Did You Really Think That You Could Fix Me | Chapter 19

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I rolled over and BAM I landed face first on the ground. I moaned out in pain and Andy jumped out of our bunk and helped me. I also woke the guys up as well, who also looked to see what happened. I could hear Jinxx laughing.

"Shut up, Jeremy." I said turning around and holding my nose. "You okay? Anything broken." Andy asked examining my face. It didn't feel broken. "I think I'm good. Hurts, but I'm good." I said looking at all the heads poking out of their bunks.

Andy was ago to kiss my forehead then he backed up. "Alice, here." He said passing me an old shirt I've never seen before. I was confused until I felt a drop on my leg. Damn nose bleed. I placed the shirt on my nose and made my way to the bathroom.

Only when I looked in the mirror I saw all the blood. Was I really that slow to put it on my nose? Damn that's quite allot. I thought looking at my pant legs.

"Here." Andy said handing me a pair of sweats and one of his tops. I smiled then looked back in the mirror. "How did you fall out of our bunk anyway?" He asked standing behind me with his arms on my waist.

I looked at him in the mirror. "I don't even know....well it doesn't hurt anymore." I said with a little giggle. I wiped my face and washed it, it stopped bleeding.

"You gonna shower?" Andy asked smirking. I laughed at him. "Yes, I am." He kissed the top go my head. "May I join?" He said pulling me closer. I turned around. "Why Andrew, you may." I said he wrapped his arm around me.

I was examining his tattoos. He was against removing tattoos so he still had the ones he had gotten for scout and Juliet. I didn't really mind. But it bothered me he had Juliet's name and nickname for her on himself.

He lifted my chin up. "C'mon, babe. Let's shower." He said kissing me. We got undressed and shower. Let's just say there wasn't allot of cleaning going on.

It was a couple weeks into warped tour, we had a day off so I have something planned. "Andy." I poked his ribs. He flinched, "Alice. Don't." He said kinda seriously. I let a little chuckle out. "CAN I STILL GET INTO HEAVEN IF I KILL MYSELF. CAN I STILL-" my phone rang. I shot up and answered it.

"Hello?" "Alice. Babe, we gotta talk." I sighed. Should've check the caller I.d. "No! And don't call again!" I snapped back at josh. "Fine, but I'll see you soon." I could almost hear the smirk in his voice. I just hung up.

Andy looked at me. I just shook my head, I didn't want to talk about it. "So, what do you want to do today?" I smirked. "I want a tattoo." His smile grew bigger.

We were getting ready and it suddenly hit me. It hits me every once in awhile and then. I stopped what I was doing and I thought. I'm a 19 year old, who's a photographer for AP magazine, who's currently a warped photographer and I'm dating Andy Biersack who lives miles away from me.

It was allot to take it, which I don't understand cause I live it everyday. I sat down and huffed. Wow. "You okay?" I looked up at Andy. "I know I say this all the time but, how the hell did I get so lucky." I said getting up and kissing Andy like there was no tomorrow.

He laughed. "Me either." We got up and out. We headed the the closet tattoo parlour which was half and hour away. On our way I told Andy what I was going to get done.

I was going to get a simple tattoo on the inner part of my arm close to where it bends. I'm getting Andy's name inside a batman logo. I think it's cute. It's one of his favourite things and I love both Andy and batman. Andy more though.

"I think I'll get one to." I smiled at him as we walked in. "Of.?" "Nah, uh, it's a secret. You'll have to wait and see." We told the lady what we wanted and she was free to do it right this second,

I was first. Andy had pulled out my camera from his bag and recoded me. You know, I think it'll make a good YouTube video. I gotta say, it didn't really hurt after awhile.

I smiled down at the finished product. "Wow, I love it!" Andy smiled. "Your turn." I said getting up and watching Andy. He insisted that I wait by the desk. I could still see him though, just not what he was getting done.

It took longer than mine. But he's done now. He got it on a spot on his arm where it was empty. "Wanna see?" He asked I nodded and he showed me it. It was the Cheshire Cat from Alice in wonderland with my name spelled in the teeth.

I gotta say that it was amazing. "OH MY GOD, MY NAME, AND THE CHESHIRE CAT. ANDY THIS IS GREAT." He chuckled, "well I thought since you got my name and the movie I'm in love with, I thought I'd so the same. Alice." He said kissing me.

I know I say this allot but how the fuck did I get so lucky?

A/N guys. I'll give y'all some music recommendations okie? There not huge bands, but I love them. 1.Stitched Up Heart. 2.Forever Still, and 3.City Of The Weak. I'm gonna sound all snobby and stuff or I'm gloating but eh. Um, Mixi, Stef, and Maja (the lead singers of the three bands) follow me on twitter. Also (more bragging .-.) Ash Costello (from New Years Day) spammed me on Instagram awhile ago.

*cringe* I feel gross now. Like I'm a bragging queen. But I just down have anyone to talk to about this kind of (music) stuff about with. So I'll probably add pointless Authors Notes like this one once in awhile.

Anywho, cute chapter. But what on earth are we gonna do with Juliet? And what about Carmella. Does Andy think he's not going to be a good dad? Also Josh, can't he just leave Alice alone, like damn guy.

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