opened the door and sighed. God, I'd hate to leave her alone. "Um Andy. You dont have a show for another four days right?" She asked. I nodded. "Would you mind spending the night? I'd asked Brian but there all probably drunk or sleeping." She said her voice getting lower.

"You don't have to I Ju-" "I'd like that." I said cutting her off. She smiled and we walked in. "Um hold on." She said walking to her room. She changed I'm guessing cause she came out in shorts and a tank top. "Here. Brian usually leaves some clothes." She said handing me a pair of sweats. "I'm just gonna shower.." She said. I nodded.

I could hear the water running. I was walking g around looking at the pictures that were all over her walls. There was pictures of allot of people. I knew some people like Brian, and some other people from bands. Like Asking Alexandria. I heard someone walk behind me.

"You can sleep on the couch? Would that be good. It turned into a pull out bed." I nodded. "Are you thirsty?" "I'm good. I'll probably have some water later though." She nodded. "Well I'm going to bed. I'll see you in the morning. I'm thank you Andy." I looked over at her. "It's my pleasure." I said and see walked to her room.

I walked to the couch and set it up for me. I was laying down for a good two hours. I couldn't sleep. Not because I was on a couch bed or anything just cause I couldn't tell if Alice was okay. Was she having a good sleep.

Just as I was about to roll over I heard screams erupting from her room. I jumped up and ran to her bedside. "Alice. Hey Alice. It's okay." I said waking her up. She gasped and shot up. She pushed away from me. "No, stop, get away!" She said closing her eyes tight.

"Alice. It's me Andy. You okay. It was a bad dream." I said reassuring her. She calmed down and opened her eyes. "But it wasn't a bad dream." She whispered. "Hey, it's okay. Your safe. Nothing bad Is gonna happen as long as I'm here okay." I said looking her in the eyes.

She nodded. "Okay. Go back to sleep." I said getting up. I felt a hand grab me. "Don't go." She said quietly. I smiled down at her. She pushed over and I laid down beside her. "Thank you." She whispered. I just smiled. I soon heard her breath even out and she was sleeping.

I was about to move a little when her arm went around me. I froze and looked down at her. She looked so peaceful, how could anyone hurt her? I moved some hair out of her face and kissed her head. "Goodnight Alice."

You Just Don't Go Together (Andy Biersack)Where stories live. Discover now