Chapter 23:

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Amaani's POV:

I stared at him in shock. "How did you come to that conclusion?" I questioned, my frown deepening. He gave me an intense look that showed he was dead serious. "Location traced," he repeated. "That's what it said. Obviously, it means someone tried to trace you through that bracelet. And if my guess is correct then you're in trouble." he explained.

I glanced at Sufiyaan who looked scared out of his mind. "This is bad..." he trailed off. He had a guilty look on his face and I feared that it was because he thought it was his fault that I was in danger. I turned to him quickly. "I'm sure it must mean something else. The bracelet is probably broken." I tried.

"I think Sir Jaber is right. There are low chances of it just saying that because it's broken." Usama stepped up. The air was filled with sharp silence and everyone had a nervous expression on. Usama and Saira looked at each other, sharing confused looks while Broad shoulders was still in deep thought. I felt the worst for Sufiyaan because he looked like he was regretting ever coming there.

"But why would someone be after me? Lx16 isn't here anymore. And the attackers openly said that they were after her not me." I pointed out, trying to lighten the situation. "Because you have her bracelet, Amaani. They, whoever they are, still think you're Lx16." Saira said.

"That means she needs to take that off immediately and throw it somewhere far away," Jaber stated. At that, Sufiyaan, Saira, and Usama gave a nod of agreement. "I think so too," Sufiyaan said.

"But I can't take it off. It's not even budging." I cried. I tried to take it off again and showed them but all in vain. Silence again. No one said a thing.

Finally, I gave up. "Okay guys, think good things. Inshaa Allah, no one's coming after me." At this point, if I told them that the bracelet had behaved the same way before the attack, they would freak out.

Sufiyaan would literally kill me for being so reckless and not telling him that before. And I would earn a disappointed look from Broad shoulders. Saira would just let out a sigh of frustration while Usama would start to worry about my wellbeing. Alhamdulillah, I had people there to worry for me but it wasn't as convenient as it looked.

"Thinking good things won't change anything, Ms. Sohail. You'll still be in danger." Jaber clarified. Sufiyaan was already waiting to agree with him as he gave me a look saying, 'obviously'. I humphed and looked the other way. "It will. You should always have good thoughts and stay positive. It's also promoted by Islam." I said as a matter of fact.

A smile formed on Usama's face. "Well you can't argue with that," he admitted. Jaber shot him an angry look and he quickly straightened himself. "Staying positive is good but being foolish and ignorant isn't. There's a fine line between those two things." he scoffed. My eyes widened in disbelief and I gasped.

"Are you saying that I'm foolish and ignorant?"

He looked at me with a poker face. "I didn't say anything. But if that's what you want to believe then I can't do anything about it." he simply said. I glared at him with all the anger I had in me. "Honestly!" that was all I could say before bristling and looking away. I wanted to say more but let it go because everyone in the room was worried about me. As much as it didn't look like it, I had a feeling he was too so I ended it there.

Besides, I liked to stay out of fights.

"What are we supposed to do now?" Saira questioned. Everyone automatically looked to Broad shoulders as if he had the answer. He sighed. "We just need to hide Ms. Sohail. For now at least." he turned around after saying that. "Both of you need to take extra care of yourselves and avoid going out. I'll send some guards to secure your house. On the other hand," he glanced sideways towards Usama before continuing. "I want you to send a team to check the border with Ushain again. Make sure no one gets suspicious."

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