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—-Third Person's POV—-

With confident, purposeful strides and a keen, observant gaze, Jaber moved through the familiar round houses of Megmel. Advanced bikes and sleek vehicles were parked outside, a testament to the bustling activity usually present in the neighborhood. But ever since he had come, the residency had never been calmer and quieter.

A faint smile played on his lips as he stopped in front of a children's playground. His tall figure took in the serene scene around him—the sun at its height, the melodious chirping of birds, and the joyful laughter and chatter of children booming through the playground. Each child bore the distinctive features of the Nuristani people; prominent eyes, defined noses, and sun-kissed skin. He recognized some as the children of the Dulpus and it only amused him how well they blended with the actual Nurstani children. 

Amidst the playful kids, Jaber's gaze was drawn to a little girl, barely four years old, merrily sliding down the playground's slide. Her infectious giggles reminded him of a certain someone. His smile widened as he approached for a closer look. The little girl had long, straight, chestnut-brown hair, secured in a thick ponytail, and she wore a bright yellow dress that complemented her relatively fair complexion, standing out among her playmates.

"Amira—" his voice halted as his gaze trailed to a tall man sitting on his knees, patting the girl's head with an all too casual and friendly demeanor. He frowned at his clothes that matched the local Kazefandrian outfit but he was oddly familiar.

He hurried closer, a bit of unease settling in his chest. "Hey! Who are you?" his voice was enough for the man to stand up and turn around, catching the attention of little Amira as well whose big round brown eyes snapped to Jaber.

The man turned around, a smirk on his face as he pushed his hands into the pocket of his brown trousers. "Long time no see, Jaber."

In an instant, Jaber grabbed his collar. "What are you doing around my daughter, Lx2?" his voice was dangerously low as he tightened his grip on the equally broad and tall man. "Daddy...?" Amira was confused, looking between the two identical men, trying to figure out who her daddy was. "Stop scaring the poor girl, Jaber. I'm only here to see how you've been." Lx2's smirk didn't fade even when Jaber's hold got firmer.

Jaber frowned, glancing once at his little girl's troubled expression and then back to his annoyingly smug Duplus. His hands left him and he straightened himself up.

"State your purpose for coming back to Megmel, Lx2. Haven't you heard? This is my territory now." Jaber said, his hands moving to pick up Amira and keep her close to his chest. Lx2 seemed amused by the gesture, his smirk faltering to a smile. "Is it bad that I wanted to check up on how things are under you?" he asked, coming closer and pinching Amira's cheek, the first gesture of affection he had ever displayed.

Amira giggled as she looked at Lx2, already fond of the man which seemed to annoy Jaber further.

"Daddy, why does he look just like you?" Amira asked with an innocent smile, making Jaber a bit wary of just how close they had gotten when he wasn't looking. Before he could respond, Lx2 jumped in. "I'm your daddy's twin brother, little girl. Call me uncle."

Though it irked him, Jaber couldn't say that he found it completely unacceptable especially since Amira looked so confused. He relented, sighing as he nodded at the little troublemaker in his hands. "Call him uncle, Ree."

Amira's face beamed as she held out her short arms to Lx2. "Uncle has a very funny beard!" she giggled, catching Lx2 off guard. A slightly offended frown covered his expression as he felt his growing stubble. "I see she has some of that girl, Amaani in her." He commented unamused.

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