I Think Im Breaking | Chapter 12

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"Oh my god..Johnnie. You'll see Alex again. It's not forever." Bryan said sitting down in the car. We were heading to the big warped tour meet up for Youtubers the day before it starts.

"Oh shut up Brian." I said gently slapping his arm. Johnnie came out of the apartment eventually. "Bye Alex." Me and Bryan said. (I always fuck up on Bryan's name. I write Brian sometimes.) he got in and we were off.

Were in my car. Bryan's car was in the shop. Plus it's my car so I get to choose the music. And we were off to L.A (don't know the distance from Nebraska to LA so just pretend it takes a few hours k) "Bryan you'll drive half way okay." I said as we left the city.

"I could." Offered Johnnie. "I'd rather not die." Bryan joked. Johnnie pushed his seat, Johnnie was sitting in the back seat snap chatting. It was getting boring so I put on some music, Hope Of Morning by Icon For Hire to be exact. One of my favourites.

"Can't wait to take some photos of them" I said grinning. "There playing warped?" I stopped the car. "What the fuck?" Johnnie said falling on the ground. "You did he warped tour announcements Bryan. How can you not know." He shrugged. "It's been awhile okay?" He said laughing.

I started driving again. I leaned a few other band that were going to be there. In This Moment, The Story So Far. "So your allowed to be taking pictures? Professionally as well?" Asked Johnnie. I nodded. "I'm allowed either way to take pictures, but I'm also a photographer for the whole warped so I'm getting paid to."

My phone started ringing. I answered it and held it with my shoulder. It was Andy. "Hey." "Hey, how's the drive?" I sighed. "It's going to be long." We had woke up at 4am and left within ten minutes. Johnnie stayed up all night. "Yeah, but don't worry you'll have a whole day to sleep." He said.

"Yeah! how's everything? Um do you mind if we go to yours till the meet up? Just to rest and stuff." I said hoping he'd agree. "Yeah, of course!" I smiled. "Awesome, I'll see you in awhile." "Yeah, bye." I hung up and a smile kept to my lips.

"Was that Andy?" Johnnie teased. Bryan just smiled at me and waited for my reply. "Yeah, and were going to his to rest before the meet up." Johnnie started moving around. "Ohh! Yeaa! Our girls growing up!" He cheered. "Oh shut up Johnnie were the same age."

I drove for a good 4 hours. We had 3 and a half to go still. I pulled over and let out a yawn. "Okay, Bryan your turn. Johnnie get your ass in front. I'm laying down now." I got up and got into the back and payed down. Falling asleep as soon as I was laid down.

"Jess. Wake up. We need to know where Andy lives?" Bryan asked. I opened my eyes and sat up. We were parked outside a Starbucks. "Yeah, hold on." I called Andy. "Yeah, where do you live? Haha" I asked. Johnnie passed me a drink and I nodded at him.

Andy gave me the address and I told him we'd be there soon. It was noon. We drove to the address and Bryan went to check of this was the house. We left our bags in the car. I got out and I stretched. Johnnie did the same. Bryan was hugging the guys. Me and Johnnie both walked up to the house. Went in and saw everyone.

"Hello, Alice!" Ashley yelled running to me and swinging me around. "Hey! No hogging." That voice. Oh how I've been waiting to hear it. I closed my eyes turned around and I threw my arms around Andy. He hugged me back. "I miss you." I said hugging him close. He let out a chuckle and put a hand on my chin and lifted my face up.

"I missed you too." And he kissed me. We must have stayed like that for five minutes cause everyone left to the living room. Bryan and Johnnie were already asleep on the couch. The other guys were watching tv or in the kitchen. We have three hours till were on the move.

"You want a tour?" Andy asked. We started in the living room. I pulled out my camera, I thought I'd be good for a YouTube video. I motioned it to Andy. "You mind?" I asked he shook his head. So I started recording him showing me around. "Well today were going on a tour of Mr.Biersacks house." I said the laughed.

It was a really big house. All the guys lived here so there's allot of rooms and bathrooms. The kitchen was huge, same with the living room. I let out a yawn. "Have a little sleep we got two hours." "I should." Where would I sleep though. I dot want everyone watching me down stairs.

Andy must've noticed me expression. "You can sleep in my room. Better than on a uncomfortable couch. Then again you'll be sleeping in my bunk for all summer." He chuckled. "Haha, yeah. And thanks." He led me to his room. "I'll wake you up before we have to leave." He said. I laid down and got the chills. I covered up and all I could smell was Andy.

The blanket became warm and I did not want to fall asleep cause I'd be missing out. But I did within two minutes.

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